
He used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, and returned to his hometown to start a business after resigning, how is it now?

author:Clever pineapple
He used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, and returned to his hometown to start a business after resigning, how is it now?

This guy used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, what happened later?

Friends, today I would like to share with you the story of an inspirational person. His name is Zhao Pu, and he used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV. Don't look at him now that he is 53 years old, but his life history is still magnificent and breathtaking.

Let's review Zhao Pu's life experience. This guy was born in a poor peasant family in Huangshan, Anhui Province, and his family conditions can be said to be quite poor. However, it is such an ordinary rural child who finally grew up to become a well-known host of CCTV with his own hard work and tenacity, and was once praised as "CCTV's first brother" by the audience.

He used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, and returned to his hometown to start a business after resigning, how is it now?

In 1987, at the age of 18, Zhao Pu joined the army, a move that undoubtedly changed the trajectory of his life. While serving as a soldier in Beijing, he accidentally performed a poetry recitation at a theatrical evening and accidentally discovered his talent. It turned out that the Mandarin of this rural child was so standard, and his voice was very pleasant. From then on, he was transferred to become a broadcaster and embarked on his own career path.

Although it didn't go well at first, Zhao Pu also made frequent mistakes because of his youth and vigor, and was almost "kicked out" of the broadcast studio. However, he did not give up, but found the direction of his life in the midst of setbacks. Since then, he began to study hard and work hard, and finally was admitted to the Beijing Radio Department in 1996 and officially embarked on the road of media practice.

In this way, Zhao Pu gradually grew from an ordinary rural child to a media person, and finally joined CCTV in 2006 as a host. His professional ability and professionalism were quickly recognized by the audience, and he was known as the "first brother of CCTV". In the special report on the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, his tearful performance was even more moving, and he was named "CCTV's most moving Chinese host".

He used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, and returned to his hometown to start a business after resigning, how is it now?

But just when Zhao Pu's career was taking off, fate once again stretched out its "claws" to him. In 2012, he posted a post on social platforms about food safety, hinting at some information that was not conducive to capital. This small move actually caused a huge response from public opinion, which eventually led to Zhao Pu's "fall from grace".

In desperation, CCTV had no choice but to "protect" Zhao Pu and let him "disappear" for 4 years. I think that during the 4 years of "disappearance", Zhao Pu must have experienced a lot of inner torment and wandering. But it was at this time that he found his new direction.

Zhao Pu is well aware of CCTV's "protection" of him, and he also understands the good intentions behind this practice. So, he decided to leave CCTV and devote himself to the inheritance and protection of traditional Chinese handicrafts. In the process, he also actively participated in public welfare undertakings and became a "public welfare expert". By taking practical actions to maintain his principles and bottom line, Zhao Pu shows the bearing and responsibility of a mature man.

He used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, and returned to his hometown to start a business after resigning, how is it now?

Such a life experience is undoubtedly an inspirational story. We can learn a lot of valuable life wisdom from Zhao Pu.

First of all, even if you come from a poor background, as long as you keep working hard, you will definitely be able to achieve your dreams. Zhao Pu went from an ordinary rural child to a well-known CCTV host through his own efforts, which fully proves that as long as there is faith and determination, anyone can realize the value of their life.

Second, even if you encounter setbacks, keep a positive and optimistic mindset. Zhao Pu suffered a blow from "snow hiding" when his career took off, but he did not choose to give up, but found his new direction and devoted himself to the inheritance of traditional Chinese handicrafts and public welfare. This shows that we must learn to face reality, actively deal with various challenges and difficulties in life, and finally achieve a turning point and sublimation in life through our own efforts and tenacity.

He used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, and returned to his hometown to start a business after resigning, how is it now?

Finally, we must learn to stick to our principles and bottom line, and have the courage to pay the price. Zhao Pu's post on social platforms caused a storm of public opinion, although he was finally "hidden", he still chose to leave CCTV and devote himself to public welfare, which fully reflects his responsibility and integrity. We must learn to be like Zhao Pu, in the face of the temptation of interests and external pressure, adhere to our own principles and ideas, and maintain our dignity and bottom line.

In the final analysis, Zhao Pu's life experience is an out-and-out inspirational story. This guy has grown from an ordinary rural child, through his unremitting efforts, to a well-known CCTV host, and was once praised by the audience as "CCTV's first brother". But just when his career was taking off, a small social dynamic actually led to his "fall from favor", and he was finally "hidden" by CCTV for 4 years.

However, this did not dampen Zhao Pu's fighting spirit. Instead, he found his new direction during this difficult period and devoted himself to the inheritance of traditional Chinese handicrafts and public welfare. By defending his principles and bottom line with practical actions, Zhao Pu showed the bearing and responsibility of a mature man.

He used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, and returned to his hometown to start a business after resigning, how is it now?

I think that such a life experience is undoubtedly worth learning and learning from. From a rural child to CCTV's "first brother", and finally to devote himself to public welfare, Zhao Pu's life history is like a magnificent symphony, which is breathtaking. He has experienced different challenges and opportunities at every stage of his life, but in the end, he was able to achieve a turning point and sublimation in his life with his tenacity and unremitting efforts.

Such a vivid typical case has undoubtedly given us great inspiration and encouragement. We must learn to be like Zhao Pu, no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we must maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, adhere to our own principles and bottom line, and finally achieve a turning point and sublimation in life through our unremitting efforts.

Life is a journey, not a destination. Life is like a colorful train, even in the dark, we must move forward bravely, because one day, we will all arrive at a beautiful destination. Let's learn the story of Zhao Pu together, forge ahead on the road of life, and create our own wonderful!

He used to be the most "willful" host of CCTV, and returned to his hometown to start a business after resigning, how is it now?

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