
Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

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Today we will talk about Israel's 300,000-strong army ready to launch a military operation against Allah in Lebanon. The magnitude of this military move is staggering, and the reasons behind it have sparked various speculations and analyses. Why is Israel so prepared for war? Take a look at what analysts have to say!

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

Israel amassed an army of 300,000

According to overseas media disclosures, Israel's recent military maneuvers have been very large, and it has begun to gather a large number of troops on the Lebanese border to prepare for a military operation against Allah in Lebanon. And it's not just about assembling troops, according to credible intelligence sources, the IDF is planning to use up to 300,000 troops, which is extremely rare in the history of the IDF.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has always been one of the most elite armies in the Middle East, with absolute superiority in both numbers and equipment, but Israel has never overwhelmed its opponents with crowd tactics when fighting abroad.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

Some analysts have speculated that this may be related to a series of recent setbacks for the IDF. For example, the previous military operation in the Gaza Strip was not satisfactory, and the IDF clearly had an absolute advantage, but in the actual battle, it did not show this advantage, resulting in frequent casualties among Israeli soldiers and a futile withdrawal.

In addition, a number of Israeli assassination attempts have been frustrated, and not long ago Israel attempted to assassinate the leader of the Palestinian Hamas group, which led to a large-scale clash between the two sides, and several IDF planes were fired by Hamas.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

In these respects, the IDF seems to have begun to become impatient, and the sheer size of the IDF's planned deployment is truly astonishing, since 300,000 men is almost half of the total number of active members of the IDF.

If these 300,000 soldiers do go into battle, it will be the first large-scale war since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, and it will have extremely serious consequences for both Israel and Lebanon.

Russia requested assistance from Vietnam

On the other hand, Israel's big move may also be related to the current international situation. Although Biden has taken office, tensions between the United States and Russia remain, and the Ukraine issue has been plaguing Russia.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

According to the previously signed agreement, the border area between Russia and Ukraine is forbidden to deploy Russian troops, but Ukraine has always tried to provoke Russia, especially the Ukrainian authorities have made it clear that they want to join NATO.

Although NATO has not yet officially admitted Ukraine as a member, the Ukrainian authorities have begun to hype up this aspect, apparently in an attempt to provoke Russia. And it's not just NATO, a sphere of influence, the United States has also been doing it on the Ukraine issue.

Especially after Biden took office, the United States has publicly stated that it will provide more support for Ukraine, and does not rule out the possibility of directly sending troops. Although this is not very likely, Ukraine has always been lucky.

Therefore, judging from Israel's recent build-up of 300,000 troops, the factors of the international situation may also account for a large part.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

Israel decided to expand the scope of the strike

Whatever the reason for Israel's final decision, Israel is now ready for war anyway. According to the Jerusalem Post, what was originally only a military operation against Allah in Lebanon has escalated into a full-scale attack on Lebanon.

According to credible information, the Israeli military is so frenzied that it is ready to fight even in the West Bank, where the Palestinian Autonomous Region is located, and this is not so much a military operation against Lebanon as it is the largest war waged by the IDF since its establishment.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

The Jerusalem Post also quoted a source as saying, "If the situation continues to deteriorate, it will even consider letting the enemy fight for the heart of Israel, Trazien." ”

Although this is only a threat and a declaration at the moment, judging from the build-up of 300,000 troops, Israel should not be joking. In fact, Allah has never been a match for the IDF, even if Israel has not used all its forces.

Based on the experience of similar wars in history, even 1/10 of the IDF is enough to deal with Allah, so why should Israel take its own soldiers so seriously?

Some analysts believe that Allah is just a pretext and a cover for this war, and that the IDF may really have to deal with other forces.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

Obsessed with war

There is no doubt that the detonation of a large-scale war involving 300,000 people in the Middle East will cause earth-shattering waves, not only for Lebanon and Israel, but for the entire Middle East.

According to the leaders of the Lebanese Allah Party, as long as Israel dares to go to war, they will launch rockets into every city and village in the State of Israel. And Allah is not scaring people.

According to foreign media reports, after receiving support from Iran, Allah already has a considerable number of rocket deterrents, so much so that it can cover any corner of the State of Israel. If Israel dares to go to war, there is no doubt that they will be hit with unprecedented firepower.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

On the other hand, the IDF's almost frenzied strike posture has also aroused great concern in the international community. Because rocket attacks like Allah have never befallen the Israeli people.

Even though Israel and Palestine have life-and-death conflicts, Allah, as one of the main armed forces, has only been limited to fighting the IDF in the past, and has not had the strength to confront Israel like Hamas.

The real purpose behind the 300,000 troops is confusing, and various speculations and analyses come and go. But one thing is certain: it will be difficult for Israel to stop the war once it starts.

While Allah is not strong enough to scare the IDF, it is not armed groups like Allah that the IDF really fears.

Since its founding, Israel has struggled to assert its own right to exist in the surrounding region and that of the Arab world, but the competition has ended up in a vicious circle.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Jordan have all been countries that have had major wars with Israel, and in that war, Israel has not only exhausted all its strength, but also dug up irreparable hidden dangers for itself.

Take, for example, the war with Egypt, which was far inferior to Israel in terms of strength, but with the Suez Canal in hand, Egypt could be said to have mastered the lifeblood of the entire Middle East.

If the Soviet Union had not come to the aid at that time, it would have been difficult for Israel to hold this position. Even then, it was only temporary, and then great powers such as the Soviet Union and the United States wrestled here for decades.

To this day, strategically important sites such as the Suez Canal continue to be the trigger for war.

It can be said that Israel is like a glass heart hanging in mid-air, which may be broken by neighboring countries at any time.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

Despite Israel's good reputation and image in the international community, this fragile and tense geopolitical situation has become an inescapable reality in the lives of the Israeli people.

Lebanese Allah threatened

In addition to dealing with armed groups such as Allah, there are long-standing contradictions between Israel and Lebanon. The two countries have not established diplomatic relations in the first place, and there are constant disputes over the border issue.

Especially after the emergence of extremist groups such as Allah in Lebanon, relations between the two countries have become more tense. As the most influential and powerful Shiite armed group in Lebanon, Allah has always been Israel's sworn enemy.

Although Allah has strong influence and appeal in Lebanon, it has not been officially recognized and supported by the Lebanese authorities. Because Lebanon has always tried to promote itself as a pluralistic, peaceful and friendly country.

Israel will attack Lebanon in an all-out way, and Allah, not Hamas, will strike back at the entire territory of Israel

Allah has long adhered to the principles of armed resistance and violent revolution, and has repeatedly publicly stated that it wants to destroy the Israeli state established on Palestinian land. Such a radical and extreme stance naturally doomed the Allah party to no possibility of backing down between the party and Israel.

In the face of Israel's intensified attacks in recent days, Allah has also said that it is not a fuel-efficient lamp. According to Allah Secretary-General Baihad: "If Israel dares to go to war against Lebanon, we will launch rockets all over Israel." ”

Mr. Baihad also stressed that he had Iranian support, which was comparable to or even surpassed Hamas's existing rockets.


Israel's move to amass 300,000 troops amid tensions in the Middle East has aroused concern and speculation in the international community. If war breaks out, it will have far-reaching consequences for the entire Middle East region. What do you think about Israel's military maneuvers? Leave a comment to share your views!

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