
On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

author:Xiao Hui said the world
On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry
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On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

On October 16, 1793, the Place de la Revolence in Paris was bustling with people. Marie Antoinette, once the most noble woman in France, is now hobbling towards the guillotine.

Her hands were bound with thick ropes, and all that was left of her former luxurious clothes was plain white. As she ascended the steps, she suddenly stumbled and stepped on the executioner's foot.

At the last moment of her life, she whispered, "I'm really sorry, I accidentally tripped and offended you just now." This unexpected apology shocked everyone present.

The executioner's eyes widened in shock, he had never expected to hear such polite words from a queen.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

Marie Antoinette's life was destined to be extraordinary from the beginning. The jewel of the Holy Roman Emperor and Empress of Austria, she grew up in Vienna's opulent Schönbrunn Palace and enjoyed a carefree childhood.

However, the gears of fate began to turn when she was 11 years old. In order to cement the alliance between Austria and France, the young Marie was sent to Versailles to marry Louis, Dauphin of France, who was three years older than her.

This political marriage caught Mary off guard. Although she received a rigorous education in court etiquette, her French language skills were very poor. Faced with an unfamiliar environment and complicated court rules, Mary seemed out of place.

However, her innocent and lively personality and beautiful looks soon won the love of many people.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

In 1774, with the accession of Louis XVI to the throne, Marie, who was only 19 years old, officially became Queen of France. However, she was pampered since she was a child, and she did not realize the responsibilities that came with being a queen.

She is immersed in a life of luxury, throwing frequent balls and a passion for fashion. Her closet was stacked with gorgeous gowns, and her dresser was filled with jeweled jewelry.

For Mary, these treats seemed to be taken for granted.

However, Mary's profligacy soon caused discontent among the population. While she was enjoying a life of luxury, France was facing a serious economic crisis. The populace was afflicted by hunger and poverty, and their queen seemed to care about it.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

Mary's actions not only provoked the anger of the people, but also made her enemies in the court. Her extravagant lifestyle was a far cry from the traditional image of a queen, much to the unease of many conservative aristocrats.

To make matters worse, Mary seems to be unconcerned about these criticisms. She firmly believes that it is enough for her to be happy, and this attitude further deepens the dissatisfaction of the people.

Rumor has it that when she learned that the people couldn't even afford bread, she said something like, "Since there is no bread, let's eat cake." Although this is most likely just a rumor, it perfectly sums up the image of Mary out of touch with reality in the eyes of the population.

Over time, Marie Antoinette became the epitome of popular discontent. Her lavish life and seemingly indifferent attitude set the stage for the tragedy that followed.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

The young queen had not yet realized that the storm was coming.

In 1785, a diamond necklace called "Heart of the Sea" became the key to changing Marie Antoinette's fate forever. This priceless necklace was originally made by Louis XV for his mistress, but it has not been seen since his death.

When the jeweler tried to sell it to Mary, she surprisingly refused, citing that "it was for someone else". This decision was supposed to quell the rumors, but it unexpectedly sparked a shocking scam.

A woman named Jeanne becomes the protagonist of this conspiracy. Although she came from a famous family, she has been reduced to poverty. Jeanne took a fancy to the necklace and devised a hoax.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

Taking advantage of Cardinal Rohan's desire to regain the queen's favor, she acquired the necklace in the name of Marie Antoinette.

Jeanne's plan was seamless. Not only did she forge Mary's signature, but she also found a prostitute who resembled the queen to meet the cardinal in the night.

This elaborate "encounter" convinced the cardinal, who did not hesitate to obtain the precious necklace for the "queen".

When the necklace arrived, Jeanne immediately disassembled it and sold it to a jeweller in England. Her actions were swift and stealthy, and for a moment no one was aware of the scam.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

However, the truth was finally revealed. When the jeweller came to the palace to ask for payment, Marie Antoinette realized that she was involved in a conspiracy. Her face was full of confusion and she didn't know anything about the whole thing.

Fortunately, the investigation soon revealed the truth. The forged letter is discovered, and Jeanne's ruse is exposed.

Although the truth was eventually revealed and Jeanne was duly punished, the incident caused irreparable damage to Marie's reputation. The populace saw only scratch the surface: their country was in an economic crisis, and the queen seemed to be buying expensive jewelry.

Even if Louis XVI personally came forward to defend his wife, it could not change public opinion.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

Since then, Marie Antoinette's image in the hearts of the people has plummeted. She was seen as a person who cared only for her own enjoyment and did not care about the suffering of the people. This event not only destroyed Marie's reputation, but also became one of the triggers of the French Revolution.

It deepened popular dissatisfaction with the royal family and set the stage for later tragedies.

For Marie Antoinette, the necklace, which never wore around her neck, ended up being a noose that hung on her fate. It symbolizes the growing chasm between her and the populace and foreshadows the coming storm.

Mary may have realized that her rejection of the necklace had instead pushed her into an even more dangerous situation.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

The incident also makes one wonder how a seemingly trivial decision can trigger such a huge ripple effect in turbulent times. Marie Antoinette's story is perhaps a microcosm of the complex interplay between power, wealth and human nature.

After the "Heart of the Sea" incident, Marie Antoinette's situation deteriorated. However, this is just one of her many predicaments. As a foreigner, from the moment she married into the French royal family, she faced many doubts from the court and the people.

The first was pressure from within the court. Marie was married to Louis XVI for many years and was unable to have children, which was a huge problem in the social environment of the time. Although, in reality, it may have been a problem for Louis XVI, public opinion placed all the blame on Marie.

She was under tremendous psychological pressure, and every day she worried that she would not be able to fulfill her duties as queen.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

The second is the resentment brought about by the economic crisis. France's long war depleted the treasury, and Marie's extravagant lifestyle added fuel to the fire. Against this backdrop, a phrase spread that was rumored to have been said by Mary, "Since there is no bread, let's eat cake."

While this may well be a miscommunication, it perfectly sums up the image of Mary in the eyes of the population as disconnected from reality. This sentence became a concentrated expression of the people's dissatisfaction with the royal family.

To make matters worse, Marie's Austrian identity became her weakness at a time when relations between France and Austria were strained. Many began to doubt her loyalty to France and even accused her of being an Austrian spy.

This suspicion and hostility left Marie feeling isolated, and she could not find a true ally in the French court.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

Faced with these predicaments, Marie Antoinette appeared isolated. Her husband, Louis XVI, loved her, but was indecisive and could not give her strong support.

Louis XVI was more of an ordinary man than a decisive king. He was obsessed with hobbies such as making ironware, and seemed to have little interest in state affairs. This makes Mary often feel helpless in the face of crisis.

In the court, Mary could not find a true ally either. Her lavish lifestyle and disdain for traditional etiquette made many conservative aristocrats resentful of her.

And those who once followed her quickly distanced themselves from her after the wind shifted.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

The combination of these factors pushed Marie Antoinette to the edge of a cliff. Her former pride and willfulness have become fatal weaknesses at this moment.

When the anger of the French Revolution finally ignited, she became one of the first targets of the people's wrath.

Marie Antoinette's predicament reflects the helplessness of a man at the center of power who is unable to control the situation. Her story reminds us that even the most honorable queen can become pawns in the tide of the times.

In 1789, the French Revolution broke out like a thunderbolt. When news of the fall of the Bastille reached Versailles, Marie Antoinette still had trouble believing what was happening before her.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

However, reality soon ruthlessly shattered her last illusions.

Faced with the surging tide of revolution, Louis XVI appeared hesitant and unable to respond forcefully. Mary, by contrast, showed amazing courage and determination.

She was resolutely opposed to any form of constitutional monarchy and stubbornly maintained the absolute rule of royal power. This attitude undoubtedly deepened the hatred of the revolutionaries against her, making her one of the main targets of the revolution.

In 1791, the royal family, with a growing sense of crisis, orchestrated a secret escape. They attempted to flee to the border to seek foreign assistance, but were arrested in Wallen. This failed escape completely destroyed the last vestiges of the people's trust in the royal family.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

Marie Antoinette was considered a traitor, and her Austrian ancestry was the evidence of a fatal crime.

In the days that followed, the royal family's situation deteriorated. In 1792, the royal power was officially abolished. Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were imprisoned in the Tuileries Palace in Paris, effectively prisoners.

They are deprived of all their privileges and live in fear and uncertainty.

In January 1793, Louis XVI was executed. Mary witnessed her husband being guillotined, and her world collapsed in that moment. Without the support of her husband, Mary became even more isolated.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

In the days that followed, Marie Antoinette faced trial and captivity alone. Despite her desperate situation, she maintained the dignity of a queen. However, her fate is already sealed, and the guillotine awaits her.

Marie Antoinette during this period showed a very different side than before. She is no longer the young queen who cares only about pleasure, but a woman who maintains her dignity in the face of adversity.

However, the wheels of history have been ruthlessly rolled over, and the former "fashion queen" will finally usher in the last moment of her life.

Marie Antoinette's life was full of controversy, and her image has been mixed throughout history. Some people think that she is just an arrogant and lascivious woman, unworthy of being a queen; There are also those who see her as a victim of the times, believing that she is just a poor person bound by family and politics.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

The "Heart of the Sea" necklace was given a certain mystique in later generations and was seen as a hoodoo. From Louis XIV to Louis XVI, it seems that everyone associated with it is doomed.

However, this may just be a romanticized reading of history, a curse that reduces complex historical events to an object.

What kind of person was the real Marie Antoinette? Is she really as spendthrift as the legend says? Does her apology to the executioner in the last moments of her life represent some kind of inner transformation? These questions are still being thought about and discussed.

The judging of history is often complex. When we look at historical figures, we need to consider the context of their time and personal circumstances. Marie Antoinette's story may teach us something about it: power and wealth do not bring true happiness, but the brilliance of empathy and humanity shines even in the darkest of moments.

On the guillotine, the queen accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot, and subconsciously said: I'm sorry

Her life, from the pride of the sky to the prisoner on the guillotine, shows the impermanence of fate. But her last dignity also shows us the tenacity and nobility of human nature.

Marie Antoinette's story may be a mirror that reflects the complex interplay between power, wealth and humanity.

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