
The 5 people who are best at fighting in large corps, including 2 marshals and generals, and 1 general

author:Conversations between historians


In 1955, the Chinese People's Liberation Army began to implement a military rank system, and the ranks of officers were divided into 4 classes and 14 grades. Subsequently, the generals who had made outstanding contributions to the revolution were awarded. Therefore, in the early days of New China, which had experienced a long period of revolutionary struggle, there was no shortage of generals who could fight. In the entire award, the most eye-catching is the top ten marshals of the founding of the country, Mr. Zhu is highly respected and at the head of the marshals, but he retreated into the background very early and began to coordinate the overall situation instead of commanding on the front line. After him, Peng Dehuai, Xu Xiangqian, Lin Biao, Liu Bocheng, Chen Geng, and Su Yu were recognized as capable of fighting. They have a brilliant record in all historical periods of the revolution. Today, the editor mainly comes to you to take stock of the 5 people in our army who are best at fighting in large corps, do you know who these 1 general is? The following is purely a personal opinion, do not spray if you don't like it!

The first "famous general" Marshal Peng Dehuai

Peng Dehuai's best skills are hard battles and tough battles, and he also showed excellent strategic judgment and flexible tactical use when commanding large corps operations. He commanded many battles during his lifetime, and during the Anti-Japanese War, he successfully planned and commanded the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, which was originally planned to be a sabotage battle with a small number of troops, but eventually evolved into a large-scale operation of 105 regiments. And this war is a testament to his ability to improvise and adjust strategy, organize and coordinate large-scale forces.

The 5 people who are best at fighting in large corps, including 2 marshals and generals, and 1 general

In the War of Liberation, when he was faced with the Kuomintang army pressing northern Shaanxi, he used a small number of troops to block and drag the enemy, forcing the Kuomintang army to deploy in unfavorable terrain, and then concentrated superior forces to encircle and annihilate the isolated enemy, and achieved remarkable results in three battles and three victories in Qinghuatou, Yangmahe and Panlong. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Peng Dehuai effectively integrated the military forces of China, the Soviet Union and North Korea, and led nearly one million troops and well-equipped United Nations troops to fight fiercely. Whether it is the victory of the first battle, or the disastrous victory of the second battle of Changjin Lake and the victory of the third battle. All of them embodied his superb art of commanding the operations of the large corps, and also successfully defended the security and dignity of the country. At the same time, Peng Dehuai was also famous all over the world for resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, while his opponent, the five-star general MacArthur, was beaten by Peng Dehuai and lost face. Therefore, the combat capability of Peng Dehuai's large corps is beyond doubt in our army.

The second "strategic" marshal Lin Biao

Among the top ten marshals, Lin Biao is also a marshal who is good at commanding large corps operations. But Lin Biao and Peng Dehuai belong to two different types of combat styles. Peng Dehuai has always analyzed and adjusted his battles according to the situation on the battlefield, and he is better at defeating the strong with the weak. However, Lin Biao fought cautiously and was extremely thoughtful, and he never launched a battle that he was not sure enough about, so Lin Biao mostly fought with the strong and the weak. This can be seen in the War of Liberation, when Chairman Mao repeatedly ordered him to attack Jinzhou, and he was worried about the Battle of Tashan and did not move. However, Lin Biao has always paid attention to winning with the smallest casualties in wars, so Peng Dehuai is inferior to him in this regard.

The 5 people who are best at fighting in large corps, including 2 marshals and generals, and 1 general

Lin Biao's real command of the large corps to fight began with the Liberation War, and this was also the most glorious experience in his military career. At that time, Siye was the largest unit among several field armies, and after the Northeast Campaign, Lin Biao was already the commander of the million-strong army. He commanded and participated in a series of decisive battles of the Great Corps, especially the Liaoshen Campaign and the Pingjin Campaign, which laid the foundation for the liberation of the whole country. Lin Biao not only fought a great battle, but was also good at summing up the tactics of the large corps, and the "one point and two sides" tactics he proposed were extremely effective in the operations of the large corps, and at the same time he also advocated the "three fierce tactics" -- striking fiercely, rushing fiercely, and chasing fiercely, emphasizing the intensity and continuity of the attack, and being able to quickly break the enemy's defense line in large-scale operations. Although Lin Biao was a genius in the operation of the large corps, the lack of firmness of the revolutionary position made him finally embark on a road of no return.

The third "invincible in war" general Su Yu

If you only talk about military command ability, then Su Yu, the head of the founding generals, has no problem conferring the title of marshal. The reason why I say this is mainly because Su Yu's military talent is too prominent, and as a rising star, he has turned Sanye into a field army that has destroyed the most enemies in the War of Liberation. The fact that Sanye was able to achieve such brilliant results was mainly due to the outstanding military command ability of Su Yu's large corps, and through the following large corps operations, Su Yu's command of the field army once exceeded 800,000.

The 5 people who are best at fighting in large corps, including 2 marshals and generals, and 1 general

The Soviet-Chinese campaign commanded by Su Yu won seven battles and seven victories, which is a classic example of our army winning more with less. Subsequently, he completely annihilated more than 65,000 Li Xianzhou's corps in the Battle of Laiwu, and then completely annihilated the elite 74th Division of the Kuomintang in the Battle of Menglianggu and killed Zhang Lingfu, conquered the city and captured Wang Yaowu alive in the Battle of Jinan. Su Yu won all battles against the Kuomintang's large corps and did not lose a single defeat. After the war entered the white heat, his suggestion that the Central Military Commission launch the Huaihai Campaign was adopted, which further proved his deep understanding and ability to apply the operations of the large corps. In the subsequent Huaihai Campaign, Su Yu and Liu Deng's Erye defeated the 800,000 Kuomintang army with 600,000 People's Liberation Army and won the final victory. Mao Zedong publicly praised Su Yu on several occasions, affirming his ability to command large corps in combat. Judging from the battles and exploits of the Liberation War, Su Yu's exploits are no less than Lin Biao, so some people often call him "the uncrowned marshal".

The fourth "world-famous" general Chen Geng

Chen Geng and Su Yu belonged to the two most popular generals among the founding generals. Chen Geng was born in the Whampoa Military Academy and participated in important historical events such as the Northern Expedition, the Nanchang Uprising, and the Long March. He is witty and humorous, so he is very popular, and at the same time, he also has rich experience in military struggles and a profound foundation in military theory. During the strategic counteroffensive stage of the Liberation War, the Central Military Commission formed a field corps. The Chen Geng Corps was the most famous at that time, mainly because of its large number of combat personnel, reaching more than 100,000 and being independently under the direct command of the Central Military Commission. Chen Geng's corps is known for its rapid mobility, and it uses flexible and changeable tactics in specific battles, such as rapid intersperse, division and encirclement, to quickly break up the enemy's resistance, which is extremely important in the operation of large corps.

The 5 people who are best at fighting in large corps, including 2 marshals and generals, and 1 general

During the liberation of the Central Plains, Chen Geng's corps once formed a strategic offensive situation in the form of a "zigzag" with Liu Deng's army and Chen Su's army, and was responsible for the combat tasks of the right wing. Later, after the battle of crossing the Yangtze River, he went south, and in the Liangguang Campaign, he ignored Lin Biao's cautious combat methods, and finally adhered to his battle plan, boldly pursued the remnants of the Kuomintang troops, and finally eliminated this force in Guangdong before joining forces with Bai Chongxi's troops. According to incomplete records, Chen Geng's corps destroyed many enemies in the battles of Liangguang and Yunnan, showing strong combat effectiveness and strategic execution. These achievements have proved Chen Geng's command ability in the operation of the large corps. During Peng Dehuai's recuperation, Chen Geng served as the head of the Volunteer Army and participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which further proved his ability to command large corps. In just two months, he gave a lot of tactical guidance to the volunteers, the most famous of which was the tunnel tactics on the Korean battlefield. Therefore, Chen Geng is also considered one of the outstanding generals who are good at commanding large corps operations in history.

Fifth place: Who is the general who is good at fighting in large corps?

After the implementation of the military rank system in New China, a total of 57 founding generals were awarded. Among these founding generals, Yang Dezhi, Yang Yong, Han Xianchu, Ye Fei, Xu Shiyou, Huang Yongsheng, Chen Xilian, Liu Zhen, and Li Tianyou fought more fiercely. Deng Hua and 10 other generals. For these 10 people, who is the best at fighting in large corps? The editor personally thinks that it should be Deng Hua, which is mainly based on the command and victory of several major key battles in his military career.

The 5 people who are best at fighting in large corps, including 2 marshals and generals, and 1 general

In the early days of the Liberation War, Deng Hua was a capable general under Lin Biao of Siye, and Lin Biao publicly praised Deng Hua's military command ability on many occasions. When the Central Military Commission formed the field corps, Deng Hua served as the commander of the 15th Corps, and he was also one of the few generals who was directly promoted from the commander of the column to the commander of the corps. This not only reflects his personal military talent, but also shows that his superiors highly recognize his combat ability to command a large corps. In the Battle of Hainan Island, Deng Hua successfully commanded his troops to overcome the complex maritime environment and overcome the Kuomintang defense line. He was also the only general of our army who commanded a large-scale sea-crossing and landing operation at that time, showing his outstanding command ability and coordination ability of a large corps.

The 5 people who are best at fighting in large corps, including 2 marshals and generals, and 1 general

After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Deng Hua served as the first deputy commander and first deputy political commissar of the Volunteer Army to assist Peng Dehuai in carrying out the first to fourth campaigns. Faced with the problem of commanding the million-dollar People's Volunteers, Deng Hua showed outstanding military talent as the commander of a large corps. He analyzed the battlefield situation and commanded the Volunteer Army to carry out the famous Battle of Shangganling, which completely subdued the United States and United Nations forces and resumed negotiations on an armistice. However, after South Korea was destroyed, he led the volunteers to launch the Jincheng counterattack, which completely destroyed Syngman Rhee's idea of provoking war. In the two classic battles, Deng Hua's strategic vision and tactical execution when commanding large-scale troops are enough to prove his ability to command large corps.


The above is purely a personal opinion, don't spray if you don't like it! In addition to the 5 generals who are best at fighting in the large corps, what are the outstanding founding generals who command the large corps in the hearts of the majority of readers, and you are welcome to comment and express your opinions in the message area.


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