
There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

author:Kitten Sports

Qin Xiaowen, the general manager of the Shougang team, this sister is really not a vegetarian. Back then, as soon as she took office, she shouted "bring you a championship team in 3 years", this cowhide is not blowing, it is a real rhetoric. But now that seven years have passed, let's take a look at the Shougang team, what have they learned?

Toss! That's right, it's a toss! Mr. Qin's drastic move really tossed the Shougang team enough. Frequent changes in foreign aid, two changes in the head coach, isn't this just a toss. But then again, where does the new atmosphere come from without tossing?

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Mr. Qin also taught everyone to use henchmen. On the basketball court, trust is power, and Mr. Qin knows this. So, she let the people she trusted hold key positions, no, the team's combat effectiveness immediately came up.

Let's talk about the "face project", Mr. Qin is also playful. To win the championship, you must not only have strong strength, but also have face. As a result, Mr. Qin has worked the image of the team, so that the Shougang team not only improves its strength, but also has more and more championships.

Finally, as long as it is a player or coach that Mr. Qin has cleaned up, the management will resolutely not use it. It's really a quick knife to cut through the mess, leaving no trouble. Mr. Qin's move also made the team more united and avoided internal contradictions.

Netizens said: Mr. Qin's operation is really dazzling. The Shougang team has indeed changed a lot in recent years, and it seems that the toss is also justified.

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Another netizen said: Hmph, toss a fart! Qin Xiaowen will engage in these showmanship, and the strength of the team has not gone up at all. Look at the current results, it's a shame!

In the final analysis, whether Mr. Qin's toss is worth it depends on the team's results. However, one thing is for sure, Mr. Qin has indeed brought a new atmosphere and changes to the Shougang team, as for the result, let's wait and see!

The Shougang team has made a comeback, and the change of coach has caused heated discussions

Hey, the Beijing Enterprises team sits firmly in the Diaoyutai standings, and the Shougang team can't surpass it no matter how much they toss. No, the anxious Shougang management gritted their teeth and invited back Xu Limin, the meritorious coach of the women's basketball team who had retired from the rivers and lakes for almost three years. I thought that he could turn things around with the current coach Jorio, but who knew that it was still the same, and there was no big change.

Shougang's senior management took a look, what kind of line is this? In a fit of rage, he directly kicked Jorio out of the coaching staff and let him roll up and leave. Think about last season, when Xu Limin first joined the coaching staff, he felt that Jorio's position was unstable. Coaching ability? Hey, don't mention it, I've been seen through it a long time ago, and I really can't take it.

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

As soon as Jorio left, Xu Limin naturally took over the banner of the Shougang team. But this Xu Gui also muttered in his heart, can his old method still keep up with the trend of the times? He pondered, no, he had to find a right-hand man. Thinking about it, I thought of my friend Li Nan, yes, it's him!

This series of changes is really dazzling. The Shougang team's change of coach is in turmoil, and I don't know how big a wave it can set off. Xu Limin and Li Nan, what sparks can this combination create? Let's wait and see!

Netizen A said: The Shougang team's change of coach this time is really in an uproar, Xu Limin is out of the mountain, it seems that he is really in a hurry. But to be honest, Jorio is really not good, and he should have changed it a long time ago. Now it's up to Xu Limin and Li Nan to bring a new atmosphere to the Shougang team.

Netizen B ridiculed: The Shougang team is in a hurry to go to the hospital, how long has Xu Limin been retired, and he still expects him to save the team? Don't drag Li Nan into the water at that time. I think this change of coach is a farce, wait and see, there will definitely be no good results.

Behind Xu Limin's dismissal: a coaching turmoil caused by a shocking reversal

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Speaking of Xu Limin, basketball fans are no strangers. But at the beginning of 2022, the veteran coach who once dominated the stadium unexpectedly quit class. It's not that the body can't withstand it, it's not that it's getting old, it's because of a game.

In that game, the Chinese women's basketball team was in full swing in the group stage of the world preliminaries, winning all three games and advancing to the knockout round. When we met the Serbian women's basketball team, we were still leading by double digits in the first three quarters, and we saw victory in sight. But who would have thought that the situation suddenly changed in the fourth quarter, and the opponent made a shocking reversal. Xu Limin was in a hurry on the sidelines, but he couldn't do anything.

To be honest, that fiasco was really distressing. The girls of the women's basketball team tried their best, but in the end they ended up in a round of tours. The fans' eyes were bright, and Xu Limin's command ability was exposed in this game. It's not that he can't, the adjustment at the critical moment does owe a little fire.

In this way, Xu Limin left class gloomily. To be honest, this ending is quite embarrassing. Back then, he was also a fierce player on the basketball court, but now he has ended up like this. But then again, competitive sports are like that, results speak, and there is no mercy to talk about.

The Shougang team was smart at this time, saw the opportunity, and hurriedly invited Xu Limin to be the head coach. This can be regarded as finding a good place for him, after all, the experience is still there, and if you guide the young people, maybe you can achieve better results.

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Looking back now, that shocking reversal is really unforgettable. Xu Limin's dismissal also reminded other coaches that in the cruel world of competitive sports, there is no eternal winning general, and only by constantly learning and improving can we gain a firm foothold.

A netizen said: Xu Limin should have left class a long time ago, look at the Chinese women's basketball team led by him, the chain always drops at critical moments. In that game against Serbia, so many leads could be reversed, which shows the quality of the coach. With an experienced coach, maybe the Chinese women's basketball team has risen a long time ago.

Another netizen said: Don't be too harsh, Xu Limin also has merit. He led the Chinese women's basketball team through the trough, and now it is too unfair to deny him because of one game. Coaching can be improved, give him some time and opportunity, and believe that he can prove himself.

Xu Limin took over the Shougang team and led the team for more than half a season, but what about the team's performance? To be honest, I don't see any major changes. Cohesion? Record? It's still the same.

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

This Xu Limin is quite good at finding helpers. At that time, General Manager Qin Xiaowen was not a confidant, and he left all of them, and he didn't talk about his feelings and righteousness. Xu Limin took over the heavy responsibility, and he didn't know what to do, so he quickly pulled the former national team coach Li Nan, who had not yet lifted the ban, to his side, "technical guidance", the name is very good.

Speaking of these two people, they are old comrades-in-arms, they have worked together, and the relationship is very iron. Li Nan is Xu Limin's confidant, that's right. Xu Limin felt that his ability was limited, so he found Li Nan, and he felt that he was very beautiful, and felt that this was the best of both worlds.

After Li Nan joined the Shougang team, he was so grateful to Xu Limin, and he had a lot of good words.

But let's be honest, fans aren't that easily fooled. What the team wants is strength, performance, not these bells and whistles. If Xu Limin really wants to lead the team well, he has to show some real skills, don't keep thinking about relying on his henchmen to support the scene.

A netizen said: "Xu Limin's operation is really incomprehensible. Find a henchman to lead a good team? That's naïve, isn't it? What the Shougang team needs is strength and experience, not this kind of relationship. ”

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Another netizen ridiculed: "Li Nan was brought in as a technical guide before the ban was lifted, and this Xu Limin really dared to think and dare to do it." But the team's results have not improved, what is the use of finding this henchman? Don't just say good things and don't do practical things. ”

Li Nan returned to the court and vowed to lead the team to play a military demeanor

Speaking of Li Nan, basketball fans are no strangers. No, he recently made a big move, announcing that he would join Beijing Shougang, ready to set off a storm on the basketball court again. I would like to thank the leadership of Shougang, the club's management and Coach Xu for giving him the opportunity to return to the pitch during this special period. It seems that Li Nan's guidance is to make a comeback!

Back then, Li Nan was also a man of the year in the national team, fighting side by side with Director Xu, and the two were not only colleagues, but also had a deep sense of comradeship. This time back on the court, he is not here to joke, but is ready to go all out, assist the coaching staff, and lead Beijing Shougang to recast glory.

Li Nan also said that he wanted to bring the military style to the team. Listening to this will lift your spirit! I think when he led the Chinese men's basketball team, he put forward the same slogan. It seems that this time he is going to be serious, and he is ready to use strict discipline and excellent style to build an iron-blooded army.

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Netizens also exploded, some are optimistic about Li Nan's comeback, thinking that he can bring new vitality to Beijing Shougang; Some also expressed concern, after all, it is not possible to shout slogans on the basketball court to win. But then again, controversy is the point of view!

A netizen said: "Li Nan wants to replicate the success of the year, bring the military style to Shougang, this team will have to see in the future!" ”

Another netizen ridiculed: "Li Nan will shout slogans, military style? Don't be funny, you still have to rely on strength to speak on the basketball court. ”

Oh, this sports circle is really lively, Li Nan's comeback, is it a recast or a flash in the pan? Let's wait and see!

The inspector broke the news: Li Nan is going to play "military style" again, can the Shougang team turn over in the new season?

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

I heard that Li Nan has a new move under his guidance, and this time he plans to bring the military style to the Shougang team. Heck, doesn't that sound fresh? However, Inspector I wondered, hadn't Director Li Nan tried this trick before? When he was in the Chinese men's basketball team, he engaged in military training and sang military songs with great fanfare, but what was the result? Our Chinese men's basketball team missed the Olympics again after 37 years.

This time, Li Nan wants to repeat his old skills in the Shougang team, and I don't know what the management of the Shougang team thinks. Anyway, Inspector, I think this "military style" is not omnipotent. On the basketball court, you still have to rely on strength to speak, rely on skills and tactics, and rely on the hard power of players.

Li Nan and Xu Limin are both "old fritters" on the court. Aren't they now engaged in these "face projects" just to let the Shougang management see that they have led the team well and the team has a new look? The military training is so strict, the players have to carry water cups on their heads, walk military steps, sing military songs, and even fold quilts. Oh, that's a laugh and cry.

To be honest, I'm looking forward to the Shougang next season. Let's see if this "military style" can bring them any substantive changes. But then again, if the results still don't go up by then, it will be a real surprise.

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Now, everyone is speculating that the Shougang team is so tossed, can it turn over in the new season? Anyway, Inspector, I think that if you want to gain a foothold on the basketball court, you still have to rely on strength and wisdom, not these bells and whistles "face engineering".

Netizens said:

Li Nan's guidance is really creative, and the military style is brought to the court, which is to build an iron army! However, the basketball game still relies on technology and cooperation, and I don't know if this new attempt can really improve the team's strength.

Another netizen said:

What kind of trouble is this Shougang team? Military style? Don't be funny, the basketball court is not a military camp, Li Nan should study the techniques and tactics well, don't fix these useless. When the time comes, it's time to lose, and see who can laugh.

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

The new season is about to start, and the effect of military training, let's see the real chapter on the field!

To be honest, it's the first time I've heard that the team relies on military training to improve its combat effectiveness. Is the cohesion thing practiced by standing in a military posture and walking in a phalanx? Don't make a fuss, brothers! Cohesion, that is to rely on heart-to-heart communication, is the coach and the players work together!

Think about it, if a coach can really be intimate with the players and treat the players as his own children and brothers, then does the unity of the team need to be said? It's definitely a monolith! But you're good, you have to have a military training to toss everyone enough, what kind of trick is this?

I don't believe it, can this military training be compared to letting Liao Sanning, Wang Shaojie, and Zou Yuchen go to the United States for special training? That's the real improvement, your military training, at most, is to train your body shape and sharpen your temperament.

Heck, in the end, it still depends on the performance of the new season. When the time comes, whether it's a mule or a horse, pull it out and you'll know! Whether military training is useful or not, let's wait and see!

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Netizen A says:

Military? Improving team performance? What a joke! Which successful team started with military training? This kind of formalistic thing should have been eliminated a long time ago. If you want to unite the team, it depends on the personality of the coach and the mutual trust between the players, not this old-fashioned military training!

Netizen B said:

Don't underestimate the role of military training! Although it does not directly improve the skills of the ball, it can temper the will of the players and enhance their discipline. Isn't that a good thing for a team? Moreover, who said that military training cannot improve cohesion? Isn't it also a way for everyone to endure hardships and get through difficulties together? What a joke, some people are just too short-sighted!

The Shougang team's military training turmoil, Inspector Zhao broke the news

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

Did you hear that? The Shougang team's military training this time was really uproaring. Inspector Zhao revealed that he was quite optimistic about this, and even bluntly said that he hoped that Xiao Zeng could withdraw quickly and go abroad to practice.

Guess who came up with the idea of this military training? That's right, it's Li Nan! Then head coach Xu Limin hit it off and did what he said. But then again, Shougang's high-level people are afraid of Mr. Qin's people. As long as it is someone who has been cleaned up by Mr. Qin, regardless of whether you are a player or a coach, the management will resolutely not use it again.

Xu Limin invited Li Nan into the team this time, in addition to military training, what new tricks are there? To be honest, how much role Li Nan can play in the team now, we still have to put a question mark. Don't look at him as a "technical guide" in name, but in reality? Because the ban hasn't been lifted yet, he can't even go to the bench! No, Shougang's senior management also knew it, and quickly signed former NBL coach VJBruton as an assistant coach.

It's really funny to talk about. On one side, Inspector Zhao was so anxious that he jumped to his feet, hoping that Xiao Zeng would quickly escape from this place; On the one hand, Li Nan was embarrassed to hang the name of technical director in the team, but he couldn't even sit on the bench. Shougang team, Shougang team, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

A netizen said: The Shougang team is pretending to be smart and engaging in these bells and whistles in military training, it is better to let the players practice their skills more. invited Li Nan to be a technical guide, but he couldn't even get on the bench, isn't this a joke?

Another netizen ridiculed: Oops, the Shougang team has really made a lot of money this time, and even a big coffee like Li Nan has been invited. It's a pity that the ban hasn't expired yet, and Director Li can only stare at his teammates fighting the field. This operation is really 666!

Bruton won 27 of his 67 games and was sacked

Hey, have you heard? Bruton, the coach, coached 67 games and won only 27 games, this winning rate, tsk, is indeed a bit bleak.

At the beginning, Bruton has been a coach since 2007, and he can be regarded as an experienced veteran. But who would have thought that the Adelaide 36ers, who led the NBL in the 2021-2023 season, would have such unsatisfactory results.

There were too many "big moves" of the Shougang team, Li Nan couldn't get into the bench, and he signed a parallel assistant coach

To be honest, this coaching ability really makes people sweat. You see, the win rate is not even half, and this result is indeed a bit unattainable. It's no wonder that he was fired from class in the end, this record is indeed a bit embarrassing.

But then again, this Bruton is also quite brave enough to dare to take over this stall. But then again, if the ability doesn't work, it can't be done, and it can't be helped.

Now everyone is speculating, is Shougang's top management in the brain? How could you find a coach like Bruton? Could he be better at coaching than Marbury? It's really hard to figure out.

Marbury is our old acquaintance and hero, why don't we use him? If you have to find a Bruton who is not as capable as him to be an assistant coach, this operation is really incomprehensible.

It seems that Mr. Qin's legacy has a profound impact on the top management of Shougang. It's hard to describe the vision of the coach.

Now, everyone is looking forward to the performance of the Shougang team next season. Will the team be able to bounce back after Bruton's departure? Will Marbury have a chance to return to the team? None of this is known.

However, one thing is for sure, and that is that the fans' eyes are bright. If the Shougang team is still in such a slump next season, then the top management will have to reflect on it.

Netizen A said: Bruton's coaching ability is really watery. Looking at the results of the team he led, it is really miserable. Shougang's senior management is really blind this time, how can they find such a coach?

Netizen B ridiculed: Haha, the Shougang team has picked up a treasure this time and found a coach with such poor coaching ability. It looks like they're trying to mess up next season, and it's really disappointing. Where did Marbury go? Could it be that his abilities are not as good as this Bruton? What a joke!

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