
In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

author:Nostalgic for those days

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

Ten dollars can buy 7 to 9 bottles of ordinary bottled liquor. During the Spring Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival, there is a special Yanghe Daqu, which costs 250 yuan per bottle. There is also Feitian Moutai that can be bought at or above the department level, and you can only buy two bottles for 925 yuan per bottle. At that time, most of the restaurants were state-run. Take ten yuan to go to a restaurant, and you can eat ten dishes enough for ten people. If you want to drink, you have to pay for it

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

Forty years ago, the monthly income of urban workers was only a few tens of yuan, but the income of rural peasants was only enough to maintain food and clothing after a day of hard work. In a good year, farmers may be able to make a small surplus, but in most cases, their income and expenses are often barely balanced. When the land is barren or the year is bad, many farmers even have to pay the production team back. At that time, some production teams would lose money as soon as they settled at the end of the year, which made the burden on those farmers with high attendance even heavier. Just like my uncle's family only has a meager salary of 8 cents a month, and there are only 4 laborers in the family of 10 people, they still owe 60 yuan to the production team after receiving rations in the bleakest year. At that time, the 60 yuan was almost equivalent to a month's salary and a half, and such life pressure can be imagined

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the 70s of the last century, going to the restaurant was a rare pleasure. At that time, a bowl of ordinary noodles only cost 8 cents, and the meat was only 1 jiao and 2 cents. In a lively restaurant, ordering a pot of pork and a pot of soup, accompanied by fresh beer and delicate cold dishes, is simply a delicacy in the world. After the meal, a popsicle was put into the beer, and the moment was indescribable. Such a luxurious meal, all of which add up to only about two yuan. Thinking about the section-level cadres at that time, the monthly salary was only more than 50 yuan, and this kind of consumption can indeed be called a small luxury

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

Back in the seventies and eighties, it was a rare pleasure to eat wontons in a restaurant, and you could smell the tempting aroma from afar, and it was a great luxury to be able to taste it once. I remember when I was eleven or twelve, my father gave me two yuan on a holiday, so I took two friends and went straight to the restaurant. We ordered stir-fried pork with green peppers, a plate of tender pork head, stir-fried tofu skin, and three flower rolls. In the end, there are a few cents left. Ah, what an evocative time it was! Now, the friends of the year have become iron buddies, and they never forget to mention that unforgettable meal every time they get together

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

The food in the 70s state restaurants is nostalgic. At that time, each steamed pork weighed half a catty, and there was absolutely no shortage of catties. Each plate of stir-fried meat is weighed in strict accordance with the standard, and the number of grams of meat slices is not a lot. This kind of rigor and realism is hard to find today

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the 70s of the last century, two yuan was a "huge amount" in the hotel

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the 70s, the purchasing power of a dollar was amazing, and now three or four hundred yuan is difficult to compare with back then. At that time, the high salary of workers was only forty or fifty yuan, and the income of apprentices was meager, but the value of money was not trivial, far better than today

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the 70s, walking into a restaurant with 10 yuan in hand was a luxury. Imagine that a new employee at that time has a monthly salary of only 20 yuan, and that 10 yuan is equivalent to half a month's hard work. If today's public servants were willing to exchange their half-monthly salary for a meal, what kind of feast would it be? At that time, you could take a rickshaw bike for a dime and a half cent, and travel all over the world

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the past, the chefs in the restaurant were all from the cooking school, and the craftsmanship was very good, and many old dishes could not be eaten now. But now most of the chefs in the restaurant are from the countryside, working in the restaurant for a few years to do chores, learn some skills and then change jobs, and then call themselves chefs. To be honest, can such restaurant food be delicious?

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the 70s, people's consumption ideas were very different from today's. At that time, with five yuan, I had the courage to go into any restaurant. Think about it, three people order two meat dishes, a vegetarian dish, and some rice wine, and eat to their heart's content, but the bill will not exceed three yuan. Dumplings are delicious and affordable; The whole roast chicken is only two yuan, which makes people feast. Beer? Two dimes can enjoy a liter! In those days, the spicy chicken was three cents and two pig's trotters, as long as it was one cent, and the meat noodles only cost one or three cents. Chinese cigarettes? Six cents a pack, easy to enjoy. Even Moutai is only eight yuan a bottle. The prices at that time are nostalgic. The elbow is a piece of two, and the wedding banquet is the most expensive, but only twelve yuan. It was an era of good quality and low price, and five yuan was enough for people to enjoy food and experience the taste of life

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

The people of the past did not understand the present, and the people of the present did not understand the past. At that time, 1 cent was worth a lot. When I was a child, I went to my uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings, and I got 10 yuan of New Year's money, so I was so happy that I immediately went to buy toy guns and snacks. When I got home, my dad asked where the money went, and I said it was. Haha, 10 dollars was useful at that time. Now give the children 1,000 yuan, and they don't think it's anything. Times have changed, they have really changed

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the seventies and eighties, the price of soy sauce and vinegar was low, and rice and flour were also the people's choice. Workers receive a monthly ration of food stamps to ensure their basic livelihood. Cotton products need to be purchased with cloth tickets, and the prices of various cotton cloths are different, while high-end fabrics such as good and card are slightly more expensive, and the purchase is more free, and no bills have become a luxury at that time

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

As the end of the month approached, the taste of smoking gradually deteriorated, from the "peony" hardcover in Shanghai to the "Evergrande" and "Moju" in Tianjin. In the '70s, the "Really Good" undershirt became legendary for its amazing durability and was prized for its "not bad" qualities, despite its high price. The joke in the cross talk about "pulling and pulling, washing and kicking" automatically disintegrated after three years, as if it had life. Now let's turn to the historical recipe from 1974 and discover the secrets of that restaurant's deliciousness. The special dishes of those eras, with the traces of time, tell us different stories and lure us to taste the flavors of that era

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

At that time, the price of living was affordable, and the cost of living was cheap, beyond the imagination of modern young people. Don't underestimate those days, when the average family could easily raise five or six children, and now? If today's families had only one or two children, they would have been more comfortable living at that price

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the 70s, it was still a dream to go out to work, and now it seems that one yuan is worth a lot of money; In the 80s, the tide of part-time jobs rose, and the income gradually increased, and the value of one yuan has depreciated; In the 90s, one yuan was only as good as ten yuan today, and the changes of the times can be seen

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

At that time, people valued love and righteousness, and their lives were simple, and the hospitals and food were reassuring. Although life is better now, I have a house and a car, but I still miss that era when everyone was honest

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

Money was worth a lot of money in the seventies and eighties. At that time, when I went to buy tomatoes in the afternoon, I could buy a basket for five cents. The premium hairtail fish is three cents and eighty-one pounds, the pork can be bought with five cents and six pounds, and the eggs are also three cents and eighty-one pounds. I remember that in the past eight years, red bananas and apples have been five cents and two pounds, which is already expensive. I agreed with my buddies not to ask for money from the family for a month, and to take care of food and drink by myself. At that time, the salary was thirty-nine yuan and eight, but we could eat good food every meal

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

Two cents a box of matches, eight cents a pound of soy sauce, and the prices of that era still seem to be gently echoing in my ears. The soy tofu in three parts and the stinky tofu in two parts are endless. At that time, the pig's head meat was tender and delicious, and it was only three pieces per catty. Recalls those classic old dishes, slipping the meat and the tip of the liver, and the amount of deliciousness is sufficient. Each dish follows strict ingredient standards, and the bun dumplings are also just the right ratio of skin filling. It was an era of paying attention to real materials and full of weight, and every bite was full of happiness and satisfaction

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In those days, buying steamed buns was a technical job. If you want to buy five white-flour steamed buns, you have to find acquaintances; Otherwise, you can only get three white-flour steamed buns and two corn nest heads. At that time, the baked cakes with sesame seeds could be bought for only one or two food stamps and five cents, which was half the size of the current one. There is no sesame called fire, two taels of food stamps are six cents, and the taste is much better than the current one! Today's baked cakes are expensive and unpalatable, just like dead gnocchi, how can there be 24 layers of craftsmanship in the past, I really miss it!

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the 70s, daily necessities had to be supplied by ticket, pork, grain, cloth, and even kerosene and diesel had to be purchased by ticket. At that time, pork fat was more sought-after than lean meat, selling for only 0.64 yuan per catty, and the price gradually climbed in the 80s. At that time, bicycles were like flying pigeons, permanent brands, and the price was affordable. Rice and white noodles are inexpensive, and street food such as fried cakes and meat buns are also inexpensive. It was an era when materials were scarce but full of life

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

In the '60s, bulk beer was a popular favorite, and a bowl could be enjoyed for two cents. At that time, beer had no traces of industrialization, it was the essence of food, and it was polished by the fermentation process, and the taste was mellow and long. In sake shops and restaurants, you can often see beer cans that resemble gas cans, and they hide delicious flavors that weigh 60 or 70 years. When buying alcohol, people use oxygen cylinders or bicycle airbags to gently top it, and the beer will gurgle out, and the price is good and cheap. Whether it's half a liter or a cup, the aroma and taste of natural fermentation are enough to make people linger. The beer of that time was pure and tasty, far superior to the cookie-cutter industrial beers on the market today. Every bite is a reminiscence and nostalgia for that innocent era

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

The monthly salary during the apprenticeship period was only 22 yuan, but the life was very nourishing. In the morning, I bought two meat buns, at noon I ate rice with green vegetables and pork ribs, and at night I went to a state-run restaurant to enjoy green vegetable noodles. Simple but delicious, you can eat it with relish every day

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

At that time, the wedding banquet in the hotel only cost 15 yuan per table, and there was an affordable option of 10 yuan. Two dollars per person, and one dollar for funerals. Most people choose to have a banquet at home, borrowing a vacant house in the neighborhood and setting up one or two tables in each house, which is simple and warm

In the 70s of the last century, you had 10 yuan in your hand, what could you eat in a restaurant on the street?

When I was in elementary school, I only had one dollar a week in pocket money, but I felt that it was very sufficient. Erasers, pencils, notebooks, and pencil sharpeners are all very cheap. Ten dollars can buy a lot of things for shopping with my mother, including food and clothing. It's more than the 1,000 yuan my wife gives me every month!

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