
The spoiled child turned into a "white-eyed wolf": the 82-year-old grandmother was beaten many times by the 35-year-old grandson

author:Dreamer of laid-back literature
The spoiled child turned into a "white-eyed wolf": the 82-year-old grandmother was beaten many times by the 35-year-old grandson

The family is the basic unit of society, and family members should support and care for each other. However, a recent news has aroused widespread concern and anger in the society: the 82-year-old grandmother was beaten by her 35-year-old grandson many times, which makes people think deeply - how terrible is it to be a child who is used to being raised?

The incident took place in an ordinary family. The 82-year-old grandmother has worked hard all her life and poured all her love and care into her grandson. The grandson grew up under the pampering of his grandmother, and he was hardly punished or restrained. However, it is unbelievable that the 35-year-old grandson has repeatedly punched and kicked his elderly grandmother, causing her to be physically and mentally exhausted and even fall into despair.

The spoiled child turned into a "white-eyed wolf": the 82-year-old grandmother was beaten many times by the 35-year-old grandson

The reason why this grandson has become so cold-blooded and ruthless is closely related to the environment in which he grew up. Being excessively pampered and pampered since he was a child prevented him from learning to respect others, be grateful, and self-disciplined. Grandma's unconditional doting on him made him mistakenly think that he could treat the people around him unscrupulously, even his closest relatives. This kind of education method eventually cultivated a "white-eyed wolf" who does not know how to be grateful and only knows how to ask.

Children who are used to being brought up often lack a sense of gratitude and take the efforts of others for granted. They do not know how to cherish the love and care of others, and may even take the kindness of others for granted.

Excessive pampering and pampering make these children selfish and indifferent. They only care about their own interests and needs, completely ignoring the feelings and needs of others.

The spoiled child turned into a "white-eyed wolf": the 82-year-old grandmother was beaten many times by the 35-year-old grandson

Children who lack restraint and education often behave out of control. They don't know how to control their emotions, let alone how to properly express their needs and grievances.

Children who have been used to adulthood often have difficulty adapting to society after entering society. Accustomed to their superior position in the family, they are unable to accept the reality of what they need to pay in society, and they are prone to frustration and hostility.

Homeschooling is essential for a child's development. Spoiling and pampering will not only not make children better, but will cultivate cold-blooded and ruthless "white-eyed wolves". We should find a balance between love and restraint, and teach children gratitude, respect, and self-discipline so that they can become responsible and caring people in their future lives.

The spoiled child turned into a "white-eyed wolf": the 82-year-old grandmother was beaten many times by the 35-year-old grandson

This incident is a wake-up call for us: family education is not only about the future of children, but also about the happiness of the family and the harmony of society. Let's work together to create an environment where children grow up with love and respect.