
Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

author:Sweetheart Sect Master said

Recently, a blogger and sister boldly posted a video declaring that she would never hold hands with a "poor guy". As soon as this video came out, the Internet exploded, and netizens had different opinions and discussed happily.

At the beginning of the video, the young lady wittily gave a preventive shot: "Ladies and gentlemen, don't be in a hurry to throw bricks!" She is ready to meet the "war of words" of the "poor guys", in this world, successful people are always rare, and we ordinary workers still account for the majority.

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

The young lady said bluntly: "I won't fall in love with a poor guy!" As soon as he said this, it is estimated that the hearts of many "poor guys" were broken. Is it true that a man who has no money is destined to have no chance of love and can only die alone?

The young lady explained: "It's not that I look down on poor guys, it's just that they are too difficult to 'serve'. As soon as these words came out, people couldn't help laughing. Usually, isn't it all men who "serve" women? How is it reversed here? She added: "I like to be nice to people, but I'm only good to people of my level. This young lady is more inclined to find a successful person who matches her, rather than "climbing" or "low".

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

From the words of this blogger, it is not difficult to speculate that she may be a strong woman with a successful career. In her eyes, those "poor guys" who are still struggling are obviously not her dishes. What she is looking for is a "rich and handsome" who can work hand in hand with her.

The young lady also joked: "I never spend the money of a poor guy!" This sounds a bit harsh, but when you think about it, how can a man with financial constraints meet her material needs? After all, the word "poor" itself implies economic deprivation.

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

So why not spend the poor guy's money? The young lady gave a realistic and heart-wrenching answer: "Because that money is so important to them, it's just lifeline!" Although this is straightforward, it also expresses the voices of many "poor boys".

The blogger also said very down-to-earth: "When you fall in love, get married, and when you quarrel, the poor guy will say that you don't dislike me for having no money?" "It's a reflection of real life! How many couples quarrel constantly because of financial problems, and even come to the verge of breaking up.

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

The young lady's next sentence hit the hearts of the "poor boys": "The poor boys are really fragile. "Yes, because of "poverty", they have no bottom in their hearts; Because they are "poor", they often feel inferior; Because they are "poor", they cannot afford to buy luxury cars and mansions. The word "poor" is like a big mountain, which overwhelms them.

Netizens said

Some said: You fell in love with a rich man and got married

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

Some said: I am also poor, but what people say seems to be very right [covering his face] It is too difficult for a poor man to find a wife

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

Others said: The words are not good, but they are all truths, they are all facts, and it is acceptable that there is no money to accept it!

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

This netizen said: The one who said that he never fell in love with an ugly person, but the fact is that the PO owner is not ugly, but he should be really poor.

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

Although the young lady's words were a little harsh, she also said frankly: "Although I love money, I never cheat the money of poor guys." This is still commendable, "a gentleman loves money, and he takes it in a good way"!

Wayward! The woman said, "I never fall in love with poor men, money is their life!" ”

Netizens also have their own opinions on this blogger. Some people agreed, thinking that it was really uncomfortable to get along with "poor guys"; Some people ridiculed her for being too materialistic, but the young lady calmly faced all kinds of evaluations, everyone has their own lifestyle and values!

So, we still have to look at this problem rationally!