
It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

author:Clever pineapple
It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

It's been four years, and the "master" who can perfectly interpret Lin Daiyu has left us

Many people ask me, why do I insist so much that Mr. Li Jianqun is the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu? You have a point, after all, the role of Lin Daiyu is too difficult to capture, and many excellent actresses have tried, but in the end, they still can't perfectly show the audience her otherworldly temperament. So, as a senior self-media person, why do I insist so much that Mr. Li Jianqun is Lin Daiyu's "perfect stand-in"?

I would like to share my views with you. First of all, let's talk about why I am so obsessed with Mr. Li Jianqun.

It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

As a self-proclaimed literary person, I have always been particularly interested in those who have an excellent temperament and an inner temperament. Teacher Li Jianqun is undoubtedly such a person, the faint sense of melancholy in her body makes people feel that she is like an ethereal cloud, always exuding a charm of isolation from the world. Her slightly lazy expression and slightly cold smile are even more elusive, as if she is revealing a sense of nobility and coldness all the time.

Perhaps it is this unique temperament that makes Mr. Li Jianqun so good in shaping the image of those classical beauties. She doesn't need to play it deliberately, but perfectly integrates her temperament into the role. Each image she creates seems to be an extension of herself, making it difficult to distinguish which one is the real her.

I am most familiar with Lin Daiyu who she played in "Dream of Red Mansions". The moment I saw her appear on the screen, I was deeply attracted by her otherworldly temperament. Her slightly misty eyes, when her eyebrows flirt, seem to reach the softest place in the bottom of people's hearts. Her slightly lazy expression and slightly cold smile make people feel that she is as noble and refined as Lin Daiyu, which is unattainable.

It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

I still remember that when she walked slowly towards the camera, the kind of difficulty with a hint of melancholy and tiredness seemed to tell the endless sorrow in her heart. Her slightly detached gaze reveals a gentle and touching temperament, which is really unforgettable. Her gorgeous and elegant clothes perfectly show Lin Daiyu's noble and cold, but gentle and gentle unique temperament.

Not only that, Mr. Li Jianqun is also an excellent fashion designer. The clothes she designed by herself all show her unique aesthetic taste and design skills. Her use and innovation of traditional clothing is exactly in line with the images of classical beauties she has created.

Whether luxurious and elegant, or gentle and moving, each piece of clothing is like herself, exuding a charming charm. It is these well-designed costumes that make her performance on the screen more excellent, and make those classic characters more three-dimensional and immersive.

It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

It's a pity that such an artist who combines performance and design has been gone for four years now. Every time I think of the classic characters she has created, I will inevitably feel a lot of emotion. The clothes she designed by herself, the characters she perfectly interpreted, have now become classics that are difficult to replicate in film and television history.

I often wonder if Teacher Li Jianqun is still here, whether she can appear on the screen again and present a visual feast for the audience. Her unique temperament is exactly what Lin Daiyu's literary image needs. Her slightly melancholy eyes, faint smile, and elegant demeanor all complement the role of Lin Daiyu.

I am convinced that as long as there are still people who remember the literary image of Lin Daiyu, they will definitely remember Teacher Li Jianqun. Her unique temperament, her amazing performance, and her exquisite costume design have all become indelible memories in the history of film and television. Even though she has been gone for a long time, the classic images she created will be passed on forever and become classics in the history of film and television dramas.

It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

You may ask, if Teacher Li Jianqun is so good, why did she leave us in the end? I've been thinking about this question a lot. I think maybe it's because she's too out of the world, too noble, so it's hard to really fit into this worldly circle.

Her temperament and vision are probably always higher than ordinary people. She disdains to chase those so-called star halos, nor is she willing to cater to those worldly eyes. She wants to convey her understanding of beauty more through her works. It's a pity that she was finally abandoned by this world.

In fact, this also made me feel a little helpless. We always love the so-called "big stars", but we often ignore the artists who are truly talented and personal. Teacher Li Jianqun is such an artist who has been forgotten by the world, and she uses her works to interpret her understanding of beauty.

It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

But it's a pity that her status and value in this world seem to have been ignored. It wasn't until after she left that people began to realize that she was such a wonderful artist. Sadly, by the time we realized this, she had already left us.

I sincerely hope that one day, I can see Mr. Li Jianqun on the screen again and reproduce her classic interpretation of the year. It will be a visual feast, and it will also be an unrepeatable classic in the history of film and television dramas. Although she is gone, the footprints she left behind will always be in our hearts.

In this world, there are always some people who are destined to be incomprehensible by the world. They are too noble, too unearthly, to truly fit into the world. Teacher Li Jianqun is such a person, her temperament and vision are probably always higher than ordinary people.

It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

However, that doesn't mean she's a failure. On the contrary, she uses her own works to interpret her own understanding of beauty. Her unique temperament, her amazing performance, and her exquisite costume design have all become indelible memories in the history of film and television.

I sincerely hope that one day, I can see Mr. Li Jianqun on the screen again and reproduce her classic interpretation of the year. It will be a visual feast, and it will also be an unrepeatable classic in the history of film and television dramas. Although she is gone, the footprints she left behind will always be in our hearts.

As a self-media person, I have been thinking about what kind of artist is truly great. Are those big stars who are admired by the world? Or is it an artist like Li Jianqun who always adheres to his own unique style?

It's been four years, and after so long, she is still the most suitable person to play Lin Daiyu in my mind

I think maybe the real greatness doesn't lie in whether or not you become a big star in the limelight. It's about whether you can stick to your own unique perspective and interpret your understanding of beauty with your work. Teacher Li Jianqun is such an artist, she has always adhered to her unique temperament and aesthetics, and moved the audience with her works.

Although she eventually left us, the footprints she left behind will forever become a classic in the history of film and television. When we recall those classic roles, her unique temperament, her amazing performance, and her exquisite costume design will definitely remain in our hearts forever.

Perhaps in this world, there are always people who are destined to be incomprehensible to the world. However, that doesn't mean they're failures. On the contrary, they use their works to interpret their own understanding of beauty. Teacher Li Jianqun is such an artist, who has left her own unique mark on this world in her own way.

Even though she has left, the classic images she created will be passed on forever and become classics in the history of film and television dramas. We should learn to appreciate such artists, to understand their unique perspectives, to appreciate the beauty they interpret with their works.

Let's miss Teacher Li Jianqun together, and look forward to the day when we can see her on the screen again. Her unique temperament, her amazing performance, and her exquisite costume design will surely become a visual feast again and a classic that is difficult to replicate in the history of film and television.

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