
Gratitude to Hu Youping filled the Japanese comment area

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

tells the story of a brave female faculty member Hu Youping who rescued the Japanese in Suzhou, showing her spirit of righteousness and bravery. In the comment area, there was a discussion about rumors and Sino-Japanese relations, which triggered conjectures and reflections among netizens. Want to know how Hu Youping stepped forward to save people? Read on!

Hu Youping, a woman from a big country in the East saved a Japanese

Gratitude to Hu Youping filled the Japanese comment area

There was a news item on the Internet titled "An attack on the Japanese in Suzhou, a 52-year-old man from other places went straight to the school bus of the Japanese Overseas Chinese School with a sharp knife, and it was a brave female teacher who finally rescued them", which happened on June 24.

Gratitude to Hu Youping filled the Japanese comment area

The specific incident is as follows: At about 12 noon on June 24, a man with a knife appeared near Suri Primary School in Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City.

Gratitude to Hu Youping filled the Japanese comment area

At this time, the man's target was not the Japanese students at the school, but their parents, because it was the end of school and the man was going to the pick-up point, where the school bus arrived.

He held a knife and went straight to the school bus that had driven to him, and at this critical juncture, a female teacher stood up, she was Hu Youping, and when she saw that there was danger, she rushed up without saying a word, and started a fight with the man with the knife.

With her obstruction, the knife-wielding man could not reach his destination, and the longer the time was delayed, the better, because then the police would have more time to arrive.

Sure enough, the knife-wielding man later turned into a knife-wielding murderer, but fortunately, the nearby patrol police arrived at the scene, and they quickly controlled the man without causing more harm.

But in just a few minutes, Hu Youping used his body to block the killing intent for these Japanese, although everyone was safe, but she was also injured and is now hospitalized for treatment.

This kind of news is not uncommon in real life, many people will choose to run away when they encounter danger, but Hu Youping is different, even if she knew that the other party was here to stab someone, she did not retreat half a step, but resolutely stepped forward, this spirit of righteousness and courage makes us admire very much.

Gratitude to Hu Youping filled the Japanese comment area

Rumors are circulating on the Internet

In the comment area below this news, we saw a lot of comments from netizens, who praised Hu Youping, believing that her behavior represents the true friendship between the people of the big eastern country and the Japanese, and should be respected and affirmed by more people.

What shocked us even more was that some netizens found clues of rumors in the comment section of this news, saying that this school has been the focus of public opinion storms and attacks many times, and the rumors spread on the Internet have also come and gone.

Some people say that this school is like the base camp of Japanese spy organizations, and it trains all the descendants of Japanese agents; Others say that the school teaches a variety of fighting and espionage skills in addition to classes, and that these students grow up to be classic Japanese anime spy characters.

What's even more outrageous is that there are also self-media and Internet celebrities who went to this school privately to monitor and secretly take pictures, trying to find flaws in what they did and prove that this rumor is true.

And every time we see these things, we feel indignation and puzzlement: what do these people think? Why would they use such drastic tactics against a group of innocent students?

If they really have evidence that there is a problem with this school, then they can go through legal procedures to solve it, why choose this irresponsible way of spreading rumors?

Even though we know that there are many such slandered people in the East in real life, as ordinary people, we still hate it.

It's not the Japanese who should be remembered, but ourselves

In response to this attack, after seeing those unbearable rumors, we immediately thought about whether Ms. Hu Youping would be affected by the pressure of public opinion.

Because now that China and Japan have friendly diplomatic relations, it can be said that they are on the right track, and if there is a gap between the two countries because of such a trivial matter, then the consequences can be imagined.

But fortunately, Japanese friends were not fooled by the rumors on the Internet, on the contrary, they seemed to be more inclined to this life-saving benefactor.

Under a news about Ms. Hu Youping, we saw a Japanese netizen suggesting: It is not the Japanese who should be remembered, but ourselves; If I can, I hope to hold a memorial service and erect a bronze statue to commemorate this respectable and lovely lady of the Oriental country.

In this regard, domestic netizens also agreed, and believed that we need to respond positively: just because Hu Youping saved the Japanese, she can't say that she returned in vain; If someone else could come forward to help the Japanese who were in distress at this time, then the Japanese friends would surely give due reward and gratitude.

Therefore, we should take the lead and take concrete actions to safeguard the harmonious relations that China and Japan are trying to build.

In addition, some netizens proposed: A medal can be set up in the place where Hu Youping works to commemorate her; At the same time, more publicity and affirmation should be given to her spirit of righteousness and courage, so that more people know that they should learn from such a model.

Because only when the society as a whole is working in such a direction, can we truly create a social atmosphere of upward and benevolent, righteous and courageous deeds, and be respected.

Gratitude to Hu Youping filled the Japanese comment area

It deserves our utmost respect

At the same time, there are also some voices questioning Hu Youping's righteous and courageous actions: After all, she is there to save the Japanese, and we cannot ignore the estrangement and contradictions that have accumulated in the history between China and Japan.

However, such a view was quickly attacked by public opinion, and everyone believed that things between countries should not become a stumbling block to getting along with each other.

And Hu Youping didn't help the Japanese for no reason: as a faculty member, in her eyes, the nationality of the students was not important, but whether the students could return home safely.

If it had become a casualty incident at that time, I am afraid that no one could afford the consequences.

Moreover, we should not treat all Japanese as devils who once invaded the great powers of the East, and in contemporary society, the two countries have basically resumed normal diplomatic relations.

What's more, those ordinary people who have been invaded have already gone to eternal sleep with the torrent of history; If even the period of the most victimization of Japan's war of aggression against China has begun to fade into our memory, then we have no reason to talk about this period of history anymore.

In contrast, Hu Youping's spirit of righteousness and courage on June 24 is the most worthy of our emphasis and pursuit: she knew that the other party had a knife in her hand, and rushed to stop it without hesitation;

Although he was injured, he still insisted on blocking the knife-wielding man until the police arrived. How can such an act be said to be innocculate?

If she hadn't stepped forward, it would have turned into a casualty incident; No amount of hatred can be built on the premise of such a lack of values.

Gratitude to Hu Youping filled the Japanese comment area


Hu Youping's righteous and courageous behavior is awe-inspiring, and her bravery and fearlessness demonstrate the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Under the pressure of rumors and public opinion on the Internet, we should unite as one and take concrete actions to safeguard the friendly relations between China and Japan. For those who are righteous and brave like Hu Youping, we should give the greatest respect and affirmation, and let this positive energy be passed on.

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