
The years are like a song: the garden ginseng hometown several years ring

author:Enthusiastic little dance

Text: Enthusiastic little dance

Editor: Enthusiastic Xiao Wu


In recent years, the ginseng culture in the area of Changbai Mountain has attracted much attention, and the history of ginseng cultivation in Xijiang Village, Fusong County has once again become the focus of attention.

The years are like a song: the garden ginseng hometown several years ring

Now, we are also fortunate to come to Xijiang Village, and we want to use the fertility of this land to trace the history of ginseng cultivation and feel the long age of this land. Only by understanding the history can we better protect the ginseng culture and pass it on.

1. Ginseng resources in Fusong County

At the foot of Changbai Mountain, which is a treasure trove of three-dimensional resources, Fusong County is blessed with unique ginseng resources, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has a humid climate, which is an excellent environment for ginseng growth, so it has also become one of the important ginseng producing areas in China.

The years are like a song: the garden ginseng hometown several years ring

Fusong's ginseng is delicious and deeply loved by consumers, and a one-stop industrial chain of ginseng planting, processing and sales has also been formed here, injecting a strong impetus into the local economic development. It is precisely because of this special geographical advantage that there is a later ginseng cultivation and a history that we have been tracing all along, all of which are inseparable from the nourishment of this land.

Second, the mysterious old ginseng pool bottom

The years are like a song: the garden ginseng hometown several years ring

If you want to explore the history of ginseng cultivation, you must start from the bottom of the old ginseng pond, and the bottom of the old ginseng pond in Fusong County has always been confusing and elusive. Only from here can we make more discoveries and better restore the face of history.

And now, the original old ginseng pond bottom seems to have made a new discovery, all thanks to some people who love history and culture, and it is their unremitting efforts that have uncovered this history.

The years are like a song: the garden ginseng hometown several years ring

3. Witnesses of the years

In front of the bottom of the old ginseng pond in Xijiang Village, we saw Zhu Huanxiang, an old man in his eighties, who turned out to be one of the witnesses of that year and an important witness of this history. It is a great blessing for us to have the privilege of being able to hear him tell us in person, and it also gives us a more realistic feeling of this history.

The years are like a song: the garden ginseng hometown several years ring

Everything is so clear and precious, and he is the witness of the years and the inheritor of history.

Fourth, the memory of history

On the way to the bottom of the old ginseng pond, we heard the narration of the old man Zhu Huanxiang, and also heard the communication of some other people who love history and culture, each of them is a memory of history and a inheritor of ginseng culture.

The years are like a song: the garden ginseng hometown several years ring

Through their mouths, we seem to have returned to a long, long time ago, and saw the figure of the ancients, but also saw the whole process of ginseng cultivation, this historical memory, for us is an inspiration, but also a responsibility.

5. Inheritance of ginseng culture

It is precisely because of these people who love history and culture that we have the inheritance of ginseng culture and our deeper understanding of the history of ginseng cultivation.

The years are like a song: the garden ginseng hometown several years ring

Ginseng culture is a precious culture, but also the precious wealth of our nation, only through the unremitting efforts of our generation after generation, in order to pass it on, but also to let more people understand this unique culture.


Standing in front of the bottom of the old ginseng pond, we seem to hear the echo of history, and also feel the tolerance and heaviness of this land. History is at the feet, but also in these ancient tree rings, through the joint efforts of everyone, I believe that the face of this history will become clearer and clearer, and the ginseng culture will be better inherited and developed here.

May the fragrance of ginseng always be fragrant, and may the seeds of ginseng culture take root and sprout and bloom beautiful flowers in a wider land.