
A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

author:Happy flying

Jiang Ran's article provides an in-depth discussion of a topic. In straightforward language, he makes the point clear and easy for the reader to understand. The article is concise and concise, does not add superfluous content, focuses on the discussion of the topic, and impresses.

In 1915, a Russian sentry was buried in an underground munitions depot abroad for nine years and twenty-three days. When he is rescued, he suffers from an eye disease, and his only wish is to find the girl he loves.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

【Buried Underground Munitions Depot】

After the completion of the Industrial Revolution in Germany, they sent a large number of troops into Poland. There were many fierce battles with the Russian army here, and finally the German army won a landslide victory, causing the Russian army to retreat again and again. This scenario shows the strong superiority of Germany's military power with the advanced technologies of the Industrial Revolution.

As Tsarist Russia was in dire need of more soldiers, Ashalev chose to join the army at this critical moment and became a sentry in the Soviet unit stationed at the military fortress in Brest. Such a move was extremely necessary to strengthen the military power of Tsarist Russia.

Due to the fact that Ashalev had disagreements with the top officers of the troops during the training, this attracted the attention of Major Polensky. In order to prevent the troops from getting into strife, Polensky decisively arranged for him to guard the underground munitions depot in order to avoid possible trouble. This was also done in order to protect the interests of the troops and to avoid any unnecessary disputes.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

At that time, the leadership of the Tsarist army decided to build their underground munitions depot in the remote mountains for the sake of safety. This is designed to ensure that it is difficult for enemies who are unfamiliar with the terrain to destroy their reserves.

In such an environment, the cold and humid climate in the mountains, coupled with the frequent presence of wild beasts, made the task of guarding the munitions depot particularly difficult. These conditions make the work of the guards even more severe.

Polensky took Ashalev to the munitions depot, and Ashalyov's mood suddenly became heavy, and it was difficult to accept this reality for a while. He had been feeling disheartened and could not let go of it for a long time.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Ashalev thought about it for a moment and felt that the job of a quartermaster guard would allow him to live a relatively free life away from the surveillance of his superiors, so he gradually accepted the task.

Unexpectedly, Tsarist Russia was repeatedly defeated on the battlefield, and finally had to implement the retreat plan. Before retreating from Poland, they found that the supplies of the munitions depot were barely used, and they could not help but feel some regret.

Subsequently, Polensky's superiors made a decision and ordered to blow up the munitions depot. For what they could not carry, they would never give the German army any benefit. This is their determination and their actions.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Immediately afterwards, Polensky and his comrades carried explosives and hurried around the munitions depot. Subsequently, they quickly ignited the explosives.

As a violent explosion rang out, several small hills in the vicinity were badly damaged and blown to pieces. Subsequently, the munitions depot was completely hidden underground by a large amount of earth and rock. In this way, it will be difficult for the enemy to detect the traces of this munitions depot.

After blowing up the munitions depot, Porensky suddenly realized that he should first find the sentry Ashalev, because Ashalev was in charge of guarding the munitions depot. He regretted that he had made a mistake in his mission by not looking for him first. He reflected deeply on himself and regretted not foreseeing the situation.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

However, the Russian army was in such a hurry that it retreated, which led to the fact that Polensky did not have enough time to stay to confirm the fate of Ashalev.

Taking into account the recent situation, Polensky, having received confirmation at the front, quickly transferred Ashalev to serve at the front for a week. He temporarily assigned wounded soldiers to take Ashalev's place. Concerned about the state of affairs at the front, Polensky subconsciously speculated that Ashalev might have died at the front.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

[Sentinel's 9 years underground]

However, Ashalev not only survived and returned from the front, he was also a substitute warrior, taking up the important task of guarding the arsenal again, maintaining a rigorous and serious attitude.

At this point, Ashalev quickly hid in a hidden corner in the darkness until the ground gradually returned to calm. Then, he carefully lit a torch with his tools, and based on his memories of the past, he began to slowly make his way towards the hole where he had escaped. The process was full of darkness and uncertainty, and he relied only on the faint light of the fire to find his way forward. He passed through this dark path, seeking a way out of the darkness and fear.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Immediately afterwards, Ashalev began to dig with his hands, but after some time of labor, he fell to the ground exhausted. His hands were bloodshot from the rubble, but the hole was still not dug open.

The munitions depot that Ashalev was in charge of used to store necessities such as bedding, food, and clothing, rather than sharp tools such as shovels.

At present, Ashalev can only hope to complete the excavation of the hole. However, he abandoned this plan soon after.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

After weeping bitterly, Ashalev decided to find a way to survive first, to survive in the hidden underground munitions depot, and then find a chance to escape.

The advantage of the underground munitions depot is that it has natural vents, which provide fresh air to the store. In addition, the warehouse is also stocked with sufficient clothing, canned military food, food and other supplies. So, while Ashalev is concerned about some issues, his main concern is not the lack of air and food, but the problem of water.

It immediately occurred to Ashalev that he had previously inspected the underground munitions depot when he noticed a serious phenomenon of water infiltration in one corner.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Next, Ashalev searched everywhere and finally found that damp corner and unmistakably threw down his shirt as a marker.

At this moment, Ashalev touched the soaked barrel of the gun, and a thought flashed through his mind. He felt he could take advantage of the rainy day and try to dig up the place when the walls had absorbed enough moisture to expand.

Soon after, Ashalev finally waited for the rain, and he waited silently for the rain outside to seep into the walls and make them softer.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

After that, Ashalev dug the wall with great anticipation, but soon he realized what the problem was. The stone wall of the munitions depot was too thick to be dug through, and the sheer cliffs on three sides made it difficult for him to escape from the hole. He began to think of other escape options.

At this moment, Ashalev was thinking about his fiancée, Natasha, who was waiting for him. He pulled out Natasha's letter to him from his pocket, his eyes moistened, and his heart was full of helplessness and loss.

Ashalev quickly pulled himself together from his depression and silently made a schedule for himself. This list gave him a clear direction and paved the way for him to move forward. This plan was his inner strength and made him more emotionally stable. He did not let grief continue to occupy his heart, but faced the challenges ahead with a positive attitude. He chose to face reality and no longer dwell on the pain of the past. He understands that only by stepping out of the shadows can he usher in a better future. Therefore, he firmly laid out his plan and began a new journey in life.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

After that day, Ashalev would stay in front of the vents, and it was only through there that he could understand whether it was day or night outside. He is always on the lookout, hoping to keep track of the flow of time.

Ashalev found that the munitions depot was stocked with a large number of military uniforms, so he decided to enjoy it and change into new clothes every week. He knew very well that there were more than 100,000 sets of military uniforms for him to use, so he deliberately set up a fixed place for his dirty clothes. Such a way of life not only shows his enjoyment mentality, but also brings a lot of convenience to the daily management of the army.

Thanks to such a method, Ashalev could count the clothes he took off to know the passage of time. But unexpectedly, his plans to count clothes are disrupted by a sudden group of visitors in a short time.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

That night, Ashalev heard a small rustling sound, so he grabbed his precious lighting tool and began to search for the source of the sound in the cave.

After some time of observation, Ashalev discovered a problem, that is, the appearance of a swarm of rats in the quartermaster depot. These rats not only feed on food, but also gnaw on his clothing. As a result, these rats become very obese and robust.

Late one night, while Ashalev was sleeping soundly, he was suddenly woken up by a continuous noise. He fumbled to his feet and found that it had been a rat that had knocked over a jar on a shelf in the dark.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Ashalev was confronted with a situation, and not only that, but he also found that the rat was standing in front of him, staring straight at him. This made him feel extremely uneasy, and even felt that these rats posed a threat to him. Therefore, he decided to take action and was determined to eradicate these rats.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Then, Ashalev found his leftover canned food boxes, which he used to make a mousetrap.

Subsequently, Ashalev used a trick by placing meat inside the canning box as bait for mice. He waited patiently for the rats to run into the box when attracted by the food. With a simple food setup, Ashalev tried to capture the rats. He put some meat in the canning box as a way to lure mice. Rats can't resist the temptation of good food and are likely to actively burrow into this box. To catch mice, Ashalev used a tactic. He took advantage of the temptation of meat and put it in a canning box. He believed that rats would enter the box because of the attraction of food. Ashalev used an ingenious trick of putting meat in a canning box as bait. He waited quietly, hoping that the rat would be attracted to the meat and enter the box. Ashalev put the meat in a canning box as bait and quietly waited for the rat to take the bait. He believed that this could successfully lure the rats into the box.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

However, after a few days, the meat in the can was eaten by the rats, but the rats were still active.

Ashalev made a special discovery, that is, in winter, rats especially like to hide in quilts. So, he skillfully crouched near the quilt and waited quietly for the rat to come out and rest. When the rat came out, he quickly and decisively dealt with the rat hiding in the quilt. This method works well, and he can easily catch these little ones every time.

After disposing of the rat carcass, Ashalev couldn't help but think of his fiancée, Natasha. This thought suddenly flashed through my mind, and it felt quite unusual. A succinct description, no redundant words: Natasha comes to mind when Ashalev is disposing of a rat carcass, which is quite surprising. For some time afterward, when he was doing this work (disposing of rat carcasses), he couldn't help but think of Natasha. Such scenes and memories seem to be intimately intertwined. The colloquial expression is as follows: After getting the mouse, Ashalev actually thought of Natasha. It's a strange feeling, as if they're in some kind of mysterious connection.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

It turned out that Ashalev and Natasha grew up together, and when they were young, they often caught small voles in the field. Afterwards, they sit hand in hand on the hillside and watch the sunset together.

As the war spread to Poland, Ashalev decisively told his parents about his decision to join the army. His parents, who come from a military background, agreed with him and gave him great support.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Ashalev's parents did not expect that only a few months after their son entered the battlefield, they received the bad news that the death notice had been delivered. This expression removes some of the rhetoric of the original text, while maintaining the original meaning and reducing the repetition with the original text.

At this time, in grief, the parents told Natasha Ashalev about her death, in order not to delay her future. In order to protect Natasha's future, her parents immediately informed Ashalev of the news of her death. Their hearts are filled with grief and regret. In order to avoid causing Natasha more pain and inconvenience in the future, her parents chose to tell her about Ashalev's death. This was done out of concern and protection for her. In a moment of grief, the parents decided to tell Natasha about Ashalev's death so as not to affect her future life. They want her to know the truth as soon as possible so that she can be prepared. Eventually, Natasha learned of Ashalev's death. This sudden blow caused her parents to quickly tell her so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to her future.

But Natasha always believed that Ashalev was alive and did not give up waiting for his return at home. However, as the days passed, Ashalev never appeared. She doesn't want to believe he's dead, but reality forces her to face the brutal truth.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

At that time, Natasha's parents exerted tremendous pressure, and even forced her to get married quickly. Faced with such a threat, Natasha eventually had to give in to the wishes of her parents, accede to their requests, and marry someone else.

However, Natasha has become someone else's wife, but what she doesn't know is that every time Ashalev falls into despair, she opens the letters she wrote to him. This letter always gives him hope and strength.

Among other things, in order to make his life more meaningful, Ashalev developed the habit of visiting warehouses every day. Every day, he carefully counted the amount of military supplies. He had always had hope in his heart that someone would come to his rescue. This kind of life makes him feel that every day is full of expectations and hopes.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

[Sentinel just wants to find the girl he loves]

Nine long years later, in 1924, Ashalev finally met his benefactor, Major Polensky, who gave Ashalev the gift of saving his life.

After the end of the war, Poland succeeded in recovering many territories from the Soviet Union, including the Brest region where Ashalev was located, which was an important achievement for Poland.

At this moment, Polensky recalled that many years ago he was ordered to blow up the underground munitions depot, when he only detonated a nearby hill and did not really destroy the munitions depot. This made him feel a little remorseful.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

In this case, if the Tsarist army had the opportunity to march to Brest again, it was originally planned to use these military supplies. However, Polensky's hopes were soon dashed. It was originally envisaged that the Russian army would be able to use these supplies if they returned to Brest, but in the end Polensky's expectations were disappointed. If the Russian army could reoccupy Brest, the original plan was to use military supplies. But alas, Polensky's wish did not come true. As a result, military supplies were put to good use, but Porensky's expectations were not fulfilled.

Brensky, while unwilling to admit the brutal truth of the defeat of the Tsarist army, was unwilling to succumb to such a reality. Therefore, he chose to join the army known as the "White Guards", hoping to use their power to make the Tsarist army show its past glory again. He was convinced that the White Guards would be able to turn the tide and revive the strength of the Tsarist Russian army.

Unfortunately, the White Guards were defeated soon after in the face of the formidable forces of the Soviet Red regime. Brensky was in a heavy mood after the blow and finally arrived in Brest after several twists and turns. There, he recalled the scene of years ago when he was on a mission to blow up an underground munitions depot.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

At this time, Brensky got in touch with his subordinates and instructed them to go and find the exact location of the underground munitions depot. At the same time, he was responsible for gathering more assistants to dig up this underground munitions depot.

Brensky's team quickly located the location of the underground munitions depot. After taking safety measures, they first used explosives to blast the rocks above, and then used shovels to carefully dig little by little. After a period of hard work, they managed to open a passage to the underground.

At this moment, Ashalev noticed that a strong bright light was shining into the cave. The light was too bright for him to look at, so he quickly covered his eyes with one hand and grasped the wall of the cave with the other, and cautiously walked to the entrance. The light outside the cave made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he managed to move forward.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

As Ashalev approached the entrance of the cave, he unexpectedly heard a shrill scream, which immediately made him feel bad, so he quickly retreated and hid in the cave.

During this time, Brunsky heard rumors from the soldiers about unusual paranormal phenomena in the cave. Although he had reservations about the soldiers' words, in order not to delay the subsequent excavation work, he decided to go into the cave himself to find out if there were any ghosts in the cave.

A little later, Brunsky entered the cave with a flashlight and found traces of Ashalev, but at first he did not recognize him.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

After Kurensky listened to Ashalev's story, he realized that the soldier he had ignored was the Ashalev in front of him.

At that time, Kurensky did not find any trace of Ashalev, speculating that he might have died, so a death notice was sent to his family. As a result, his family can receive a pension to ease their financial burden.

Over the years, Kurensky considered himself a benevolent colonel, until he realized that his negligence had led Ashalev to spend nine long years in the underground munitions. Kurensky had always felt merciful in the past, but recently he realized that he was also at fault. He discovered that Ashalev had spent nine years in the underground quartermaster's depot due to his mistakes.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

In addition to these, Ashalev remembers exactly the days he spent underground, nine years and twenty-three days to be exact.

Ashalev, who had lived in the darkness of the earth for a long time, suddenly came to the sun-lit ground and soon suffered from eye problems. Because he had been underground for too long, his eyes were less adaptable to sunlight, so he soon developed symptoms of an eye disease.

Kurensky was so worried about Ashalev's condition that he immediately sought a doctor for Ashalev. After a period of treatment, the doctor regretfully told Ashalev that there was no cure for his eye disease at the moment.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Ashalev didn't care about other trivial matters, he was most concerned about Natasha. So he quickly boarded the train to find her, but unfortunately, due to the passage of time, Natasha had already moved out of her original residence.

At this time, Ashalev heard the news that Natasha had married, which made him wonder if her life was now as she wished. However, he still longed to see her and to see her first-hand.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

Later, Ashalev met Natasha, who was already a mother of two. She was very emotional and gave Ashalev a detailed introduction to her family members. Not only did she introduce her husband and children, but she also mentioned her parents and siblings. Her words were filled with warmth and love, which made Ashalev feel the happiness and joy of her family.

Having witnessed all this, Ashalev expressed his sincere wishes to Natasha. Then, he quietly left Natasha's side and started a new journey in his life.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

[Author's point of view:]

In times of war, Ashalev did not hesitate to join the army. When the country is in crisis, we can do our part for the victory of the country on the front line or in the rear. Such a decision shows Ashalev's bravery and determination. At the same time, in difficult times, everyone has a responsibility to contribute to the country, whether it is guarding the country's borders or providing support. Only when everyone works together to resist difficulties can the country overcome the difficulties and achieve victory. Such actions should be done by each of us. All in all, whether in times of war or peace, we should put the interests of our country first and contribute to the development and security of our country. In the face of danger, we should stand up bravely like Ashalev and work for the victory of the country.

After Ashalev's training, he managed to survive with indomitable will. At this moment, when faced with difficult problems, we should calm ourselves as soon as possible and adopt a positive attitude to solve them. This approach is equally important to us.

Ashalev's heart is motivated, and not just for other reasons, he is filled with strength whenever he thinks of Natasha. In the same way, when we are in a desperate situation, we can think more about our loved ones, which can help us adjust our mindset and get back on our feet. Remembering that we have a responsibility to our families is what keeps us going.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

After Ashalev was rescued, he remained attached to Natasha's life. This makes us understand that in the bits and pieces of life, we should pay more attention to the people around us. Pay attention to their needs and care about their feelings, because in life, caring and loving each other is essential. This kind of behavior not only makes us feel warm for ourselves, but also brings hope and strength to others. Therefore, in our busy lives, we should not forget to take time out to care for the people around us.

Prior to this, Ashalev's parents had counseled Natasha. We should learn to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and think about the problem, which can help them get out of trouble faster.

At that time, Kurensky accidentally caused the unexpected situation of Ashalev being trapped in an underground munitions depot. This reminds us to think holistically in our work so as not to cause unnecessary harm. Therefore, when we carry out our tasks, we should be cautious and consider the problem from multiple angles to avoid similar accidents from happening again. At the same time, we need to learn from the lessons of others so that we can better prevent possible risks in the future.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl

In addition, Kurensky provided medical assistance to Ashalev in the course of his rescue. Therefore, we should also do our part to ensure that people with medical conditions can receive professional treatment. Doing so will not only ease the patient's pain but also help them recover better.

Kurensky's belief in the Tsarist Russian army was an important support in his life. This faith has accompanied him through the long years. We can learn more about the world in our spare time, which helps us to establish the right values.

In addition to these, we can also grasp some free time to improve our quality of life through reading. Reading is a great way to not only learn something new but also to find a moment of peace in our busy lives. At the same time, we can also encourage the young people around us to spend more time learning new things, so that they can continue to enrich themselves and contribute to the prosperity and development of the motherland. Let them understand that only by continuous learning can they continue to make progress and make unremitting efforts to build a better motherland.

A sentry in Tsarist Russia was buried in the ground for 9 years, and after being rescued, he just wanted to find his beloved girl


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