
In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

author:Yuxuan Literary Society
In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

In 2020, a farmer entrepreneur named Su Guokai in Huaxian County, Henan Province created remarkable achievements. With 317 seemingly ordinary large water tanks, his annual income is as high as 26 million yuan.

Let's follow in the footsteps of Su Guokai to uncover the mystery of these 317 vats and explore how an ordinary farmer revived the reputation of Lao Miao Beef in the face of adversity and finally started his own legendary business.

This story is not only a person's success, but also a model of the perfect combination of tradition and innovation.

In Huaxian County, Henan, Su Guokai was once a well-known donkey skin merchant. With a keen eye and years of experience, he is well versed in the donkey skin market.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

However, the gears of fate always turn inadvertently, and a chance dinner completely changes the course of his life.

On that day, several friends sat around a table and talked and laughed about Laomiao beef, a specialty of their hometown. To Su Guokai's surprise, the once famous food is now difficult to find.

Friends lamented that now if they want to buy authentic Laomiao beef, they even need to ask someone to find a relationship.

However, there is always a gap between ideals and reality. Su Guokai, who was new to the beef industry, soon encountered many difficulties. Raising cattle is different from dealing in donkey skins and requires more specialized knowledge and skills.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

He ran around looking for suitable cattle, but repeatedly hit a wall. During a bazaar acquisition, he was even nearly hit by a grumpy cow, which made him deeply aware of the risks and challenges of this industry.

In the face of the predicament, Su Guokai did not flinch. He invited animal husbandry experts to visit the site and adopted the recommendations to improve the breed and cross Simmental cattle with local cattle. This combination not only preserves the character of the local beef, but also improves the yield and quality of meat.

In order to expand the scale, he invested a lot of money and transferred 20 acres of land to establish a large-scale farm.

Su Guokai's integrity and enthusiasm quickly earned the trust of local farmers. He bought cattle at a price higher than the market of more than 200 yuan, and the farmers said: "Su Guokai is a kind person, and we all trust him."

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

This mutually beneficial relationship has laid a solid foundation for his career.

After more than a year of hard work, Su Guokai's cattle breeding business is finally on the right track. The scale of the farm has begun to take shape, and the supply is sufficient. However, he knew this was just the beginning.

How to transform the farmed cattle into high-quality Laomiao beef, and how to stand out in the fierce market competition, these questions still linger in his mind.

It is clear to him that a successful businessman must have a visionary. He often said, "The scale can be interchangeable, but it is difficult to go from small to large." With this belief, he began to think about the next step in his development strategy.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

He is determined not only to restore the traditional flavor of Lao Miao beef, but also to achieve large-scale production and promote this delicacy to a wider market.

In this way, an ordinary donkey skin merchant, with his love for the food of his hometown and unremitting efforts, began his entrepreneurial path in the beef industry. Su Guokai's story is the epitome of countless Chinese farmer entrepreneurs who have the courage to innovate and dare to transform.

In the process of exploring how to produce authentic Laomiao beef, Su Guokai faced a major challenge: how to achieve mass production while maintaining the traditional flavor? The answer lies in those 317 vats.

The inspiration came from a serendipitous discovery. When Su Guokai's gaze fell on the big dusty water tank in the corner, he seemed to see the dawn of hope.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

These large water tanks, which seem to have lost their use in modern life, are flashing with new possibilities in Su Guokai's eyes.

With this idea, Su Guokai started his "journey to find a cylinder". He traveled all over the country in search of those large handmade water tanks. In his opinion, only water tanks made with traditional processes can provide optimal air permeability, which is essential to guarantee the quality of preserved foods.

Each vat weighs about 150 catties, and Su Guokai treats them as treasures and carefully handles and uses them, for fear of damaging these "cultural relics" that carry the essence of traditional craftsmanship.

With these vats, Su Guokai began to try to produce Laomiao beef on a large scale. He carefully selects fresh beef, coats it with coarse salt, a local specialty, and carefully places it in a large vat with a wooden lid.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

Seven days later, when the lid is lifted, the rich aroma instantly spreads, and the vivid and bright color is mouth-watering.

However, pickling is only the first step. In order to create that unique taste of Laomiao beef, Su Guokai put more effort into it. He invited an experienced master to select high-quality wood, coat it in an iron pot, and add 15 kinds of selected spices to simmer it for a long time.

This secret, which has been passed down from generation to generation, coupled with Su Guokai's innovation, has achieved a "delicacies in the world" with light red color and moderate ripeness.

Su Guokai knows that in order to gain a foothold in the modern market, it is not enough to rely on tradition. He began to combine modern production concepts with traditional craftsmanship. In his factory, everything is in order, from the farm to the processing workshop to the packaging line.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

This innovative production method not only guarantees the traditional flavor of Lao Miao beef, but also makes mass production possible.

The 317 vat is not only a production tool, but also a symbol of the Su Guokai brand. Each vat carries the perfect fusion of tradition and innovation, witnessing the wisdom and persistence of a farmer entrepreneur.

Su Guokai often said: "We need to not only inherit and continue traditional craftsmanship, but also be determined to innovate so that exquisite craftsmanship can flourish." This sentence is not only his business philosophy, but also the secret of his success.

With 317 vats, he successfully combines traditional craftsmanship with modern production to create products that have both traditional flavors and adapt to the needs of modern markets.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

This innovation is not only reflected in the production process, but also extends to product development and marketing strategies. Su Guokai is constantly experimenting with new flavors and packaging to meet the needs of different consumers.

He also used modern marketing methods to give the traditional delicacy of Laomiao beef a new charm in the new era.

The story of 317 vats is not only a story about tradition and innovation, but also a story about persistence and wisdom. It shows us how to skillfully use traditional resources to create a unique competitive advantage in the face of market challenges.

Through these 317 vats, Su Guokai not only successfully revived Laomiao beef, but also provided an example worthy of reference for the modernization and transformation of traditional industries.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

With high-quality products, Su Guokai's next goal is to open up a broader market. He knows that it's not enough to be satisfied with the local market. With the ambition to promote Laomiao beef to the whole country, Su Guokai began his market expansion journey.

However, the road has not been easy. When he first contacted a foreign dealer, Su Guokai encountered a cold reception and doubts. "It's just braised beef, why bother to go far?" Faced with such an evaluation, Su Guokai was not discouraged.

He was flexible, invited the dealers to dinner, and conquered their taste buds with deliciousness. This way of treating each other with sincerity and winning by quality eventually helped him successfully open up sales.

In terms of market strategy, Su Guokai has adopted a flexible way of unified wholesale and allowing dealers to set their own prices. This strategy has allowed Laomiao Beef to quickly expand to Guangdong and Shenzhen, and its brand awareness is increasing day by day.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

Soon, Laomiao beef not only revived its former glory, but also shined on a bigger stage.

However, Su's innovative spirit did not stop there. He noticed that beef bones produced during beef processing, which were previously considered waste, were a huge business opportunity.

With the idea of "turning waste into treasure", he made a bold attempt and opened a special restaurant with beef bones as the main product.

This decision was met with many doubts and difficulties at first. Three consecutive months of losses have put Su Guokai under pressure. But instead of giving up, he humbly listened to his son's suggestion and opened a Henan braised noodle restaurant near the restaurant, combining beef bone soup with traditional cuisine.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

This innovation has had an unexpected effect. Business at the noodle restaurant is booming, and customers not only love the noodles, but also praise the beef bones that go with it.

Beef bones, which were originally regarded as waste, are now selling at a price of 28 yuan per catty, becoming a new profit growth point.

Su Guokai's success reflects his keen business sense and flexible business strategy. He is not only good at spotting opportunities, but also knows how to turn crises into opportunities.

From a single beef production, to the development of beef bone products, to the combination of local specialties, Su Guokai's business scope has been continuously expanded, forming a complete industrial chain.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

This diversification not only increases the source of income, but also improves the utilization of resources, so as to achieve real use of resources. Su's story tells us that in the business world, opportunities are often hidden in seemingly ordinary things, and the key lies in whether we have the wisdom to discover and grasp them.

Su Guokai's success is not accidental, but stems from his unremitting spirit of innovation and the concept of honest management. In terms of product development, he continues to innovate, in addition to the traditional Laomiao beef, he has also developed special dishes such as beef blood and beef offal pot to meet the needs of different consumers.

Quality control is the principle that Su Guokai always adheres to. He strictly controls every step of the production process, from the selection of cattle to the processing process to the packaging of the final product.

This dedication to quality has ensured the reputation and market position of Laomiao beef.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

Integrity management is another key to Su Guokai's success. He bought cattle at a price higher than the market price, earning the trust and support of the farmers. This integrity extends not only in relationships with suppliers, but also in our commitment to consumers.

He adheres to traditional craftsmanship and combines modern technology to ensure that every piece of Lao Miao beef remains of the best quality.

The support of his family is also an important factor in the take-off of Su Guokai's career. From his wife's initial worries to her later full help, to the innovative advice provided by her son, the understanding and support of his family has injected a strong impetus into Su Guokai's career development.

Su Guokai often said: "The way of business lies in sincerity, if there is no integrity, it will be difficult to last." It is this concept of insisting on innovation and honest management that allows Su Guokai to gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive market and continue to grow his career.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

Su Guokai's success is not only the accumulation of personal wealth, but also drives the vigorous development of the entire Huaxian aquaculture industry. Under his influence, more and more villagers joined the cattle industry, and the once peaceful hamlet was revitalized.

As a special guest of the program "Getting Rich", Su Guokai shared his successful experience with more people: integrity-based, innovation as the soul, and always maintain a learning mentality.

He emphasized that successful entrepreneurs must not only have strong determination, but also have the foresight to constantly learn and innovate.

Su Guokai's story is not only a history of struggle for a farmer entrepreneur, but also a vivid case of how to balance tradition and innovation, and how to find opportunities in the face of adversity.

In 2020, the eldest brother raised cattle by relying on 317 magical vats, and the meat price doubled with an annual income of 26 million

He interpreted the responsibility of rural entrepreneurs in the new era with practical actions and contributed his own strength to rural revitalization.

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