
The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

author:Small Mine Reading 95412

Hey friends! Today we're going to talk about a little bit of a special topic.

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

Have you ever wondered what parts of your body should be specifically protected if you accidentally get involved in a fight (although we don't want that to happen? Or are there places where a beating can be particularly painful or even cause serious injury? I looked up a lot of information, summarized it, and shared my findings with you. Remember, this knowledge is for self-protection, not to encourage everyone to fight!

1. Liver: This "silent hero" is actually super vulnerable

First up is our liver. Usually it works for us in obscurity, but when it gets beaten, it's really deadly.

• Location: Just a little below the rib cage on the right.

• Why is it easy to get injured: The liver has a lot of nerve endings on the surface, and it is very sensitive.

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

• Consequences of beating: Pain may be so severe that you can't straighten your waist, or in severe cases, you may have internal bleeding, and in severe cases, you may even go into shock.

• Quick Facts: In boxing matches, the most feared thing for fighters is to be hit in the liver. It is said that an Australian boxing champion was accidentally shot in the liver during training and was not rescued in the end... It's scary!

So, usually pay more attention to protect the right side of the abdomen. In case of real danger, remember to protect the place with your hands. In addition, drink less wine, eat more liver-protecting food, and take good care of this little poor person.

2. Throat: This "breathing passage" should not be touched

Let's talk about the throat. This place looks unremarkable, but it's actually super important.

• Location: This is the bulge in front of the neck.

• Why is it fragile: There are trachea and esophagus inside, and there are many nerves.

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

• Consequences of being beaten: It can be breathless from pain to suffocation. Come to think of it, it's hard to even breathe, so what's the point?

• Protective Tips: Learn some simple fighting techniques and protect your neck. You can also do some neck exercises to strengthen your muscles.

3. Five senses: These "babies" on the face also need to be cared for

When it comes to the facial features on the face, they are all treasures! Each one is very fragile and needs special protection.


- Why is it delicate: It is full of nerves and small blood vessels.

- Consequences of injury: Exposure to gold in the eye, or blindness. Don't underestimate a "dark circle"!

- Daily protection: Blink more, stare less at your phone, and protect your eyesight.

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

• Nose Child:

- Vulnerability: The bridge of the nose is actually easy to break.

- Consequences of beating: The pain is unbearable, and it may also affect breathing, and severe deformities require plastic surgery.

- Tip: Learn some self-defense techniques, it is important to protect your face.

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting


- Sensitive reasons: The structure inside is complex, and the sense of balance depends on it.

- Injury effects: It may cause tinnitus, vertigo, and severe hearing impact.

- Daily care: Listen to less loud music and take care of your hearing from now on.

• Mouth & Tongue:

- Why mention it: Although it is unlikely that you will hit it directly in a fight, it is also very squeamish.

- Injuries: Tongue bites and burns can cause severe pain.

- Reminder: Be careful when eating, don't make yourself uncomfortable for a long time because of a moment of negligence.

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

4. The boy's "little brother": This is the root of life

For boys, the following part is really an "Achilles' heel".

• Why is it sensitive: Nerves are densely distributed and have a special location.

• Consequences of injury: The pain is comparable to that of giving birth (although we don't know how painful it is) and can affect fertility severely.

• Interesting comparison: The corresponding part of the girl is in the body, which is relatively safe.

• Self-protection: It is best to wear protective equipment when exercising, and you should also be careful not to be impacted.

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

5. Temples: This "dead hole" is no joke

The last thing to talk about is the temple, which is a real danger zone.

• Location: In the hollow a little back on the outside of the eyebrows.

• Why it is deadly: It is the meeting point of many important blood vessels and nerves.

• Risk of injury: From coma to life-threatening.

• Important reminder: no matter what the situation, you should never attack someone's temple, it is very dangerous!

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

• Everyday Protection:

- You can do some gentle massage to promote blood circulation.

- Maintain good sleep habits to reduce head fatigue.

- If you have frequent headaches, it is best to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Having said so much "scary" content, in fact, what I want to express is: our bodies are really wonderful and fragile. Instead of learning how to protect these parts in a fight, learn how to cherish and love our bodies. After all, health and safety are the most important thing, right?

The most painful part of a person's body after being beaten: shock on the spot with a light punch, and be sure to protect it when fighting

So, what can we do to better protect ourselves? Here are a few tips:

1. Learn some self-defense skills:

Not for fighting, but for protecting yourself in times of danger. Simple self-defense techniques can make you feel more confident in an emergency.

2. Be vigilant:

Pay attention to your surroundings when you go out and avoid entering some dangerous places. It's best to travel in a group at night.

3. Control your emotions:

A lot of fights are done on the spur of the moment. Learning to control emotions and resolve conflicts with reason can avoid many unnecessary conflicts.

4. Fitness:

Regular exercise not only strengthens your physique, but also improves your reflexes. With better physical fitness, it is easier to protect yourself in dangerous situations.

5. Learn to ask for help:

When in danger, it's important to shout for help. Don't be afraid of "losing face", safety comes first.

6. Stay away from right and wrong:

Don't get involved in unnecessary disputes and keep a low profile and be friendly.

7. Learn to Negotiate:

Many conflicts can be resolved through communication. Learning some basic communication skills can be very helpful in avoiding conflict.

8. Stay awake:

Drink less alcohol and don't touch drugs. Keep a clear head to make the right judgment in times of danger.

9. Trust your intuition:

If you feel that a place or someone is in danger, trust your instincts and get out of the way.

10. Take care of your body:

Pay more attention to physical health, have regular physical examinations, and maintain good living habits. When the body is strong, the ability to resist risks naturally improves.

At the end of the day, the best way to protect yourself is to stay away from violence and create a peaceful and friendly living environment. We should all work on this, shouldn't we?

Let's work together to create a safer and more harmonious society. Remember, life is precious and health is priceless. Take good care of yourself and respect others. In this way, we can have a world full of sunshine and warmth together!

Friends, do you have any ideas? Feel free to share your views and experiences in the comments section. Maybe you have some unique tips for self-preservation? Or do you have any ideas about how to avoid conflict? Let's communicate together, learn from each other, and make progress together!

Finally, again, the purpose of this article is to better understand and protect one's body, and it is in no way intended to encourage any form of violence. Living in peace and respecting each other is the way of life we should pursue. Take care of your body and cherish your life, that's the most important thing!

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