
Who is the inner ghost, leaked the rumors in advance. There are even people who speak for the American-funded company Seagate

author:Leisurely dream maM

Seagate's closure of its Suzhou plant sparked heated discussions exposing tax avoidance

Who is the inner ghost, leaked the rumors in advance. There are even people who speak for the American-funded company Seagate


Who is the inner ghost, leaked the rumors in advance. There are even people who speak for the American-funded company Seagate

Recently, a news about Seagate's closure of the Suzhou factory has sparked widespread heated discussions. Seagate, the world's leading hard disk drive manufacturer, will no longer account for 60% of its total global production after closing its Suzhou plant, with annual sales of up to 40 billion yuan, and surprisingly, the company's net profit margin is only 1%. This figure makes people wonder how a company with such a low net profit margin can survive in the fierce market competition.

What's going on behind the shutdown of the Suzhou factory?

The closure of Seagate's Suzhou plant is undoubtedly a huge blow to employees, but for the outside world, it is more about the operation behind Seagate. It is understood that the reason why Seagate chose to close the Suzhou factory is mainly because the Suzhou Industrial Park, where it is located, will be land consolidation, and Seagate's factory happens to be within the scope of integration, so it can only choose to relocate or close.

Behind this, Seagate's net profit margin is only 1%, which has also raised questions from the outside world, because with the current market situation, Seagate's net profit margin is too low. Generally speaking, a hard disk manufacturing company like Seagate should have a net profit margin of at least 10% or more to ensure the normal operation and development of the enterprise, and a net profit margin of 1% can almost be said to be barely maintaining the survival of the enterprise.

Who is the inner ghost, leaked the rumors in advance. There are even people who speak for the American-funded company Seagate

The issue of tax avoidance has surfaced

When the outside world began to question the current status of Seagate's net profit margin, some rumors about Seagate's alleged tax avoidance began to circulate on the Internet. It is reported that the reason why Seagate's net profit margin is so low is likely to be due to a certain degree of tax avoidance.

In today's era of globalization, many enterprises will choose to transfer their profits to other countries or regions through various means in order to avoid high taxes, and among them, related party transactions are often the most common means. Through related-party transactions, companies can transfer profits to low-tax areas, thereby achieving the purpose of tax avoidance.

Seagate's net profit margin is only 1%, which is likely to be achieved in this way, which means that Seagate has shifted most of its profits to other regions through related party transactions, thus avoiding the taxes it should pay. When such rumors began to circulate on the Internet, Seagate's tax avoidance problem also surfaced.

Who is the inner ghost, leaked the rumors in advance. There are even people who speak for the American-funded company Seagate

The issue of tax avoidance needs to be paid sufficient attention

For enterprises, tax avoidance can undoubtedly save them a lot of costs, but the risks involved are also very large. Once the tax avoidance behavior of the enterprise is verified by the relevant authorities, it will face very serious consequences, not only need to bear huge taxes and fines, but also may be included in the blacklist of the tax department, so as to be subject to stricter supervision and punishment.

As for the rumors of Seagate's suspected tax evasion, the relevant authorities must pay enough attention to it and thoroughly investigate and verify it. If Seagate does avoid taxes, it must bear the corresponding legal responsibility, regardless of the purpose for which it should not evade the tax payable.

The issue of tax avoidance requires strengthened supervision and independent innovation

In addition to the investigation of Seagate, this incident should also be a wake-up call for other companies, tax avoidance behavior will eventually be discovered, and once verified, the consequences are also very serious, enterprises must comply with relevant tax laws and regulations when conducting business activities, and cannot avoid taxes by means of low net interest rates and related party transactions.

At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the tax supervision of enterprises, and use various means to check and fill in the gaps, so as to prevent enterprises from evading taxes through various means. Only under the level playing field of taxation can enterprises obtain better development opportunities on the basis of compliance and make greater contributions to the development of society and the country.

For local authorities, it is also necessary to give more support and help to the development of enterprises, and cannot blindly pursue GDP growth, so as to relax the supervision of enterprises, leading to the emergence of various loopholes and problems. Only under a good policy environment can enterprises have more room for development and be more stable on the road of independent innovation.

Who is the inner ghost, leaked the rumors in advance. There are even people who speak for the American-funded company Seagate


Seagate's closure of the Suzhou factory is not only a matter of layoffs and relocation of a company, but also a revelation of the current tax avoidance problems of some enterprises, and also raises some questions worth pondering. In the future development, we need to strengthen the supervision of enterprises, call for the attention and participation of all walks of life, jointly create a fair competition market environment, and also need to guide enterprises to strengthen independent innovation, improve the level of technology, so as to achieve the goal of sustainable development.