
Zhang Xuefeng was dumbfounded! There is actually a major in missile maintenance technology! Candidate: What should I do if it explodes?

author:Magpies say things


discussed the heated discussion caused by the new major of "missile maintenance technology" that appeared in the college entrance examination volunteers, and netizens discussed it from different angles, and even compared it to a gunpowder carver. In this online world full of ridicule and discussion, we need to maintain an objective and fair view of things, and understand other people's choices from a different perspective.


Sharpen your eyes

Zhang Xuefeng was dumbfounded! There is actually a major in missile maintenance technology! Candidate: What should I do if it explodes?

Some netizens pointed out that when we look at things, we often have different views because of our own identity and interests, and as others, we need to always keep our eyes open and learn to look at things objectively and fairly.

Zhang Xuefeng was dumbfounded! There is actually a major in missile maintenance technology! Candidate: What should I do if it explodes?

Because the standard of judging others is often different from judging yourself, just like someone else's brick falls on your foot, you know that there is some pain.

Zhang Xuefeng was dumbfounded! There is actually a major in missile maintenance technology! Candidate: What should I do if it explodes?

Some netizens also think so, and the major of missile maintenance technology, which appeared in the college entrance examination this time, makes people feel incredible, and it also makes many netizens hotly discussed.

Zhang Xuefeng was dumbfounded! There is actually a major in missile maintenance technology! Candidate: What should I do if it explodes?

In fact, whether it is netizens or ourselves, we often have our own hesitations when choosing a career, not knowing whether this industry is really suitable for us and what we know about this industry.

Some people think that a certain major has good prospects when choosing a major, but after choosing it, they find that they have no interest in this major, and some people think that a certain major is very high, only to find out that the major is full of bells and whistles.

But we all need to remember that we need to look at things from an impartial and objective perspective, and we must also put ourselves in the shoes of others.

What we see as others may not be the whole story, and we also need to understand why others make such decisions.

When the behavior of others breaks our worldview, we need to keep our eyes open and look at the problem from a different perspective, maybe the truth is not what we imagined.

Although we don't want to be disrupted from our original perception of things, this allows us to see a more real and richer world.

This can also help us become more tolerant, unhurried, and know how to empathize.

Zhang Xuefeng was dumbfounded! There is actually a major in missile maintenance technology! Candidate: What should I do if it explodes?

Gunpowder engraver

In fact, judging from the name, it is difficult to understand what this major is for, and the word "missile" in the name makes people feel irrational at all.

Netizens also commented from their own perspectives, and some even thought that this profession was similar to that of a gunpowder engraver.

Everyone knows that gunpowder is a flammable and explosive substance, and accidents may occur if you are not careful in the production process.

And the gunpowder carver is a craftsman who uses this flammable and explosive substance to create art.

To outsiders, this work is dangerous, and if you are not careful, it can cost you your life.

But in fact, many gunpowder engravers say that the industry is not as dangerous as imagined.

Many people's misunderstanding of them is only superficial, but they don't know that they have actually been playing in this industry for many years.

Some people simply ridicule and say that "missile maintenance technology" sounds high-end and high-grade, but in fact it is just manual work.

Some people even directly compare it with professions such as "popcorn handicrafter" and "noodle maker".

Zhang Xuefeng was dumbfounded! There is actually a major in missile maintenance technology! Candidate: What should I do if it explodes?

High-end technology

In fact, one of the main reasons why modern society can be so developed and can operate unattended in many ways is because of high technology.


But some netizens questioned: "Do you want to repair the missile?" "In this way, it seems that this major is indeed too high-minded.

Moreover, some netizens also said that after the "gunpowder carver" was professionally listed, it was indeed easy for people to misunderstand the introduction of "missile maintenance technology".


We have also been advocating military-civilian integration and are promoting the work of double support, so that "missile maintenance technology" can also exist as a new specialty as a discipline in military technology.

The reason why our country has been able to get to where it is today in terms of science and technology, and why it can be so strong, is inseparable from these people who have been quietly dedicating themselves to the rear and working in the field of scientific research.


On the Internet, we can often see that many netizens will have heated discussions about some new things, and some of them are indeed funny and reasonable.

Some people even directly said: "This year, the number of new students enrolled in missile maintenance technology will reach 666!" ”

There are even people who directly complain: "Whoever learns in the future will be whoever I will beat!" ”

However, as one of the most common ways to express opinions on social media - ridicule and discussion, the specialty of missile maintenance technology appeared in the filling of volunteers, whether it is true or not, has caused heated discussions among everyone, and it also proves that ridicule can sometimes tell the truth.

In fact, it is not the first time that a new major appears when filling in the volunteer application every year, but every time a new major appears, it can make everyone have a heated discussion, and express their opinions on this matter through ridicule and other ways.

Teasing started as a form of entertainment, but now it has become one of the most common ways to express opinions online.

In fact, no matter what you encounter in life, you can't jump to conclusions impatiently, and you can make a correct judgment by conjecture from multiple angles before you can verify the truth.

Zhang Xuefeng was dumbfounded! There is actually a major in missile maintenance technology! Candidate: What should I do if it explodes?


The seemingly absurd "missile maintenance technology" major has aroused heated discussions among netizens, and the ridicule also contains conjectures about reality. In life, we need to keep our eyes sharp, learn to empathize and conjecture, and not rush to conclusions. In this way, we can better understand the world and make good judgments. What do you think?

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