
Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?
Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Some netizens photographed that many shops in Vietnam have set up signs saying "Chinese are not allowed to enter", yes, it is that Vietnam, whose annual GDP is only equivalent to one Guangxi, and Vietnam, which has a per capita monthly income of less than 2,000 yuan, will also exclude Chinese.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Vietnam is really a very double-standard country, and it is also an ungrateful country.

When New China was first founded, our own family was poor and white, and in order to help them resist the civil war caused by the reactionary forces instigated by the United States, we contributed money, efforts, and materials to help them tide over the difficulties.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

As a result, only more than ten years have passed, they pushed to the border monument, stirring up trouble on the border, which triggered a self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam, if it were not for the restraint of the People's Liberation Army, maybe this battle was fought to defend the capital of Vietnam, in order not to implicate the Vietnamese people, after the border stabilized, we withdrew our troops, did not occupy any of their land.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

On the other hand, Vietnam seems to yearn for China, every holiday, many Vietnamese will take the train to Nanning, Guangxi, a metropolis that is several times more prosperous than Hanoi, and many Vietnamese girls are proud to marry China, and even their entertainment industry is trying to imitate China, such as the spicy-eyed Vietnamese version of "Three Lives and Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", "Huanzhu Gege" and so on.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Assault on Chinese tourists

At the same time, they are doing anti-Chinese things, and many people who have traveled to Vietnam have experienced being asked for tips and extorting bamboo bars, and it seems that in their eyes, the Chinese are bullied in heaven.

Do you still remember the vicious incident of Vietnamese border guards beating Chinese tourists in 2017?

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Xiao Xie, a tourist who was beaten, was only because he refused the unreasonable request of the Vietnamese border guards to ask for a tip, and several staff members suddenly rushed out, and a group of people held down Xiao Xie's mother, and the group beat Xiao Xie violently, and later tied him up, dragged him into the office and continued to beat him, and finally forced him to write a self-statement that he had never been beaten.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

In 2016, Vietnam Nha Trang Customs, the same Chinese man, was asked for a tip when passing through the inspection, just because he said no money, a staff member with three stars on the epaulette immediately took out a baton and beat the man, fortunately there were many Chinese who passed the customs at that time, everyone was very united, and suddenly someone in the hall shouted "China rises!" So everyone joined in the protest, and the man was not taken into the small black room like Xiao Xie.

In addition to the border hall, the Vietnamese people are not much better, whether it is hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, they may be asked for tips anytime and anywhere, and there are many restaurants and shops that see Chinese tourists, and they sit on the ground and do not sell according to the marked price, so the fights caused by frequent incidents occur.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Contradictory Vietnamese

Such a Vietnam, it is really incomprehensible, you have to say that they hate the Chinese, it seems wrong, you have to say that they like the Chinese, it is not right, it is like a wronged little daughter-in-law, sour and astringent.

In fact, logically speaking, the Vietnamese should be friendly with the Chinese, the big one, are all areas influenced by Confucianism and Taoist culture, the small one was once a vassal state of ancient China, and once belonged to the ancient Yue country with Guangxi and other places, whether it is culture or blood, they are all distant relatives of the same clan, why do they have such complicated feelings about China?

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

In the final analysis, it is still the two big losses of Americans and uneducated. Let's talk about the level of education first, and then talk about the United States later, because there is an inevitable connection between the two.

Vietnam can be said to be a place with a small history of civilization, because most of their areas are mountainous, and there are many indigenous peoples living in the mountains, and such a geographical location is not convenient for administration in ancient times, so most of these mountains at that time belonged to the non-state management zone, and even the "smoke miasma" used for the exile of prisoners in ancient times did not count Vietnam, which also determined that their period from barbarism to civilization was later than that of the Central Plains, not to mention any cultural inheritance.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Therefore, even in modern times, most Vietnamese people do not have the awareness of learning to make progress every day, and it seems that reading or not reading is not very important, Vietnam only began to popularize nine-year compulsory education in 2001, so most Vietnamese people who grew up before the popularization can only meet the level of simple daily reading.

Such a person's thinking ability is obviously weak, and he is also the type of person who is most likely to be led astray by public opinion. Since Ho Chi Minh's death, the pro-American faction represented by Le Duan came to power, and Vietnam, which had suffered aggression from France and the United States, threw itself into the arms of the West.

The United States has long regarded China as its greatest threat, so Vietnam is undoubtedly an excellent pawn to hold the mainland in check. We are all too familiar with the trick of the United States controlling a country, which is nothing more than the multi-faceted penetration of economy, culture, science and technology, so that weak and small countries have to rely on the United States in all aspects, which is just a new game of colonialism in modern society.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Who was behind the smashing of Chinese factories and shops and the expulsion of Chinese people in Vietnam before? It certainly won't be the Vietnamese government, there are factories and businesses, and the government has taxes, how can the Vietnamese government do such a stupid thing to cut off its own financial resources? There is no doubt that the mastermind behind this is inseparable from the United States.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

There is a saying that no one will believe a lie once it is said, but what if it is ten or a hundred times?

The United States used public opinion to stir up hatred of the Vietnamese people against China, and many of them lacked the ability to think independently.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Taste of your own medicine

However, Vietnam soon reaped the consequences, Vietnam's own industrial structure is very simple, tourism occupies an important position in Vietnam, but after a few years of the epidemic, almost no one travels to Vietnam. It was hard to survive the epidemic, but because of the vicious incident of beating Chinese tourists in the past, not many Chinese are willing to travel to Vietnam.

In 2023, a taxi driver in a Vietnamese scenic spot told the media that Chinese used to like to visit here, but in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer of them, and now it is the golden age of tourism, but he only pulled two Chinese tourists throughout September.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

Today, South Koreans travel to Vietnam the most, but South Korea is too small to be the main force in the tourist region, and after losing the huge contingent of Chinese tourists, many shops that rely on tourists have closed down. At this time, some Vietnamese began to realize that anti-Chinese sentiment was not conducive to livelihood, so many attractions and businesses pulled up signs welcoming Chinese.

Blatantly beating Chinese tourists and extorting money, what will happen to this country that specializes in pit Chinese?

However, we have seen too many times Vietnam's ruthlessness, are today's Chinese really willing to stupidly bring money to spend there? The Chinese have an old saying: distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, if Vietnam can always be friendly to China from the beginning, presumably relying on China's policy along the way, it will have long been able to achieve economic independence, why should it rely on the United States?



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