
Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

author:Honest and entertaining
Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

At seven or eight o'clock last night, Fan Xiaohui posted two videos in a row, Zhang Haibo, are you okay with your 150,000 fans "picking up money for nothing"?

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

At seven or eight o'clock last night, when everyone was about to have dinner,

Fan Xiaohui posted two videos in a row on social platforms, which immediately attracted the attention of the people who eat melons.

These two people, Zhang Haibo and Fan Xiaohui, were originally husband and wife, but now they have become rivals.

Tear that is called an inextricable one.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

Zhang Haibo has 150,000 fans, although it is not much, but it is also a lot. If you think about it,

If these 150,000 people each give him a dollar, it will be 150,000 yuan, money for nothing!

However, we have to look at this matter separately, the fact that there are many fans does not mean that it is reasonable, and it does not mean that you can bully people casually.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

It's complicated to talk about them. Zhang Haibo accused Fan Xiaohui of improper behavior,

And Fan Xiaohui also countered that Zhang Haibo was cheating.

This matter, it is really public and reasonable, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is reasonable,

We don't know who is telling the truth.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

However, some of Zhang Haibo's practices are indeed a little unbearable. Not only did he physically attack Fan Xiaohui online, but he also threatened her, possibly even affecting their children.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

This kind of behavior is really a bit excessive. Regardless of the grievances between them, the child is always innocent, how can the child be involved?

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

This incident also caused a lot of sensation on the Internet, some people supported Zhang Haibo and felt that he was a victim; There are also people who sympathize with Fan Xiaohui and feel that she has been wronged.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

In fact, it's really hard to say who is right and who is wrong in this kind of thing. After all, marriage is such a thing, not the parties, who can really know the inside story?

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

Zhang Haibo also accused Fan Xiaohui of cheating on marriage, saying that some things were concealed by Fan Xiaohui when he got married. However, he didn't report the relevant information himself. This thing really makes people laugh and cry. You said that if you really feel cheated, then go to find evidence and go to the police, instead of tearing it up like this on the Internet.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

Moreover, the conflict between Zhang Haibo and Fan Xiaohui has been going on for a month, but Zhang Haibo has not provided conclusive evidence to support his accusations.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

This makes people a little suspicious, you said that if you really have evidence, then take it out and let everyone see it. Isn't it a bit irresponsible to accuse yourself out of thin air without evidence?

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

Let's talk about Fan Xiaohui, although she was accused of having such and such problems, she made money through live broadcasts and videos through her own efforts, which did not violate the law.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

Everyone has their own way of life, their own way of making money, and as long as they don't break the law, there's nothing to blame.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

To be honest, I really can't stand Zhang Haibo's behavior. You said that as a man and as a husband, you should face problems bravely and take your own responsibilities. Instead of being like this, fiddling to solve the problem, and then venting your emotions by tearing online. This kind of behavior is really a bit too naïve.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

Moreover, I also found that some people, their three views are really a little speechless. They did not accuse Zhang Haibo of irresponsible behavior, but attacked Fan Xiaohui. You said that if you really think that Fan Xiaohui has a problem, then come up with evidence, instead of blaming it out of thin air. This kind of behavior is really a bit unfair.

Fan Xiaohui is going crazy! After a glance at the live broadcast, she was made by Zhang Haibo and had no way out

Finally, I want to say, Zhang Haibo, if you really feel justified, then fight for justice. Don't just fight for personal gain, for the "free money" of those 150,000 fans. If you really have proof, show it to everyone. If there is no evidence, then please shut up and stop tearing like this endlessly.