
Laughing numb! NASA denies that two astronauts were trapped in space, but the return date is not determined?

author:Magpies say things


The rumors of NASA astronauts trapped in space have sparked heated discussions among netizens, who have started humorous ridicule, and even ridiculed Chang'e Liu and Musk. Want to know what netizens have said? Let's look down!

Laughing numb! NASA denies that two astronauts were trapped in space, but the return date is not determined?

NASA astronaut rumors

Recently, NASA denied the rumors that the two astronauts were trapped in space, but also said that the return date of the two astronauts is still undecided.

NASA tweeted that the two astronauts will be on the ISS for nearly a year, but due to a series of reasons, the return plan of the two astronauts has been delayed.

The first manned test flight followed two astronauts who suffered thruster failures and ammonia leaks, which led to the postponement of their return plans.

For such news, netizens will naturally start a discussion.

Laughing numb! NASA denies that two astronauts were trapped in space, but the return date is not determined?

Netizens have big brains

Many netizens ridiculed the situation of the two astronauts.

Some netizens directly joked in the comment area that the two astronauts were waiting for Chang'e 6 to come back?

But it is clear that Chang'e 6 has returned, and they are still in space.

Many netizens also began to open their brains and joked: Did Chang'e Liu come back with a pet?

Some netizens joked that if the two astronauts need special methods to return to Earth safely, then Musk should be able to help.

Among the many ridicules, many netizens said: Why hasn't Musk come out to pick up people?

And Musk not only did not pick up people, but prepared to move to Mars by himself.

For this ridicule, many netizens liked and forwarded it, and also showed their superb brain hole and joke level.

But in fact, behind this is also the concern for the two astronauts.


And the humorous ridicule of netizens also wants everyone not to be too nervous and worried.

Laughing numb! NASA denies that two astronauts were trapped in space, but the return date is not determined?

The first manned test flight in the United States

It is reported that the two astronauts were sent to space for a mission after the first manned test flight of the American "Interstellar Corporation" was successfully carried out.

However, due to thruster failures and ammonia leaks, the two astronauts were unable to return to Earth as planned, and can only continue their missions on the space station for now.

In order for these two astronauts to return to Earth safely, the American "Interstellar Corporation" is particularly important.

However, according to some previous information disclosures, the American "Interstellar Company" is not too sure that it will be able to successfully pick up the two astronauts.

After all, spaceships and rockets still have certain safety risks.

In the case of spacecraft, it is difficult to guarantee that some parts are likely to wear out badly after many space flights.

For rockets, it takes a lot of fuel to be foolproof, and it would be dangerous to have another accident with the little fuel left when returning to Earth.

So at present, the US side can only say that it is doing its best, but the success rate is not so high.

However, some netizens believe that this may be a deliberate news released by the United States to cover up some things.

However, the United States did not explain too much, so this can only be said to be a temporary speculation by netizens.

Laughing numb! NASA denies that two astronauts were trapped in space, but the return date is not determined?


This article not only gives us an understanding of the situation of NASA astronauts, but also shows the humorous side of netizens. Their ridicule not only made people laugh, but also expressed concern and blessings for the astronauts. In the face of the unknown, humor is a good medicine for tension. Do you have any humorous thoughts or wishes? Come and leave a message to share!

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