
China's No. 1 Essay!

author:Lack of desire for good
China's No. 1 Essay!

Luo Bing Wang

When it comes to King Luo Bin, everyone must immediately think of one of his popular five-character poems, "Goose goose goose, song to the sky." The white hair floats in the green water, and the red anthurium plucks the clear waves. ”。 This poem can be compared with Li Bai's "Bright Moonlight in Front of the Window", and it can be said to be a household name in our China.

In fact, this poem is not a five-character poem in the strict sense, because the first sentence is three words, or the same word, if it is changed to "a big white goose", it may be more in line with the requirements of a five-character poem [covering his face] [baring his teeth]. Of course, this is a joke, and if it has changed, it may not be so timeless.

China's No. 1 Essay!

A big white goose, singing to the sky. The white hair floats in the green water, and the red anthurium plucks the clear waves.

Luo Bingwang is one of the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty" in the poetry world. His prose, fu, five- and seven-character poems, and prose are all excellent. Because of his upright personality and broad vision, the articles and poems he wrote are very distinctive, and they are magnificent, magnificent, and talented. In particular, a "Discussion of Wu Cao" article, is even more famous in the world, legend has it that after Wu Zetian read it, he immediately sweated profusely, and was shocked, blaming his subordinates for not recommending it early, causing Luo Bingwang to become the opposite.

China's No. 1 Essay!

A generation of empress Wu Zetian

In the Tang Dynasty article part of the selection of "Guwen Guan Zhi", Luo Bingwang's discussion of Wu Cao was selected, and I will briefly introduce it to you.

At the beginning, he said that Wu Zetian had an unruly personality and a lowly background, first married Tang Taizong Li Shimin, and then seduced his son Tang Gaozong Li Zhi, causing the emperor to make the mistake of incest. She also said that she was jealous by nature, cruel and easy to kill, a fox charmed the lord, framed the queen, occupied the magpie's nest, and killed the son and the king. It's really heartbreaking! Finally, he called on the whole country to unite and jointly crusade against Wu Zetian.

There are many famous sentences in the article, which have been quoted by the crusades of previous dynasties. For example, "I am jealous at the beginning, and I refuse to let people." Cover up your sleeves, the fox can confuse the Lord", and "A splash of soil has not dried, and the six-foot loneliness is there?" And "Try to see whose world is in today's domain!" Wait, there are a lot of famous sayings. It's all a good sentence for the ages.

It is a pity that this article did not make it into the eyes of the cultural authorities and did not make it into China's middle school textbooks, which is really a super regrettable.

Luo Binwang's ancestral home is Zhejiang, but he was born and raised in Shandong, and I think he should be a Shandong talent.

Because he has always been dissatisfied with Wu Zetian's control of the government, he has repeatedly spoken out against officialdom, and has always been unhappy in officialdom. This also led him to finally participate in Xu Jingye's campaign against Wu Zetian. It's a pity that he was defeated in the end and is missing, otherwise, he would have left more cultural heritage that is beyond the literary world. However, although he did not live a long life, among the "Four Masterpieces of the Early Tang Dynasty", he has left the most works.

Some people say that after losing the war, he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests and became a monk. I think it's definitely unreliable, it's just a good wish from the people who want him to live. If he hadn't been killed in the war, a larger number of works would have been published, and he wouldn't have disappeared all at once.

It is said that the word Binwang in Luo Binwang's name is taken from the Guan hexagram of the Book of Changes, "Viewing the light of the country, using the king of Binyu." It can be seen that the ancients were very particular about names, and as for blessings and misfortunes, it is not necessarily.

Finally, end today's text with a poem by King Luo Bing!

咏 Cicada

(Tang) Luo Bing Wang

cicadas singing in the western continent ,

Nanguan is thoughtful.

not worthy of the shadow of the temples ,

come and chant to the white head .

it is difficult to fly in ,

The wind is loud and easy to sink.

no one believes in nobility ,

Who is the heart of the show ?

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