
It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

author:Strive for ABC

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

Dear parents, today we are going to talk about an interesting topic: children suffer "hardship". Many parents believe that their children should live a carefree life, free from all hardships and stress. But, in fact, moderate suffering is also a kind of wealth, a ladder of growth. Let's take a look at these three kinds of "suffering" that are good for children.

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

1. The bitterness of learning

First, let's talk about the pain of learning. It is inevitable that many children will encounter difficulties and setbacks in the process of learning. However, these hardships are not a bad thing, on the contrary, they can develop perseverance and resilience in children. As the ancients said: "There is a road in the book mountain, and there is no end to the hard work of learning the sea." "In order for children to gain a foothold in the society of the future, they must learn to face the hardships of learning. Parents should not be too concerned about their children's grades, but should encourage them to have the courage to face difficulties and persevere in their efforts. We can give support and help to our children when they are in difficulty, but don't spoil them so much that they lose the opportunity to face the difficulties.

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

Second, the bitterness of exercise

Next, let's talk about the bitterness of exercise. Many children are reluctant to do physical activity because they are lazy or afraid of difficulties. However, the hardships of exercise are also very important for children's development. There is a proverb that says, "The body is the capital of the revolution." "Only through exercise can children have a healthy body and better face the challenges of the future. Parents can bring their children to participate in sports and let them feel the joy of sports. At the same time, it can also appropriately increase the difficulty of exercise for children, so that they can learn to persevere and overcome difficulties. This will not only improve the child's physical fitness, but also develop their willpower and perseverance.

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

3. Psychological suffering

Finally, let's talk about psychological suffering. Growing up, everyone encounters psychological distress and frustration. Children are no exception. Psychological suffering can help children learn to face their emotions and learn to self-regulate. As the famous saying goes, "Adversity makes talent." "Only children who have experienced psychological setbacks can better face the challenges of the future. Parents should pay attention to their children's emotional changes and give them love and support.

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

When children experience psychological distress, we can guide them to face it positively and teach them how to adjust their emotions and mindset. At the same time, it is also important for children to know that their family members are their strong support, and they will be supported and helped whenever and wherever they are.

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

Of course, we are not saying that we should let children deliberately endure hardship, but on the premise of ensuring their safety, let them experience suffering moderately. After all, excessive suffering can have a negative impact on a child. At the same time, we also need to cultivate children's independence and autonomy in their daily lives, so that they can learn to face problems on their own and find solutions.

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

As parents, we need to guide our children to put suffering in perspective and let them know that suffering is part of growing up. We need to teach our children to be brave in the face of difficulties and not to be afraid of failure. Because failure is not terrible, what is terrible is losing the courage to try. Let children know that only after experiencing failures and setbacks can they truly grow and progress.

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering

In short, it is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of hardships - the hardships of learning, the hardships of exercise, and the hardships of psychology. Let's let our children experience the ups and downs of life, so that they can become stronger and more confident on the road to growth. I believe that our children will be able to face the challenges of the future bravely! Come on, kids!

It is actually a good thing for children to suffer these three kinds of suffering