
Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "On the long face and even in the eyes"

author:Xiao Wei said entertainment

Recently, the music competition program "Singer 2024" broadcast by Hunan Satellite TV ushered in the eighth phase of the ultimate list competition, and the wonderful performances of the powerful singers attracted the attention of many audiences. The powerful singer Tan Weiwei won the championship with his outstanding performance, Faouzia Fanxia won the second place, and Na Ying, who has been in the spotlight, won the award of this competition with a third place.

Just when the audience was happy for Na Ying's award, a piece of news about her physical condition made everyone feel distressed. In the process of the competition, Na Ying has been singing on stage with illness, and she also suffered from shingles, which is very distressing.

As a common skin disease, herpes zoster not only brings severe pain to patients, but also easily affects the nerves and has a certain impact on the physical health of patients. For patients with chronic diseases like Na Ying, the pain after illness is more severe, and the recurrence of the disease is more likely.

While we care about and applaud Na Ying's performance, we should also pay more attention to the artist's physical health at work, hope that she can recover as soon as possible, and also hope that the society can give more care and support.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "On the long face and even in the eyes"

1. Na Ying won the third place, but she suffered from shingles

In this issue of the "Singer 2024" competition, Na Ying's outstanding performance has been unanimously recognized by the audience and the judges, especially in many breakout competitions, Na Ying's strength and charm are even more impressive.

When Na Ying finally won the award of this competition with the third place, the atmosphere at the scene was also ignited by her achievements, and the audience was happy for her award and expressed their heartfelt congratulations on her outstanding performance.

Just when everyone was happy for Na Ying's award, a piece of news about her physical condition made people very distressed. During the competition, Na Ying insisted on singing on stage despite illness, and also suffered from shingles, which made the audience and fans very distressed and worried.

Herpes zoster, a common skin condition caused by varicella-zoster virus infection, is characterized by the appearance of shingles on the skin of the patient, accompanied by severe pain.

Moreover, unlike general skin diseases, the pain of shingles is not limited to the surface of the skin, it can easily affect the patient's nerves and have a certain impact on the patient's physical health.

For patients, once they suffer from shingles, it will be accompanied by severe pain, and such pain will last for a long time, which will bring certain troubles to the patient's life and work.

For patients with chronic diseases like Na Ying, once she is sick, the pain she feels will be more severe than that of ordinary people, and she is prone to recurrence of the disease, which will have a certain impact on her physical health and work.

After learning such news, the audience and fans are very distressed and worried, and they also hope that Na Ying can take some time to rest, adjust her physical condition, don't force herself, physical health is the most important thing.

2. Artists should seek medical attention in time to protect their bodies

Na Ying has been singing on stage with illness during the competition, although this persistence and dedication have been recognized and affirmed by the audience, but her practice has also caused everyone's concern about her physical condition.

After all, the efforts and sweat put in by artists in their work are very worthy of respect and affirmation, but physical health is also crucial.

In the face of similar situations, we hope that artists can seek medical attention in time, understand their physical condition, and learn to protect their bodies, and don't ignore their physical health because of work.

Only by maintaining a good physical condition can we have a better performance and bring more excellent works to the audience, and such dedication and efforts are truly worthy of encouragement and affirmation.

For the audience, I also hope that everyone can pay more attention to and understand the pressure and difficulties faced by artists in their work, not only pay attention to their performance performance, but also care about their physical condition at work, and give them more care and support.

Only after receiving the care and support from all walks of life can artists face various challenges more calmly and confidently, and can also have a better psychological and physical state, and bring more wonderful performances to the audience.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "On the long face and even in the eyes"

3. Strengthen the body's immunity and prevent the occurrence of diseases

In addition to artists who need to protect their bodies at work, for the majority of audiences, they also need to pay special attention to their physical health in their daily life, and strengthen their awareness and ability to prevent various diseases.

Especially in the current social environment, various diseases and health problems may have a certain impact on people's lives and work, and it is more important to prevent diseases than to treat them.

We can enhance our body's immunity through a reasonable diet and exercise, consume more foods rich in vitamins and minerals, maintain good living habits, and participate in some physical exercises, so as to make our bodies more healthy and energetic.

In addition, for some diseases that can be prevented, such as shingles, we can also prevent them through vaccination, so as to reduce the risk of diseases in a timely and effective manner and protect the health of ourselves and those around us.

In addition to these basic preventive work, we also need to continue to learn and understand health knowledge, and improve our awareness and understanding of various diseases, so that we can make correct judgments and respond to health problems.

Only through their own efforts and attention can the seeds of good health take root and sprout in every corner of society, and I hope that everyone can have a healthy and happy life.

Na Ying was exposed to illness! He Jiong choked up and revealed: "On the long face and even in the eyes"


The efforts and sweat of the artist in their work are worthy of recognition and encouragement, but physical health is also very important, I hope Na Ying can recover as soon as possible, and I also hope that the audience can give her more love and support.

I also hope that everyone can pay attention to their own physical health, learn to protect their own body, but also care about the health of those around them, and jointly create a caring and harmonious social environment.

Disease prevention is more important than disease treatment, I hope that everyone can start from now on, strengthen the study of health knowledge, do a good job in the prevention of various diseases, and make health the most beautiful scenery in our lives.

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