
Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

author:Entertainment circle
Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

Literary \ entertainment circle

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In the turmoil in the entertainment industry, the divorce of Da S and Wang Xiaofei is still one of the focuses of public attention.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

Recently, with the news of Wang Xiaofei's remarriage and the suspected pregnancy of his new wife Ma Xiaomei, this marriage that has been settled has once again been pushed to the forefront. In particular, Big S's attitude towards his ex-mother-in-law Zhang Lan has caused widespread public discussion.

Big S's repetition this time is simply about to force Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei onto the cliff! I heard that she agreed, and the two little babies wanted to go back to Beijing to see their father and Xiaomei's mother, so she agreed and said that she would support everything.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

As a result, in the blink of an eye, it changed again! This is already the third time, I said, once or twice is fine, three times is too much, right? This is not a joke, this is to stir up big things in the family!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

It's not easy for Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, it's really choking to be so troubled by Big S. You said, in the final analysis, the affairs of a person's family must be honest! Big S is doing this, not only destroying the harmony of the family, but also affecting the mood and life of the children. Don't look at Wang Xiaofei and Xiaomei are doing well now, but such a drama at home is enough to be congested.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

It's really unsightly! Big S's untrustworthy behavior is simply playing with fire! Isn't this going to burn yourself? Don't think that a few arrogant strokes can get things done at home, this kind of deception is not only unconvincing, but also brings more troubles and uneasiness to the family.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

At the end of the day, the most important thing in family relationships is trust and commitment. Big S is so capricious, it's really speechless. Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are also aggrieved enough, they obviously agreed to something, but they changed their hexagrams, aren't they playing with their feelings? Anyway, I hope they can deal with the internal problems of this family as soon as possible, and don't let Big S continue to be so willful!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

This thing is not simple, if Big S doesn't converge a little more, the road ahead will be difficult. People do not stand without faith, and this is especially true of families. I hope she can recognize the situation, reflect on her behavior, and stop making the problem bigger and bigger. Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei still have to communicate more and be more tolerant in order to do family affairs well!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

Big S made this mistake this time, I have to say, it was really because of the shrimp peeling thing. Have you heard? Ma Xiaomei peeled shrimp for Wang Xiaofei, but it became popular! When Big S saw this scene at home, he must have mixed feelings. What is the matter of peeling a shrimp? But Big S has to make a fuss, it's not a joke, it's just a mess!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

You see, Ma Xiaomei, as a good wife and mother, it is natural for Ma Xiaomei to help peel a shrimp. This is the basic etiquette of being a wife and daughter-in-law, but Big S has to do it like a big thing. She's really making a fuss, and this kind of thing can be entangled endlessly, it's really unreasonable!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

Don't say it, this is actually a small episode in a normal family, why can't Big S watch it? If you continue to dwell on this little thing, it will not be worth it. Life is just a few decades, and such a bad thing can make the family uneasy, it's too boring!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

I think it's better for Big S to calm down and don't make a big deal out of small things. It would be unwise for her to be unhappy again over such a small matter. She should understand that everyone has their own way of life and cannot always impose their own standards on others. After all, family harmony is the most important thing!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

Ma Xiaomei did this just to take care of the feelings of her family, why should Big S bother about it? To be honest, if she continues to dwell on this matter, she will only make herself and her family unhappy, which is more than worth the loss!

Big S has really made a mess of things during this time! I heard that Junye was going back to South Korea to work all summer vacation, which made Big S start to sweat.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

She may be worried that after the two children return to Beijing, they will be alone. But the question is, how can she take into account the feelings of the children in her current mentality? She just felt that as long as she was unhappy, everyone had to be with her to be uncomfortable, which was ridiculous!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

I think Big S should know that the current situation is completely caused by herself, and it has nothing to do with Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei! The sins she has done for herself should be borne by herself. venting your dissatisfaction on others is really a bit tasteless and immoral!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

Hearing the news that Big S had changed his mind again, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei immediately put down what they were doing and flew back to Taipei two days in advance! Looking at the news of Zhang Lan's live broadcast, they don't plan to give up the plan to take the two babies back to Beijing at all, and are ready to negotiate and communicate with Big S again, and strive to let the children meet their grandparents!

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

It seems that Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are really worried about the growth of the children! They work so hard to give their children a complete family and affection experience. But what about Big S? She ignored the feelings of the children and only cared about her own unhappiness, which was really a bit selfish.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

As a public figure, every decision of Big S will receive attention and evaluation from the outside world.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

In this dispute driven by personal emotions and interests, Da S's behavior not only affected her relationship with her ex-husband Wang Xiaofei, but also may have a long-term impact on her public image. She needs to think carefully about her behavior and should be more cautious and considerate when dealing with her relationship with her children.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

I hope that Big S can think twice and find a mutually acceptable solution for the sake of the children's happiness.

Big S changes hexagram again! refused to let the two babies return to Beijing, and reiterated that they would not let Zhang Lan see the baby, it was full of gunpowder!

In this story, there are no winners, and only through communication and understanding can the most appropriate solution be found. After all, in the hearts of children, the warmth of family and the love of their parents are what they need most.

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