
"Singer 2024" international list, Kazakhstan's mysterious singer is coming, and the background check is exposed!

author:Egg tart edge 8855

Welcome to the mysterious world of Singer 2024

On this Friday night, don't forget to adjust the speed of the barrage, because "Singer 2024" is about to usher in the first international singer to hit the charts! Shhhhh I have to say, this range is wider than the amount of food I eat in a week!


The mysterious singer who made the list first appeared

I heard that this mysterious singer not only has a beautiful singing voice, but also can hit the international charts! My friends around me also began to speculate. Someone said: "Is it a copyright 'national treasure' of Kazakhstan?" Coming to grab the Chinese market? Someone else joked: "Is this vocal range a song that only dogs can hear?" ”

"Singer 2024" international list, Kazakhstan's mysterious singer is coming, and the background check is exposed!

The singer's background notes are online

For this international singer, the program team is meticulous in his back. After all, a new face from a foreign country must look at the background! Some netizens joked: "The matter of back adjustment must be more detailed than my preparation before the exam." If the background is fine, no matter how good she sings, she will be ridiculed as a 'curiosity'. ”

"Singer 2024" international list, Kazakhstan's mysterious singer is coming, and the background check is exposed!

The bells and whistles of the kick gym format

Speaking of the format of "Singer 2024", have you ever been stunned? Adam Smith, who came before, felt like a guest performer who came to show off his skills, but now he is about to usher in the international ranking singers of the kicking competition system, and this competition system is really getting more and more bells and whistles. Netizens complained: "You have to prepare a small book to watch the show, remember these wonderful competition systems, otherwise you won't be able to catch up with the rhythm." ”

"Singer 2024" international list, Kazakhstan's mysterious singer is coming, and the background check is exposed!

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