
The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

Healing Korean drama, the name sounds warm and comforting. Since the genre became popular in 2019, it has captured the hearts of countless viewers with its unique charm. Healing Korean dramas, as the name suggests, are those TV dramas that can soothe people's hearts and bring positive energy to people. They usually have a light-hearted vibe and a storyline that makes you feel better after watching them.

2019 can be said to be the first year of healing Korean dramas. That year, there were 10 Korean dramas that received a lot of attention and discussion, and 3 of them belonged to the healing system. For example, "Dazzling", this drama tells a story about time travel, and through the interaction of the protagonists on different timelines, it shows the brilliance of human nature and the beauty of life. Every little detail in the play reveals the love of life and the pursuit of beautiful things.

Another healing Korean drama worth mentioning is "Romantic Physique". In a light-hearted and humorous way, this drama tells the various experiences of a group of women in their 30s in love, career, and friendship. The heroines in the play all have their own troubles and challenges, but they support each other, grow together, and finally find their own happiness. This positive spirit is the core value that healing Korean dramas want to convey.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

The reason why healing Korean dramas are popular is that their plots are light-hearted and there are not too many heavy topics, and the audience can relax and enjoy the fun brought by the plot during the viewing process. On the other hand, these dramas often have deep connotations, and they depict the inner world of the characters through delicate brushstrokes, so that the audience can feel the true meaning of life in laughter.

The characters in these episodes are also very distinctive. They may be ordinary office workers or geniuses with special talents, but they all have their own stories and dreams. In the development of the plot, the audience can see how they face difficulties, overcome challenges, and ultimately achieve self-growth and spiritual healing.

The popularity of healing Korean dramas also reflects people's need for spiritual comfort in modern society. In a fast-paced life, people face various pressures and challenges, and healing Korean dramas are like a spring of fresh water that brings people a moment of tranquility and relaxation. By watching these episodes, people can forget their troubles for a while and find solace in their souls.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

In general, the rise of healing Korean dramas is not only a cultural phenomenon, but also a social phenomenon. They convey positive energy in a relaxed and happy way, allowing people to find a trace of warmth and hope in their busy lives. This type of TV series has undoubtedly become an indispensable part of many people's lives.

In 2020, the trend of healing Korean dramas has become stronger and stronger, and it has not only become the core genre of Korean dramas, but also has new works to meet the audience every month. This year, healing Korean dramas have won wide love and praise from the audience with their unique charm and profound connotation.

For example, "Forest", with its fresh natural scenery and warm story background, tells the story of urban people looking for spiritual solace in the forest. The protagonists in the play experience the tranquility of isolation in the embrace of nature, and at the same time are looking for self-redemption and spiritual rebirth. The broadcast of "Forest" not only made the audience feel the healing power of nature, but also triggered people's deep thinking about the relationship between life, work and the natural environment.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

Another work worth mentioning is "Hello Mom, Goodbye!" With its touching family story, this series tells the heartwarming story of a deceased mother who returns to earth and reunites with her family. Although the mother in the play only has a short time to spend with her family, her return brings endless warmth and strength to her family. With its sincere emotions and profound family values, this series has touched the heartstrings of countless viewers, making people re-examine the meaning of family and the preciousness of family affection.

The healing Korean dramas in 2020 are not only richer and more diverse in plot, but also more sophisticated in production. These episodes often have beautiful graphics, delicate emotional portrayals, and deep thematic reflections. They are not only to entertain the audience, but also to convey a positive attitude and values towards life.

The popularity of these episodes also reflects the social background of the special year of 2020. Under the influence of the epidemic, people are facing unprecedented challenges and pressures, and healing Korean dramas are like a warm beam of sunshine that illuminates people's hearts and gives them strength and hope. By watching these episodes, one can find a little solace in a stressful life and feel the beauty and warmth of life.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

In general, the healing Korean dramas in 2020 have become a clear stream in the hearts of the audience with their unique charm and profound connotation. They are not only TV drama works, but also a kind of life attitude and spiritual sustenance. The popularity of these dramas is not only a cultural phenomenon, but also a social phenomenon, they convey positive energy in a relaxed and happy way, allowing people to find a trace of warmth and hope in their busy lives.

In June 2020, a healing Korean drama called "It's okay to know less, it's a family" quietly appeared on the screen, and its premiere attracted the attention of the audience with its unique charm and profound theme. This series not only got off to a good start in the ratings, but also sang all the way on Douban, becoming a dark horse that summer.

"It doesn't hurt to know a lot, it's a family" starring a number of powerful actors, including Choo Ja Hyun, Han Ye-ri, Kim Ji-suk, etc. Their wonderful performance in the play has added a lot of highlights to the series. Choo Ja Hyun's character in the drama is gentle and strong, and the family and personal challenges she faces, as well as how she overcomes them step by step, make the audience feel relatable. Han Yili has created a character with a distinct personality and rich emotions with her unique charm and acting skills, and her performance is full of layers and impressive. Kim Ji-seok added a sense of stability to the series with his mature and stable image.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

The story of this series revolves around an ordinary family, about the contradictions and conflicts between family members due to a lack of communication and understanding. Each character in the play has their own story and knots, and the various problems they encounter in life are all possible for each of us. Through the interaction and dialogue between family members, the series shows the power of family affection and the warmth of family.

The script of "It's okay to know less, it's a family" is very close to life, it doesn't have too much dramatization, but shows the emotional entanglements between family members in a plain and delicate way. The dialogue in the play is full of life, making people feel as if they have seen the bits and pieces of their own family. This sense of realism is an important reason why this series can move people's hearts.

In addition, the director and production team of the series also pay great attention to detail, whether it is the layout of the scenes, or the costumes of the characters, they strive to be exquisite and realistic. This kind of excellence in detail has greatly improved the texture of the series and allowed the audience to be more immersed in the plot.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

Overall, "It's okay to know less about it, it's a family" is a healing Korean drama that is very worth watching. It has won the love of the audience with its authentic and touching story, excellent cast, and excellent production. This series is not only a TV series, but also a transmission of life attitude, which tells us that even if family members do not know much about each other, as long as we communicate and understand with our hearts, we can feel the warmth and strength of home.

The series "It's okay to know less is a family", just like its name, tells the story of a family, but the family is not as harmonious as it seems. Parents and three children, their lives seem to be happy and happy, but in fact, everyone has their own troubles and secrets in their hearts. Through the interaction and personal experiences of family members, the drama profoundly shows the alienation and misunderstanding between family members, and how they can overcome these obstacles step by step to find each other's understanding and support.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

First, let's talk about the parents of this family. The father was a traditional family man, he worked hard and had a strong sense of responsibility for the family, but at the same time he was somewhat stubborn and difficult to communicate. Her mother is a gentle and virtuous housewife, she always silently bears the burden of the family, but deep down, she also has her own hardships and dreams. The love between them has gone through the baptism of the years, although it is a little dull, but it also has a deep emotional foundation.

Next came three children. The eldest son is a successful adult, but the pressure and challenges in his workplace make him feel anxious and exhausted. The second daughter is a college student, she is full of confusion and uncertainty about the future, and at the same time she is exploring her own love and life path. The youngest child is a high school student who is in the rebellious stage of adolescence and has some resentment and rebellion towards both family and school.

Each character in the play has their own storyline, and their lives are intertwined to form a complex and authentic family picture. For example, the eldest son's struggles in the workplace made him reflect on his life choices and family responsibilities; The life of her second daughter in college made her begin to realize her interests and dreams, and at the same time, she was also facing the test of love; The rebellion of his younger son made him begin to explore the path of self-identity and growth.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

Through the stories of these characters, this drama shows the alienation and misunderstanding between family members. Each of them has their own thoughts and feelings, but often due to a lack of communication and understanding, it leads to a gap between them. For example, the father has high expectations for the eldest son, but the older son is tired due to the pressure; The mother's concern for the second daughter made the second daughter feel constrained because of the improper way; The younger son's rebellion also made his parents feel helpless and anxious.

But at the same time, the show also shows the love and support between family members. When they become aware of each other's problems, they begin to try to communicate and understand, to listen and care. They begin to learn to let go of their stubbornness and prejudices and to accept and tolerate. It's a tough process, but it's also a process of growth and progress.

In general, the drama "It's okay to know less about it, it's a family" shows the complexity and profundity of family relationships through the stories of family members. It tells us that family is not only a blood connection, but also an emotional exchange and understanding. Only when we listen and understand our family members with our hearts can we truly feel the warmth and strength of our family.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

The charm of the series "It's okay to know less is a family" lies not only in its relaxed and healing atmosphere, but also in its deep insight into family relationships and delicate depiction of personal growth. The series has won wide acclaim from the audience for its authentic plot and meticulous detailing.

First of all, the depth of the plot is reflected in its multi-dimensional presentation of family relationships. The family in the play is not a perfect family in the traditional sense, but is full of various problems and contradictions. Alienation, misunderstandings, and even conflicts between family members are realistically presented. This kind of authenticity allows the audience to see the shadow of their own family in the plot and feel the emotional fluctuations of the characters in the play.

For example, the generation gap between parents and children in the play is a problem that many families will encounter. The contradiction between parents' expectations of their children and their children's self-pursuit is also a problem that many young people will face in the process of growing up. Through the display of these contradictions, the audience can see the importance of communication between family members, as well as the power of understanding and tolerance.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

Secondly, the depth of the plot is also reflected in the focus on personal growth. Each character in the play has their own coming-of-age story, and they all have their own thoughts and choices when facing life's challenges and inner struggles. These coming-of-age stories allow the audience to see the inner world of the characters and feel their growth and changes.

For example, the pressure and challenges of the eldest son in the workplace in the play made him begin to reflect on his life choices and find his own value and direction. The life of her second daughter in college made her begin to recognize her interests and dreams, and at the same time, she was also facing the test of love. The rebellion of his younger son made him begin to explore the path of self-identity and growth. These growth stories allow the audience to see the growth and changes of the characters, and feel the hardships and beauty of growth.

The audience's high praise for this series is also reflected in their recognition of the authenticity of the plot and the handling of details. The plot and details in the play are very close to life, allowing the audience to empathize. For example, the dialogue between the family members in the play is full of life, making people feel as if they have seen the bits and pieces of their own family. The scene layout and character modeling in the play are also very delicate and realistic, allowing the audience to be more immersed in the plot.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

In general, it doesn't hurt to know too much, the drama "It's Family" has won the love of the audience with its profound plot and real details. It is not only a healing life drama, but also a drama that delves into family relationships and personal growth. It allows the audience to see the complexity and profundity of family relationships, and also allows the audience to see the hardships and beauty of personal growth. The broadcast of this series undoubtedly brought a deep thinking and insight to the audience.

The high-scoring Korean drama is here again, the new work of Chinese daughter-in-law Choo Ja Hyun, which only aired 2 episodes, with a rating of 9.0

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