
People lie in bed and lose weight in their hearts, which is like you on the road to weight loss?

author:Rabbit Princess Nutrition

Losing weight, this protracted inner drama, always jumps repeatedly between "I want to lose weight like a lightning bolt" and "it's not too late to start tomorrow". Have you also found your shadow in these four familiar and heart-piercing scenes? Come on, let's take a seat and see which type you are!

People lie in bed and lose weight in their hearts, which is like you on the road to weight loss?

1. Intermittent weight loss – "5 minutes of fitness, 2 months of rest"

This is simply the "Schrödinger's cat" in the weight loss world, and you never know if you are losing weight or letting yourself go. Strict calorie control today, tomorrow you may "reward" yourself with a family bucket. Over time, the body gets used to this kind of hot and cold treatment, and becomes a "fat-prone physique", which makes your weight loss road wider and wider.

2. Staying up late – "If the moon doesn't sleep, I won't sleep, who do I love if fat loves me?"

In the dead of night, it's your romantic time with your phone, and it's also the moment when leptin sneaks away. Leptin, the little elf of body management, once the secretion is insufficient, your hunger pangs are like a wild horse, difficult to control. As a result, supper becomes your most loyal companion, and the number on the scale the next day is the "morning bell and evening drum" that you have to face.

People lie in bed and lose weight in their hearts, which is like you on the road to weight loss?

3. Intentional weight loss – "I've lost ten pounds in my heart!"

Close your eyes, imagine yourself having the angelic figure of Victoria's Secret, and when you open your eyes, you find yourself still lying next to the bag of potato chips. This kind of "just talk but don't practice" weight loss method, in addition to getting a few likes in the circle of friends, has almost zero contribution to weight. The dream is very plump, the reality is very skinny, and you have to be real to lose weight!

4. Radicalization – "Don't eat or eat until you eat"

From "fasting master" to "gluttonous eater", it only takes the time of one meal. Such an extreme diet makes the body feel like riding a roller coaster, which is not only easy to cause malnutrition, but also may cause metabolic disorders. In the end, the fat was not reduced, but it formed an indissoluble bond with the "yo-yo effect".

People lie in bed and lose weight in their hearts, which is like you on the road to weight loss?

The ultimate antidote: Say goodbye to these pits, what you need is a "smart weight loss revolution"!

  • Consistency: Make a reasonable plan and stick to it to allow your body to adapt to a healthy rhythm.
  • Get enough sleep: go to bed early and get up early, let Leptin Jun work happily, and help you keep your mouth shut.
  • Take action: No matter how strong an idea is, it needs to be supported by practical action. Even if it's just a half-hour walk every day, it's progress.
  • Eat a balanced diet: Reject extremes and embrace balance. Eating a healthy diet and exercising in moderation is king.

Remember, losing weight is not an overnight effort, it's a long self-cultivation. Don't let "people lie in bed, fat in the heart" become your label, from today, let us use wisdom and perseverance to write our own slimming legend!

People lie in bed and lose weight in their hearts, which is like you on the road to weight loss?