
I can't laugh anymore! Research: Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, rush to the hot search, and the comment area will fall

author:Kind leaves zzh

#研究: Eating too much pork can accelerate aging#

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I can't laugh anymore! Research: Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, rush to the hot search, and the comment area will fall

Hey, have you heard? Studies say that eating too much pork accelerates aging, believe it or not? Our pork is a frequent guest at the table, but once this study comes out, do we have to make people reconsider our eating habits?


Let's first talk about the "Diet and Moderation" in "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing", which doesn't mean that we have to eat in a certain way, and we can't be greedy. If you eat too much pork, does it violate this principle of "moderation"?

I can't laugh anymore! Research: Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, rush to the hot search, and the comment area will fall

In the past, the ancients said that "too much", isn't this just a reminder that everything must have a degree, and it is not good to go too far. If you eat too much pork, isn't it a bit "too much"?

Netizens are hotly discussed

In the past, there was no pig feed for pigs. There is no technology and hard work, most of them are free-range

I can't laugh anymore! Research: Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, rush to the hot search, and the comment area will fall

Generally, people who like to eat pork are relatively fat, and as soon as they get fat, various problems will appear in the body

I can't laugh anymore! Research: Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, rush to the hot search, and the comment area will fall

That's because you think it's good to eat meat, Andy Lau just doesn't eat meat and is a vegetarian, and he looks young

I can't laugh anymore! Research: Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, rush to the hot search, and the comment area will fall

Hahaha, don't button your hat indiscriminately, it's hard to say how long people can live

I can't laugh anymore! Research: Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, rush to the hot search, and the comment area will fall

In the past, people lived in poor conditions, and they couldn't eat much meat in a year

I can't laugh anymore! Research: Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, rush to the hot search, and the comment area will fall

Final Words:

Eating too much pork will accelerate aging, believe it or not? This is not just a simple question of eating habits, but a profound topic about health, moderation and quality of life.

Tell me, what do you think about the research that eating too much pork will accelerate aging? Do you also think that we need to reconsider our eating habits, so that we can eat modestly and nourish our hearts and desires?

Let's exchange ideas in the comment area, share our views and experiences, and discuss this interesting topic together!
