
There is still one and a half years left with a high salary, and the veteran of the Taishan team has collapsed on loan, and has been abandoned by Lao Cui 0 reinforcements to withdraw from the championship

author:Colorful sports perspective

Shandong Taishan team suffered a second-year curse, the introduction of reinforcements was stagnant, and the wounded were difficult to return

Shandong Taishan team, the former overlord, now seems to be stuck in a quagmire. Behind a seemingly easy score, there is a lot of hardship and suffering. The state of the team is really sweaty.

There is still one and a half years left with a high salary, and the veteran of the Taishan team has collapsed on loan, and has been abandoned by Lao Cui 0 reinforcements to withdraw from the championship

Don't look at their last round of the Chinese Super League and Meizhou shook hands, but in the process, they were led twice by Tonglianglong, which shocked the fans into a cold sweat. This Cui Kangxi's second-grade curse, did it come so inadvertently?

It's only been half a season, and the problems of the Tarzan team have popped up one after another. Especially after Zeka's injury, the timing of his comeback has been a mystery. Say you can come back in August? Now it seems, hanging! It's not going to be the whole season, we have to be prepared for the fact that Zeka won't be able to return.

In terms of recruitment, it is also very bleak. The Taishan team is now only in and out, and the management is frightened by the previous failure experience? Now they are very diligent in cleaning up players, Song Long went to Qingdao Manatee, and Han Rongze joined Cangzhou Lions. Both veterans have found new owners, and they are all happy.

Especially Song Long, who also had a glorious moment in the Taishan team, is now returning to the place where the dream began, and striving to help the new club complete the relegation task. This Shandong Taishan, when will it be able to regain its former majesty?

There is still one and a half years left with a high salary, and the veteran of the Taishan team has collapsed on loan, and has been abandoned by Lao Cui 0 reinforcements to withdraw from the championship

A netizen said: The Taishan team is really kicking more and more now, and they can't even abuse vegetables, so what are you talking about competing for the championship? Look at other teams, the introduction of reinforcements and training are correct, the management of the Taishan team is really anxious!

Another netizen said: Don't be in a hurry to sing about the Taishan team, who doesn't have a low period? Zeka's injury was an accident, and the caution in bringing in reinforcements was also to avoid a repeat of the mistakes of the past. The departure of Song Long and Han Rongze also shows that the team is adjusting its strategy? Look forward to their efforts in the second half of the season!

Shandong Taishan team cleaned the "veteran", and Ji Xiang faced leaving

Shandong Taishan team has been moving a lot recently, and the two generals were sent away, which is obviously telling us: We don't raise idlers here, if you are useless, then don't occupy an area here.

There is still one and a half years left with a high salary, and the veteran of the Taishan team has collapsed on loan, and has been abandoned by Lao Cui 0 reinforcements to withdraw from the championship

I heard that the veteran Ji Xiang, well, is about to be loaned out. The first thing I looked for was the west coast of Qingdao, but unfortunately, it collapsed when I negotiated the price. Why? Isn't it because Ji Xiang's salary is too high, his contract will only expire in 2026, and there is still a year and a half of high salary to get, which relegation team dares to take over this kind of treatment?

I think back then, Ji Xiang was also the hero of the team, but unfortunately now because of injuries, he can't even play. Even if he came back to training, Choi Kang-hee didn't plan to use him. Now in the position of right back, Gao Zhunyi, Wu Xinghan, and Tong Lei are all in front of him, and it is difficult for Ji Xiang to play.

Now Shandong Taishan team in the position of fullback, is really talented, from the previous no one available, to the current many candidates, this change is really big enough. Although Ji Xiang is 34 years old, he must still have the ability, and now he has to find a powerful next home to talk about loan.

The bowl of football rice is really not delicious. Look at Ji Xiang, a former hero, and now he is also facing such a situation. However, this is professional football, brutal and realistic.

There is still one and a half years left with a high salary, and the veteran of the Taishan team has collapsed on loan, and has been abandoned by Lao Cui 0 reinforcements to withdraw from the championship

Netizens said: Shandong Taishan team's cleaning of veterans this time is obviously a professional performance, and the football field is about strength, not feelings. Although Ji Xiang has a lot of credit, he can't play now, and it is a waste of resources to keep it.

Netizens ridiculed: Shandong Taishan team is in such a hurry to drive the veterans away, it's really cool. Ji Xiang has given so much for the team, and now he has been abandoned because of injuries and high salaries, which is really chilling. This approach is too utilitarian.

Delgado shines in the FA Cup, and the Taishan team has no worries about foreign aid and rich domestic aid reserves

Delgado's pass and shot in the FA Cup, no, it directly reassured the Shandong Taishan team - our foreign aid is enough! Look at this performance, why do you need to change any foreign aid.

There is still one and a half years left with a high salary, and the veteran of the Taishan team has collapsed on loan, and has been abandoned by Lao Cui 0 reinforcements to withdraw from the championship

The lineup of the Taishan team, to be honest, is not short of people in any position. Jia Feifei, Mai Wulang, Yu Jinyong, Abdul Suli, these young men are all potential stocks, which are worthy of being cultivated and reused by the club.

However, this also means that it will be difficult for the Taishan team to compete for the championship this year. The league wants to catch up with the two strong teams in Shanghai, to be honest, it is unlikely. What about the FA Cup? Beijing Guoan has shouted the slogan of the championship, everyone is staring at it, the Taishan team wants to compete for the championship? Difficult!

Remember last season? The four are empty, why? At the beginning of the season, the team was turbulent, and it took half a season to ease up. What about this season? Zeka was injured unexpectedly, and the main players were still absent, and it was really a house leak that happened to rain overnight.

In the next round of the Chinese Super League, the Taishan team has to go north to challenge Changchun Yatai, and the next 5 consecutive away matches are not a joke. When this wave of games is over, the situation of the Taishan team is basically clear - is it to fight for the fourth place steadily, or do you have a chance to go further?

Cressan is coming back soon, and he can return before the match against Shenhua at the latest, which is good news. However, Leonardo and Duan Liuyu, the two players on loan, will continue to play outside, and the Taishan team does not plan to call them back for the time being.

A netizen said: The Taishan team is really full of talents now, Delgado's performance is too eye-catching, it seems that although it is difficult to compete for the championship this year, the top four are still stable. Young talents should also be given more opportunities, after all, the future is their stage.

Another netizen ridiculed: The Taishan team does not change foreign aid? Don't be kidding, just rely on these people now, can they catch up with the Shanghai Shuangxiong? The FA Cup title is even more fantastic. Let's see how the other teams operate, and don't end up with all four of them when the time comes.