
Remembering the old army commander General Yuan Jun

author:Wang Shuxia

[Original title: Chen Xiaolin|Remembering the old army commander General Yuan Jun]

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, during the Three Kingdoms period, there was a talented man named Wang Cang. Liu Biao, who he originally followed, was ambitious but lacking in talent, and his mind was relatively narrow-minded. Later, Wang Cang decided to leave Liu Biao and defected to Cao Cao. Cao Cao was eloquent, and Wang Cang was able to display his talent under his command, and he was in a very happy mood. Wang Cang expressed his feelings in "Poems of the Army": "No matter whether the life of the army is bitter or happy, the most important thing is to see which lord is followed. This is a portrayal of his state of mind after defecting to Cao Cao. This feeling of switching to the Lord and showing his talent is recorded in his poems in simple and straightforward language.

It is undeniable that the leadership of a unit has an important influence on the way the force fights. I served in the field army, which was a historic unit of the Red Army. Its founders included prominent communists Fang Zhimin, Zhang Dingcheng and Deng Zihui. During the war years, General Su Yu and Lieutenant General Tao Yong commanded this force for a long time. Their excellent command skills and courageous fighting spirit allowed this unit to show great strength in many battles. In the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, this unit formed a unique fighting tradition, that is, "being able to fight, to run, and to endure hunger." They took part in many large battles and managed to destroy a large number of enemies, including more than 301,000 enemies, including 3,691 Japanese troops and 22,151 puppet troops. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and the self-defense counterattack on Zhenbao Island, this unit also performed well, causing 7,800 casualties of the US army, more than 7,000 South Korean puppet troops were repulsed, and 206 Soviet invading troops were repulsed. This army is a powerful force in East China and a heroic division that holds on to northern Xinjiang. In short, with its outstanding combat effectiveness and indomitable spirit, this unit has become a strong force and a strong division in history.

In the cold winter of 1978, I was transferred from the post of company instructor to the Organization Department of the Military Political Department. I took the train from Qiqihar to Harbin overnight, and in the early morning light, I carried a backpack and a canvas travel bag that had been with me for nine years. This bag contains all my belongings, and my inner mission and belief are as solid as those 300 yuan of savings tightly packed in my pocket, which is the salary I have accumulated through six years of hard work in the army. I rushed all the way to the military compound on Hexing Road with the fastest pace. It was an unforgettable journey, both long and full of meaning for new beginnings. Although the years have passed, I still remember the scene of that day with full of enthusiasm and strong faith.

Outside the building of the military department, because it was not yet time to go to work, I sat directly on my backpack, took out a book to read, and waited patiently. At this time, a sturdy chief came over while walking in the courtyard and asked me: "Which unit are you a young comrade?" After I explained to him what I was here for, he asked me a little more about it, shook my hand and said, "Yes, you look like a cadre who has been trained in the company." In this way, I enjoyed the smell of books while waiting for the agency to go to work.

After the higher-ups left, I asked the soldiers standing guard who the man was. The soldier told me that he was Commander Yuan. When I heard the news, I was amazed. Commander Yuan was a veteran of the New Fourth Army in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and he made remarkable achievements, not only with outstanding military talent, but also with extremely high political literacy. He is handsome in appearance and extraordinary in bearing, and he is a role model for young cadres at the grassroots level.

At that age, Mr. Yuan was fifty-four years old, thirty years older than me. He is both my leader and my elder.

Remembering the old army commander General Yuan Jun

During those six years, I served as an officer in the military organs, and I worked with the commanders, political commissars, and veteran leaders who had experienced the baptism of war. Under their nurturing, I have gained many valuable experiences and profound teachings. These experiences have made me more mature and determined, and I have benefited a lot.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee, a large-scale discussion was launched within the armed forces to explore the criteria of truth in depth. At that time, some officers and soldiers had some difficulty adapting to the change, and developed radical opinions and rhetoric. In this regard, the Political Department of the military specially sorted out the ideological situation, analyzed the situation of individuals and specific incidents, and made detailed records of some of the situations. They were also classified according to certain criteria and were ready to report to the Shenyang Military District. After reviewing the situation, the army commander summoned us and said: "In the great changes of the times, it is inevitable that the cadres and soldiers of our troops will have different ideas, and may even say some radical things. This is not surprising, the point is that it is more a question of understanding and ideology than of political stance. We cannot judge the whole team on an individual basis. The important thing is to educate and guide them, so that they understand the general direction and principles. He also stressed the need not to over-interpret minor issues and differences as battles of positions or political issues. We should focus our efforts on guidance and education to help cadres and fighters establish correct concepts and ideological orientations.

To be honest, I didn't fully understand the deep meaning of what the commander said before, but as the years went by, and after experiencing various big and small storms, my understanding of those words became more profound. To put it bluntly, when I first listened to the commander's speech, I didn't feel much. But over the years, I have experienced many ups and downs, whether it is the change of the big environment or the small environment, which has given me a deeper understanding and understanding of those words. Now, I understand better how important and profound what the commander said at that time was.

Soon after, the military began preparations for the convening of the Party Congress, and the department was responsible for writing the work report. Faced with the dilemma of not being able to write, our party secretary Yuan Junchang gave several guiding principles. He stressed that we need to look back on the past (especially the past decade) concisely and plan for the future in detail. Descriptions of achievements and problems should be brief, while experiences and revelations need to be elaborated. He advocated unity and looking forward, and through these suggestions, everyone instantly understood and their thinking was much clearer. To put it simply, we need to refine the past and elaborate on our plans for the future. Talk about achievements and problems in general, and explore experiences and revelations in depth. Let's all work together and look forward together.

On one occasion, the army commander went to the grassroots level to inspect the work. At that time, a regiment commander mentioned in his work report that in order to strengthen training, he planned to convert the army's vegetable garden into a training ground. The head of the regiment was beaming when he elaborated on this plan. But the commander frowned as he listened, and he wished he could see it with his own eyes. When he arrived at the scene, he saw the fruits on the bunches of peppers and eggplant seedlings, and the commander pointed to one place and said: "The soldiers' food expenses are very limited, and the only food cost per person per day is only four and a half cents. Owning a vegetable patch improves their diet and also helps them thrive. The soil here is fertile, so we have to think carefully. We can reserve this land for the company and find another place at the foot of the hill as a training ground. "The commander is so thoughtful, and his attitude gives the impression that he cares and cares about the lives of his soldiers. Although his decisions were sometimes serious and cautious, they were all for the better development of the troops. Training is equal to daily life, which is also the duty of a soldier.

In February 1979, a self-defense counterattack broke out on the southern border. According to the military commission's strategic plan for fighting in the south and defending the north, the army commander returned from the military academy ahead of schedule and led the troops to the northern border. At the theater operations meeting, the army commander made a detailed analysis of the enemy's troop strength, weapon deployment, and operational characteristics. "Against the enemy, the first task is to defeat tanks," he stressed. "He ordered that the whole army, from the top leadership to each company, must learn how to fight tanks. In pre-war training, the whole army should focus on tank fighting. Commander Yuan also encouraged everyone to "race against time to build fortifications, and the more preparation there is, the more victory there is." As a result, in just one week, the whole army basically relied on manpower, and built trenches with a total length of more than 11,300 linear meters and anti-tank trenches of more than 700 meters on the frozen soil. At the same time, more than 8,600 bunkers and cat ear holes were built. In terms of the use of tactics and the allocation of troops and weapons, the army commander firmly decided that "the front line should be lightly armed, the rear should be heavily equipped, the key points should be strictly guarded, the firepower should be concentrated in the main direction, and a strong reserve force should be pre-set." In accordance with this strategic decision, the whole army quickly launched an operation.

Remembering the old army commander General Yuan Jun

After that, although there was no fighting on the northern front, the cadres and fighters followed the sober and calm commander, confidently believing that if the battle started, they would definitely win.

Commander Yuan has experienced countless fierce battles in the past years. In order to write the history of our army's war, I followed Deputy Political Commissar Xu to Beijing in the early 80s and paid special visits to the seniors of the army who had fought side by side with him. Among them, Peng Deqing, then Minister of Communications, and Mr. Jiang Xinsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yanshan Petrochemical General Plant, recalled the time when they served as the head of the regiment and the director of the Political Department of Yuan Jun in the early days of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. They told us a story of the past, when Commander Yuan was the instructor of the company, he once led the whole company of more than 100 warriors to fight to the death against the Japanese puppet army, and what was touching was the scene of the two sides fighting bayonets. At that time, their heroic deeds were repeatedly mentioned on the battlefield. Peng Deqing and Jiang Xinsheng also mentioned that they still have deep admiration. This shows that in the past, Commander Yuan was always a warrior who was deeply respected and trusted by the people.

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Mr. Yuan served as the commander of the 201st Regiment, and he led the battles of T-shaped Mountain and Shiyandong North Mountain. In these two battles, after two days and three nights of fierce confrontation, he successfully repelled more than 30 counterattacks by troops below the battalion of the 7th Division of the US Army. According to statistics, his heroic command led to the fact that more than a thousand enemies were killed or wounded, while four more were captured. This achievement has attracted wide attention and praise in the international community, and has also been commended by the Volunteer Army Command.

Remembering the old army commander General Yuan Jun

In the organized and archived military structure, our department is dedicated to managing the lists of all military martyrs. One day, when we were combing through the records, we were surprised to find that Commander Yuan's name was also on the list. We immediately reported the situation to the top. The commander of the army who heard the news was very excited, and personally went to our office to conduct a detailed check and confirmation. It turned out that during the battle of Huaihai against Huang Botao, Commander Yuan was unfortunately seriously injured. At that time, due to the urgency of the war, the troops were transferred, and he was temporarily placed in the home of a villager, but the follow-up contact was interrupted for various reasons. Our troops, unaware of his specific circumstances, mistakenly believed that he had "died heroically" and registered him as a martyr. We were pleasantly surprised by this unexpected discovery and reunion, and Commander Yuan's experience has become a precious memory for us. It also reminds us once again that the life and death of every soldier are precious, and there is no room for miscalculation and negligence.

At some point in 1979, after our troops were evacuated from the theater, Yuan Jun was promoted to deputy commander of the Shenyang Military Region after ten years of serving as a military commander. After that, he was transferred to the Nanjing Army Command College as dean, and concurrently served as vice president and dean of the graduate school of the National Defense University. Back in 1964, Commander Yuan was successfully promoted to colonel. Subsequently, in the 1988 year, he was awarded the honor of lieutenant general. This promotion demonstrated his outstanding military prowess and leadership skills.

Around 1982 or 1983, I followed Director Zhou, a member of the Political Department, to the construction site in Chifeng to conduct research on the troops. On the way back, we passed through Shenyang and stopped by to Yan'anli to visit Deputy Commander Yuan. Deputy Commander Yuan recognized me at a glance because I was a young recruit at the time. I still remember the simple meal I had at the chief's house that night, with four dishes and a soup.

I noticed a calligraphy and painting hanging on the wall, which read, "Will be the top of the mountain, and see the mountains at a glance", which attracted my attention. The chief asked me, "Are you interested in calligraphy?" He went on to tell me that it was written with his left hand by his fellow countryman and master calligrapher, Fei Xinme.

When we talked about the 23rd Army, the veteran leader was full of affection and instructed Director Zhou: "The political work of the 23rd Army is full of creativity, and our army has pioneered the meritorious service movement and the assessment of casualties, and has widely popularized it. The leader said that the 23rd Army is good at discovering and promoting excellent models. You must continue to inherit and carry forward these fine traditions. Indeed, these traditions of Commander Yuan have continued. For example, the brave and fearless Xu Jiapeng, he is one of the 50 first-class combat heroes in the Volunteer Army, and his heroic deeds are included in "Cihai". Looking back at the history of the People's Republic of China over the past 60 years, there are two figures in the 23rd Army who have been named among the 100 people who "moved China": Liu Yingjun, a good son of the people, and Suning, a model cadre who has dedicated himself to national defense modernization. At the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the founding of the army, 13 comrades were awarded the August 1 Medal, including Leng Pengfei, who was the deputy commander of the army and performed bravely in the battle of Zhenbao Island. These are the pride of the 23 rd Army, and they are also the spirit that we should continue to inherit and magnify.

In 1987, in my free time, I wrote a book on military talent in a freelance way, called "The Road to the Stars". Before I was ready to publish, I plucked up the courage to call the commander and asked him to write a preface for me. The commander was very happy when he heard the news, and praised again and again, "Good, good, Xiao Chen has a book." After I sent the manuscript to the chief, it didn't take long for me to receive the preface and cover letter from the old chief. This makes me feel very excited and grateful. At that time, I didn't hesitate and called the commander directly, hoping that he could help. The commander's reaction also made me very happy and proud. The whole process went very smoothly, and the old chief's preface made the book even more perfect. To put it simply, I wrote a book in my spare time, which was supported and affirmed by the military commander, and finally received a preface written by the old chief. It was an unforgettable experience that gave me a deeper understanding and awareness of military talent.

I see, I understand. After listening to all the explanations today, I feel that I have a comprehensive understanding of the topic. But there's a little question, can you help me explain this? How can I solve the difficulties I encountered in my studies? Well, Xiaolin understood everything. All the explanations today made him feel very clear about the full details of the subject. Although some small questions were still lingering in his mind, he had mustered up the courage to ask: Can you please help me solve this puzzle? Problems are always a headache when I am studying, but can you give me some advice on how to solve them?

Hello! I have received the manuscript from you. I've been attending conferences in Beijing lately, and I've just returned to school, so I'm really busy. I've read the draft of the preface you wrote, and it's pretty good. But considering that the book's main audience is young people, I think the tone should be more active and expressed in the form of a dialogue, which would seem more intimate. Therefore, I have rewritten a new preface and sent it to you along with the original draft for your reference. You put a lot of effort into writing this book, and it's really not easy. Hopefully, your efforts will be rewarded and you will be successful. I wish you all the best!

Yuan Jun is a personal name.

In 1987, it was a golden autumn season, an ordinary but special day, that is, on such a day, we were in the city of Nanjing.

In 1988, a new book was published, with an initial printing of 20,000 copies. This book has not only been loved by the majority of readers, but also won the second prize of the National Outstanding Youth Book Award and the Outstanding Work Award of the Shenyang Military Region.

In the autumn of 1989, I mailed a book called "The Great Dictionary of Party Affairs of the Communist Party of China", which I compiled with my team, and Yuan Junchang wrote to me again to encourage me after receiving it. In the letter, he also made comments on my new writing plan. The old chief said that the writing plan I submitted for "Strategic Conception and Decision-making and the Methodology of Strategizing" has a very profound theme, a high level, and a certain degree of difficulty. He intends to ask comrades who specialize in this field to take a look at it, and if he has any suggestions or opinions, he will pass them on to me. This response is very encouraging to me and makes me look forward to writing this book.

He told me that he intended to transfer me to the National Defense University after the relevant departments of the university learned about my situation, but he did not accept the offer. He believes that conducting in-depth research in combination with reality is a more suitable and worthwhile development path for me. Commander Yuan's words made me think deeply for a long time, and made me more determined in my direction and choice. The chief also agreed that this was a path worth exploring. I know that this road will not be easy, but I will work hard to move forward.

Later, while serving as vice president of the National Defense University, Commander Yuan suddenly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. After the all-out rescue efforts of the medical staff, he was finally out of danger. One year, he returned to his old unit in a wheelchair and visited each company one by one. When he saw the soldiers sweating on the training ground, his eyes couldn't help but be filled with tears. I watched him leaning in his wheelchair, full of regret and sadness. In the 23rd Army, everyone knew that Commander Yuan was an upright person with a strong personality. Seeing him in a wheelchair now is really distressing. The veteran comrades all regretted his current situation and hoped that he would recover as soon as possible.

When I think of that old and busy leader, and I keep bothering him, my heart is even more uneasy and ashamed...

Time flies, 20 years have passed, and the old chief is no longer there. I have also entered old age, but the image and voice of Commander Yuan, his teachings and instructions to me, every time I think of it, it seems as clear as if it was just yesterday.

At the moment of celebrating the 96th anniversary of the founding of the army, let's look back on the past and reminisce together. On the special day of the 96th anniversary of the founding of the army, we look back on history and relive the past.

According to the news of the comrades-in-arms network platform, the information comes from the WeChat public account "comrades-in-arms" of the comrades-in-arms of the 23rd Army.