
Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

author:Carp leaps over the dragon gate

[Wow! Meteorites are so mysterious, there are so many secrets that no one knows!

Dear readers, are you ready? We're about to embark on a thrilling space adventure! Don't worry, you don't need to wear a spacesuit, just bring your curiosity and imagination!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Meteorite, the word that sounds cool, reminds you of the meteor in a fairy tale that grants wishes, or the extraterrestrial visitor who makes dinosaurs say goodbye to the earth en masse? That's right, from childhood to adulthood, it seems that there are always meteorites in our lives. But, you know what? Scientists have discovered a super strange phenomenon: there are more than 200 craters on Earth, but they are empty! The meteorite seems to have evaporated from the world! Could it really be that the aliens stole them?!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Let's unravel the mystery together!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

First stop: The birth of a meteorite

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Imagine that the solar system 4.5 billion years ago was like a giant blender, filled with gas and dust. Over time, these raw materials gradually converged into the sun, planets, and other celestial bodies. However, there are always some mischievous little stones and pieces of metal that are not willing to be lonely, they collide with each other, scurry around, and finally become what we call meteorites today.

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Some netizens commented: In this way, isn't the meteorite the 'bear child' of the solar system? Haha, this metaphor is really vivid!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Second stop: the gorgeous transformation of a meteorite

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

When these bear children are attracted by the gravitational pull of the earth, they embark on a thrilling downhill show. Imagine a meteorite rushing towards the Earth at a terrifying speed of 15 kilometers per second, which is 50 times faster than a bullet! As they pass through the atmosphere, they resemble a giant fireball, dragging their long tails, and they are breathtakingly beautiful.

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Some netizens said excitedly: Isn't this the legendary meteor shower? I finally know why it's so fast to make a wish!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Third stop: The Secret of the Crater

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

When a meteorite finally lands, it leaves a large circular or oval crater on the surface. This is what we often call a crater. However, there is an interesting phenomenon here: some craters are actually fake! They are called pair toe craters and are created when a meteorite hits the other side of the Earth.

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Some netizens ridiculed: This is simply the earth's version of the 'butterfly effect'! A meteorite hits here, and a crater pops up on the other side of the earth!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Stop 4: The legend of Barringer Crater

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Speaking of craters, we have to mention the only private crater in the world, Barringer Crater. With a diameter of 1.2 kilometers and a depth of 174 meters, this large crater in Arizona, USA, is simply a Super Bowl!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Interestingly, at first people thought it was a crater! Until an engineer named Barringer came up and said, "Hey, guys, this could be a crater!" To prove his point, he even paid $300 for the pit and the surrounding land. Although he never found the main body of the meteorite in his life, his perseverance touched future generations, and this crater was named after him!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Some netizens joked: This Mr. Barringer is simply a 'gambler in the scientific community'! In order to prove his theory, even the crater was bought!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Stop 5: The mystery of the vanishing meteorite

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Now we're finally getting to the bottom of it! Why can't I find meteorites in the crater? It turns out that these poor space travelers have already gone through ninety-nine-eighty-one hardships before reaching Earth!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

First of all, they are subjected to the roasting of the atmosphere. Imagine what happens if you rush into a huge oven at supersonic speed? That's right, you'll be charred on the outside and tender on the inside, or even turned to ashes!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Second, even if there are survivors, most of them will end up in the middle of nowhere. After all, 71% of the earth's surface is water!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

In the end, those lucky ones who actually hit the land will generate a huge amount of energy at the moment of impact, which is equivalent to an explosion of thousands of tons of TNT! With such an explosion, the meteorite itself will be torn apart and fly everywhere.

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Some netizens vividly compared: It's like throwing a piece of chocolate into a blender and then pressing the switch! In the end, you won't even find the chocolate dregs!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?


Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

Alright, guys! Our space adventure is coming to an end! Now you know why you can't find meteorites in the crater, right? Either they were roasted in the sky, or they fell into the sea, or they were blown to pieces! It's so miserable!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

However, there are still many unsolved mysteries in this world waiting to be explored! Do you have any interesting ideas or questions? Come and discuss with you in the comment area!

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?

By the way, if you found this article interesting, don't forget to like it! Let's be the Sherlock Holmes of science and solve more interesting puzzles! 】

Craters on Earth, why are there no meteorites? Was it taken by "whom"?