
The Secret CIA Archives (I)

author:Look at the world

The CIA is one of the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world, with a track record of coups, political assassinations, drug trafficking, espionage, and the involvement of its employees in a series of international scandals. Now the CIA will boldly add to its collection covert operations to search for UFOs, which are slowly becoming public knowledge. Three years ago, under pressure from journalists, the CIA was forced to release some of the archives containing 2,780 pages of UFO information — something that U.S. intelligence has been collecting and analyzing in recent years.

The Secret CIA Archives (I)

The dossier also mentions an incident in Russia in which a mysterious explosion occurred in the city of Sasovo, Ryazan region, in April 1991, when a powerful explosion of unknown nature woke thousands of residents during the night, and before that, dozens of residents were awakened. Witnesses claim that they saw UFOs in the sky.

The Secret CIA Archives (I)

But that was all a long time ago. The British tabloid Daily Mail published a major news investigation about how a secret unit of the CIA searched for alien planes for decades with some success. Anonymous sources told reporters that since 2003, all issues regarding UFOs have been handled by the Global Access Office (OGA), which is part of the CIA's Office of Science and Technology. This top-secret unit has created a whole "system" for identifying UFOs when searching for them. According to anonymous sources, if an alien spacecraft lands or crashes, or is shot down, then US special forces will be immediately sent to the place to locate it. OGA is able to provide special forces with secret access to anywhere on the planet.

The Secret CIA Archives (I)

As a result of the activities of the intelligence services, the US government began to have at least nine UFOs, two of which were intact and the rest damaged.

Specialists in the lab are working on extraterrestrial technology in an attempt to uncover the secrets of the aliens. For the Daily Mail reporter, the location of the X warehouse, which houses the alien craft, remains a mystery. Maybe the famous UFOLOGIST Scott Welling will help us with this. Using Google Maps, he discovers a mysterious airport in southern Nevada.

The Secret CIA Archives (I)

In 2010, in a photo taken on the Internet in the "S4 Zone", Scott Waring noticed a mysterious structure with a triangular pattern, and several hangars nearby. This mysterious object is located a few kilometers from the American Edwards Air Force Base, popularly known as Area 51. Renowned UFO scientists are convinced that it is a 30-meter-long UFO. Perhaps a UFO discovered by the CIA is hiding in "S4 Zone". Well, hopefully, journalists everywhere will go deep into the "S4 zone" and provide us with more convincing evidence, as well as links to sources.

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