
The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

author:Mingxin Entertainment

A woman found that the 130,000 yuan deposit in her deceased husband's account had disappeared, but the bank said that the balance was 0.

It was found that the counter staff had mistakenly taken the balance shown in the passbook as the available balance. If the business is not familiar, the responsible person will deal with it seriously.

In these days, there is also a risk of saving money in the bank? Ms. Zhang, a woman, recently discovered that the deposit of 130,000 yuan in her deceased husband's account disappeared out of thin air, which is simply a modern version of the "bank robbery"!


But what is laughable is that the explanation given by the bank is that the counter staff mistakenly took the balance shown in the passbook as the available balance of the account, which is really ridiculous.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

The bank's explanation is really laughable, are the bank employees not even familiar with the most basic business? In the face of this unbelievable mistake, the bank said that it would seriously deal with those responsible.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

This may sound powerful, but in reality? Are the results really a warning, or are they just "understated"?

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

Speaking of which, I can't help but think of another news some time ago: when a bank customer made a deposit at an ATM, the amount was not received due to a machine failure, but the bank once refused to admit the machine problem, and finally reluctantly admitted it under the pressure of public opinion.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

There is one thing in common behind both things - banks often lack sufficient transparency and responsibility in the face of customer doubts, and they have to respond until public opinion ferments.

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

Netizens are hotly discussed

"It's so funny, it's a mistake to find it, and it's gone if you don't find 130,000?" Then another netizen replied: "The bank means that there is no available balance in the first place, but the staff read it wrong before.... So, no money"

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

Enthusiastic netizens are still answering the confusion of netizens: "Don't you understand, there is no money in the first place." It's the kind of passbook and card, the card that has been used, the money is used up, and the passbook is still the original flow, thinking that there are still 130,000"

Netizens chattered: "But people have asked the bank before, and the bank replied twice that there is this money, how can it be a mistake, and there is no penny"

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

There are too many "mistakes" of the bank, and every time it is a "coincidental mistake"

"Has anyone ever heard of someone's loan being made disappear?"

"How many ownerless accounts have been mistaken by banks in recent years?"

The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the bank apologized: the employee's personal behavior was improper

It's really not strange to enthusiastic netizens, I wonder if you can experience this mood?

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