
The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

author:Little Fire Fang

Hey, there are some things in this world that sound like they were dragged out of a TV series, but it really happens around us. Let's talk about the matter in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, which is really mixed and heavy.

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

A security guard, whose job is to protect safety, turned out to be with the owner, and finally got a homicide case, and he didn't end well. What are you talking about?

I heard that the causes of this conflict are all trivial things, but these seemingly inconspicuous small contradictions have escalated into a blood-spattered tragedy. If there was someone who could take a step back and open the sky, why not?

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

Netizens all said that today's people have a weak sense of morality, and the anger in society is so heavy that they can pierce the sky. If you don't brake, what will our society become?

Think about it from another angle, if someone on the scene could calm down at that time, would all this have taken a turn for the better? But in reality, there are so many ifs, only bloody lessons. Three families, because of a spur of the moment, were ruined like this.

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

I don't want to speculate too much about their minds in this matter, because in any case, the lives lost are irretrievable.

It can only be said that they may have all embarked on the path they should not have taken. Such an ending makes people unable to sympathize, but it makes people panic.

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

Isn't this a microcosm of our society? Some people don't know what their surname is when they have a little power, and some people don't take others seriously when they think they are superior. Both of these mentalities are enough to choke.

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

Whether it is a security guard or a business owner, everyone should know that everyone is equal on the balance of society. The duty of a security guard is to serve, not to show off his might; As for the owners, they also have to understand that respect is mutual, and communication can solve problems.

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

Friends on the Internet all say, "Endure the anger of the moment, avoid all worries", if everyone can empathize, how many contradictions and tragedies can be reduced in this world. This kind of thing is endless, and it is really time for the whole society to reflect on it.

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

What does it mean that everyone is equal? This concept has to be deeply rooted in everyone's heart. Only when everyone takes respect for others seriously, can the world be harmonious, right?

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

Having said all this, I also hope that more people can learn from it. No matter what we do or where we are, we must learn to control our emotions and know how to empathize.

The security guard stabbed 2 owners to death Follow-up: All 3 people went where they should go, netizens: Not worthy of sympathy

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