
In the battle of fate, how did Xiang Yu, the grandson of Xiang Yan, capture Wang Li, the grandson of Wang Qian?

author:The queen is domineering

Chu and Han competed, and the duel between Xiang Yu and Wang Li could be called a battle of fate. Although Xiang Yu was not afraid of the enemy, in the face of the Qin army's chessboard-like camp formation, how did he see through the layout and find the target? When the Chu army approached step by step, how did Wang Li respond? What's even more thrilling is that at the critical moment when the snow and rain are approaching, how will the two sides plan for a decisive victory? What kind of major turning point will the outcome of this fateful battle bring to the pattern of the world? Let's find out.

In the battle of fate, how did Xiang Yu, the grandson of Xiang Yan, capture Wang Li, the grandson of Wang Qian?

Xiang Yu's strategy: Discover the mystery of the Qin army's barracks

Work hard, unswerving. This is exactly the realm that Xiang Yu has pursued all his life. As the grandson of Xiang Yan, a famous general of the Chu State, Xiang Yu has a family feud against Qin. Fifteen years ago, his ancestors Xiang Yan and Wang Jian fought against Chendi and nearly defeated the Qin army in one fell swoop. Although it was a pity that the plan could not be calculated, that battle left Xiang Yu with valuable experience.

After this battle, the young Xiang Yu absconded with his uncle and returned to his hometown. His uncle told him that when the Qin army set up camp, they often dug tunnels as emergency evacuation routes. This detail caught Xiang Yu's attention. A few years later, Xiang Yu led more than 100 warriors to secretly return to the battlefield of that year, they hid in the mountains and forests during the day, dug the ground at night, and finally found the law of the Qin army's excavation tunnels.

It turned out that the Qin army did not set up tunnels on the periphery of the camp, which was to prevent exposure. The fortifications in the middle of the camp will be dug in pairs to facilitate reinforcements and retreat. This discovery was undoubtedly a major breakthrough for Xiang Yu, and it accumulated valuable experience for future battles. Since then, he has gained a deeper understanding of tactical deployment.

Time flies, and Xiang Yu is already a famous general in the world. In the face of the battle of the giant deer, he still did not forget the lessons of the past. When he saw the Qin army's barracks, Xiang Yu calmly observed and found that three of the fortresses that were extremely close to each other were quite suspicious. With years of experience, he deduced that there were tunnels connecting these three fortresses, which were a copy of the tricks of the Qin army back then. And Wang Li, as Wang Qian's grandson, will naturally follow the method of the ancestors.

With this discovery, how did Xiang Yu respond? He ordered the crowd to gallop around a number of Qin army camps, intending to thoroughly investigate and confirm. Sure enough, he found that except for a few fortresses in the center, there were no traces of tunnels in the rest of the camps. In this way, Xiang Yu's words were shocking, and he immediately decided to attack the three suspicious fortresses first, and capture the place where Wang Li was.

Is it boldness, or is it cunning? Xiang Yu showed admirable strategy and determination. It was precisely by relying on this deep family heritage and tactical reserves that Xiang Yu finally took the lead in this fateful battle.

Wang Li was determined: to hold the defensive line to meet the attack of the Chu army

The Battle of the Giant Deer was a life-and-death duel between the two legions. When Xiang Yu laid a net of heaven and earth, Wang Li did not slack off. This grandson of Wang Jian has always been brave, even if the Chu army pressed the border, he also calmly coped with it, trying his best to defend the position.

Julu County is located in the hinterland of Hebei, surrounded by mountains, and it is very convenient for business travel. After the main force of the Qin army arrived quickly, they quickly dug camps and built a strong defense line. Wang Li really followed Wang Qian's deployment method back then, and the core camps all had ups and downs and were connected to each other. Layers of fortresses guarded the central area, and the Qin camp suddenly became a great wall of steel.

In the battle of fate, how did Xiang Yu, the grandson of Xiang Yan, capture Wang Li, the grandson of Wang Qian?

After the Chu army crossed from Zhangshui, they saw the Qin array in a fierce manner. Wang Li did not place a single soldier, but waited and watched. He really expected that Xiang Yu was fearless and fearless, and he would definitely not look forward to this kind of formation. Sure enough, Xiang Yu galloped on his horse, personally leading the vanguard to approach the camp, and the two sides were on the verge of breaking out.

In the face of the menacing Chu army, Wang Li did not panic, but waited calmly. He instructed his generals not to be lured out of the position by Xiang Yu, and once the Chu army attacked, they must stick to the camp and block it with all their might. Just like back then, this was the only magic weapon for the Qin army to win.

With the two sides close at hand, Wang Li ordered the first round of arrows to be fired. The Qin army's strong crossbowmen shot long arrows angrily, covering the sky and the sun and attacking the Chu array. Xiang Yu was really prepared and had broken up the military formation, greatly reducing the casualties. Subsequently, the Chu army immediately covered the advance, adopted a dense small formation, and rushed towards the Qin army.

The two sides fought each other in close quarters, and the battle was fierce. Wang Li just watched coldly, not leaving the Chinese military camp an inch. He understood that the key was whether the Chu army could capture the core of the position. The impregnable camp will be the final decisive battle site of the Qin army.

Soon, the Chu army began to concentrate on the main attack. Seeing this, Wang Li ordered his henchmen to suppress the fire and block as much as possible. At the same time, he informed the princes not to act rashly and waste their troops. The princes were all jealous and forced to obey orders. However, as time passed, the princes split one by one and finally joined the warband.

Fighting all day, heavy casualties on both sides. However, the Qin army camp was not breached. Wang Li still instructed in his heart: "Hold on!" As long as the position is not lost, our generation will be able to turn defeat into victory in the end! "

At night, the temperature plummets and heavy snow is coming. Wang Li secretly rejoiced, this was God's mercy and gave Qin Jun an opportunity. He was determined to wait for the snow to come, so he counterattacked the Chu army and took advantage of the chaos to take risks. This night, Wang Li will gamble everything and fight to the death with Xiang Yu.

Fan Zeng's intimate move: predict the weather and give hints

There is no way to spare, and there is no thought to spare. As Xiang Yu's cronies and strategists, Fan Zeng has always been like this. He always pays attention to all the changes around him, analyzes and summarizes them, and gives advice to the manager. It was with this caution and carefulness that Fan Zeng played a key role in the Battle of Julu.

Just when Chu and Qin were fighting for life and death, Fan Zeng noticed a vague change in the sky. During the day, he looked out at the horizon and noticed that the clouds were rising and the temperature was dropping. After careful analysis, Fan Zeng judged that the situation would take a major turn.

He immediately rode his horse and galloped to the camp, looking for Xiang Yu to give a report. Seeing Fan Zeng coming in a hurry, Xiang Yu turned over and dismounted to greet him. As soon as Fan Zeng opened his mouth, he expressed his chest: "General, stay." Last night I watched the sky, today there will be a strong wind, tonight it will be rain and snow, the general will fight a quick battle today. "

In the battle of fate, how did Xiang Yu, the grandson of Xiang Yan, capture Wang Li, the grandson of Wang Qian?

He was out of breath, but he didn't stop at all, and turned and galloped to the woodyard. As a member of the army, Fan Zeng is responsible for internal and external affairs. He is both a counselor and a man of the people. He was concise and to the point, and immediately left to cut firewood and make all preparations for the soldiers to keep out the cold.

When Xiang Yu heard this, he couldn't help but boil with enthusiasm. Except for the deceased Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng is the most caring person to him in the world. This prediction is accurate, which is in response to Fan Zeng's praise for "seeking deep and far-sighted". Xiang Yu immediately decided to take advantage of the eve of the snow and rain to directly take the core of the camp, capture Wang Li alive, and decide the situation in one fell swoop.

With Fan Zeng's timely reminder, Xiang Yu was like a tiger with wings. He personally led his army to march forward bravely, exploring far away outside the Qin camp, looking for suspicious lines of defense. Sure enough, the three camps were too close together to catch his attention. Xiang Yu immediately judged that there must be tunnels in between, so that such a strict deployment could be made.

He ordered the Chu army to attack these three positions first, and be sure to capture the camp where Wang Li was located. The Chu army was surging like a tide of rage, quickly approaching the heart of the Qin array. Before Wang Li could react, he had already fallen into Xiang Yu's skillful net.

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent is the only way to win all battles. On the one hand, Xiang Yu's strategy, and on the other hand, Fan Zeng's precise control of the situation. This has played a decisive role in this life-and-death battle.

The battle situation is critical: the two sides are tired of fighting viciously, attacking and defending to the death

Jin Ge Iron Horse, bloody rain and bloody wind. As night fell, the battle on the battlefield of the giant deer had reached a fever pitch. Both sides did their best to determine the winner.

The momentum of the Chu army was like a rainbow, and according to Xiang Yu's strategy, the main attack target was compressed to the three camps where Wang Li was. They pounced like wild tigers, trying to break through the defenses. However, the defense of the Qin army was also miserable, with a dense rain of arrows above the camp and a tide of Chu warriors under the camp. Arrows swirled, swords and halberds clashed, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Wang Li sat in the Chinese army, watched coldly, and sometimes ordered to strengthen the defense in a certain direction. He knew that only by holding these three camps to the death could he avoid the complete breakdown of the front. At the last moment, as the night grew thicker, the smell of rain became more and more intense.

Sure enough, just as the two sides were fighting fiercely, the sky suddenly slowed for a moment, followed by a heavy snowfall frantically. In an instant, everything on the earth was shrouded in a layer of white, and the road ahead seemed to obscure the eyes. The Chu army was in chaos and hurriedly fought on its footing.

And Wang Li was prepared, and he ordered to lead the army to break through in the snow. Thousands of warriors shot out like shuttles, rushing towards the rear of the Chu army in an attempt to crush their opponents in the snow. The two sides were entangled in the snow, and the fight was hearty.

In the battle of fate, how did Xiang Yu, the grandson of Xiang Yan, capture Wang Li, the grandson of Wang Qian?

Seeing this, Xiang Yu personally pulled his horse to kill, and roared and ordered: "Why worry about Xueji, you must destroy the formation of Wang Li!" Stand in array and shout, kill hard! The Chu army was inspired by his bravery and fought even more bravely to kill the enemy. The army was soon regrouped on the three camps, and the two sides were locked in a fight.

Finally, when the snow slowed down slightly, the Chu army broke through the encirclement first. A vanguard rushed into the largest fortress. At this time, Wang Li urgently ordered all sides to counterattack, trying to trap the Chu army in the city. However, the Chu army then killed thousands of warriors. Seeing that the opportunity had been lost, Wang Li concentrated his entire army on the last camp and defended it desperately.

In the blink of an eye, the first three camps have been conquered by the Chu army, and the final life-and-death decisive battle between the two sides is coming!

The final battle of Xiang Yu's general attack: capturing Wang Li alive and turning the tide of the battle

The long-awaited decisive battle is finally here! The Chu army has already struck first and taken the lead. Wang Liqin led the last army and desperately defended the only remaining large camp. The two sides will decide the winner here!

All plots have come to an end. Xiang Yu personally waved his army to kill, and he wanted to completely destroy Wang Li's foundation in this battle. The Chu army swept like wild sand, besieging Wang Lituan in the camp.

The bloody battle was extremely fierce, and the rain of arrows covered the sky and the sun. The Chu army fought like a hungry tiger pounced, trying to break through the fortifications. However, the Qin army also resisted stubbornly, and they fired a volley of fierce tigers and cold arrows to stop the Chu army. The two sides come and go, and it is difficult to inseparate.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Xiang Yu suddenly gave an order, and the army immediately divided into several units and launched a general attack from different directions. It was his final chess move. Several armies swarmed up, completely enveloping the Qin camp and launching a powerful flanking attack.

Inside and outside the camp, there are battlefields filled with gunpowder smoke everywhere. Wang Li fought hard to supervise the battle and went into battle to kill the enemy. He refused to back down at all, and was still trying to hold the last side of the camp. However, the impregnable offensive of the Chu army has gradually overwhelmed the Qin army.

Finally, in a wave of frantic Chu army charges, the Qin camp lost several corners. Subsequently, the Chu army quickly dug a tunnel and killed it along the dark passage. Wang Li's main force was completely surrounded, and his life hung by a thread!

When Xiang Yu heard the news, he shouted angrily, and the sound shook the valley. He galloped off his horse and jumped off his horse along the other side of the Qin camp, and couldn't help but say that he had entered the tunnel, and personally took the lead in rushing into the encirclement and facing Wang Li in the end.

In the battle of fate, how did Xiang Yu, the grandson of Xiang Yan, capture Wang Li, the grandson of Wang Qian?

For a time, the two sides were victorious, you fought for me, and the fight was inseparable. Just when the two armies were fighting hard and did not know the winner, Xiang Yu suddenly shouted: "Wang Li, the flag is in hand, why hurt yourself!" "

He held a white flag, and although his face was serious, his tone was unexpectedly soft. Xiang Yu said: "We are all in-laws, how can we care about the size, the most important thing is to know ourselves and know the other, why do we need to bleed and drift." "

The king was silent for a long time, and finally abandoned the spear and threw it on the ground. Xiang Yu immediately ordered his subordinates: "Wang Li has laid down his weapons, and he has nothing to do." Collect troops and truce to avoid injuries and peace. "

In this way, the Chu army returned victoriously and captured Wang Li alive. After this battle, only the two heroes of Western Chu were left in the world, and Xiang Yu further dominated the battle. Wang Li, on the other hand, was imprisoned with courtesy and spent his entire life.