
In the announcement of the pension adjustment rules of 31 provinces, the pension of 30 years of service and the pension of 3,000 yuan will rise?

author:Think about it

The 2024 pension adjustment rules are being announced intensively. As of June 27, 4 provinces across the country have announced the detailed rules for pension adjustment in 2024, namely Shandong, Jiangxi, Anhui and Hebei. Judging from the provinces that have announced pension adjustment plans, what are the new changes in pension adjustment in 2024? With 30 years of service and a pension of 3,000 yuan, where does the pension rise more? Let's do the math.

In the announcement of the pension adjustment rules of 31 provinces, the pension of 30 years of service and the pension of 3,000 yuan will rise?

The detailed rules for the 2024 pension adjustment of the four provinces were announced

Shandong was the first to announce the 2024 pension adjustment rules, and on June 27, three new provinces, Jiangxi, Anhui and Hebei, announced the 2024 pension adjustment plan. Therefore, at present, there are 4 provinces pension adjustment rules have been announced.

Judging from the time of pension adjustment and repayment, Shandong, Anhui and Hebei are clearly required to be reissued before the end of July, that is, to reissue the rising pension to the account.

And Jiangxi is even faster, Jiangxi on June 27 on the day of the increase in pension to the account, many retirees posted a screenshot of the increase in pension. Therefore, although Jiangxi is the second to announce the pension adjustment plan, it is the first province to reissue the pension to the account.

From the perspective of the pension adjustment rules of these four provinces, what are the new changes in pension adjustment this year?

What are the new changes in the pension adjustment rules in various places?

The specific standard changes in pension adjustment in 2024 are still relatively large, and there are two specific changes, what are they?

First, more emphasis is placed on the care of elderly retirees, who were born before 1953.

This is very obvious from the pension adjustment plan of the four provinces.

Although the quota adjustment, peg adjustment, and tilt adjustment standards in Shandong have declined, the inclined adjustment standards for retirees who have reached the age of 70, 75 and 80 have not declined, and the enterprise retirees who have reached the age of 70, 75 and 80 have increased by 290 yuan, 190 yuan and 360 yuan respectively, and the retirees of government agencies and institutions of the three ages have increased by 20 yuan, 80 yuan and 80 yuan respectively.

Jiangxi's quota adjustment and linkage adjustment have also declined, but the tilt adjustment standard for elderly retirees has risen, and Jiangxi's tilt standard for the elderly is divided into four grades, which have risen by two yuan this year, rising to 35 yuan, 40 yuan, 45 yuan, and 50 yuan.

Hebei's fixed amount adjustment and pension-linked adjustment have declined, but the tilt standard for elderly retirees has remained flat and has not declined. From 70 to 74 years old, an increase of 20 yuan. $30 for those aged 75 to 79 and $40 for those aged 80 and above.

Anhui's quota adjustment and seniority-linked adjustment have declined, but the tilt adjustment standard for elderly retirees remains the same, still at 10 yuan, 20 yuan and 70 yuan. And for those who are 70 years old, 80 years old and 85 years old, the old age tilt can be made up to 140 yuan, 280 yuan and 390 yuan.

It can be seen that this year's elderly retirees are really taking special care of, on the basis of the decline in the adjustment of the quota adjustment, the tilt standard of the elderly retirees has not declined, and even in some places has been raised.

At present, the pension in 4 provinces is higher than the threshold of 70 years old, that is, over 70 years old can rise more, and the threshold of reaching 70 years old is required in 2023, so retirees in 1953 and before will benefit more and are more popular.

So what's the second change?

In the announcement of the pension adjustment rules of 31 provinces, the pension of 30 years of service and the pension of 3,000 yuan will rise?

Second, the pension-linked percentage is less than 1%.

The second impressive change is that the change in the pension-linked percentage this year has generally dropped to less than 1%.

At present, in the pension adjustment rules of the four provinces, none of the provinces has a pension-linked percentage of more than 1%, and all of them are less than 1%.

Among them, Hebei's pension-linked percentage is 0.94%. Shandong's pension-linked percentage is 0.9%. Jiangxi's pension-linked percentage is also 0.9%. Anhui has the lowest pension-linked percentage at 0.5%.

It should be pointed out that the pension-linked percentage in Anhui is the same as last year, and there is no change. However, the pension-linked percentages in Hebei, Shandong and Jiangxi were above 1% last year, and all of them have dropped to below 1% this year.

Based on this change, we predict that this year, I am afraid that the pension linkage ratio in most provinces will be lowered to less than 1%.

This is also a general trend of declining the proportion of peg adjustment. After all, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has emphasized increasing the proportion of linked adjustment in the national pension adjustment plan for the past four consecutive years, but there is no such mention since this year. Therefore, we can see that the proportion of linked adjustment in the provinces that have announced the pension adjustment plan is actually declining.

The decline in the proportion of the linkage is not to say that it does not emphasize the need to pay more and pay more for a long time, because as long as it continues to be linked to the pension and length of service of retirees, it itself is an incentive mechanism that reflects the overpayment and long-term payment. It's just that the pension gap that may rise will be narrowed somewhat.

The pension is 3,000 yuan, where will it rise more?

In the provinces that have announced the pension adjustment rules, the pension of enterprise retirees is 3,000 yuan, the length of service is 30 years, and they were born in 1953. Let's calculate them separately.

In the announcement of the pension adjustment rules of 31 provinces, the pension of 30 years of service and the pension of 3,000 yuan will rise?

First of all, let's be clear, retirees born in 1953 will just turn 70 years old by 2023, reaching the age threshold of senior retirees, and can enjoy the old age tilt.

Shandong: 386 yuan

The quota was adjusted by 32.6 yuan.

Linked to the pension adjustment 3000×0.9% = 27 yuan.

Adjustment linked to length of service: 30 years can rise by 26 yuan

70-year-old retirees are tilted to adjust 10 yuan

The additional care adjustment for 70-year-old corporate retirees is 290 yuan.

The pension rose by 32.6 + 26 + 27 + 10 + 290 = 385.6 yuan, and the whole number was 386 yuan, an increase of 386÷3000 = 12.9%.

Anhui: 229 yuan

The quota is adjusted by 28 yuan.

Pension linked adjustment 3000×0.5% = 15 yuan

The length of service linkage increased by 23 + (30-15) × 1.5 = 45.5, see the cent, which is 46 yuan.

Retirees at the age of 70 can increase by 10 yuan, make up 130 yuan, and adjust 140 yuan in tilt.

The pension rose by 28 + 15 + 46 + 140 = 229 yuan, an increase of 229÷3000 = 7.6%.

Jiangxi: 112.5 yuan

The quota adjustment is 26.5 yuan.

Pension linked adjustment 3000×0.9% = 27 yuan.

The number of years of payment is linked to an increase of 30×0.8=24 yuan

70-year-old retirees are tilted to adjust 35 yuan

The pension rose by 26.5 + 27 + 24 + 35 = 112.5 yuan, an increase of 112.5÷3000 = 3.75%.

Hebei: 100.2 yuan

The quota will be adjusted by 32 yuan

Pension linked adjustment 3000×0.94% = 28.2 yuan

The payment period is linked to 20×1=20 yuan

70-year-old retirees are tilted to adjust 20 yuan.

The pension rose by 32 + 28.2 + 20 + 20 = 100.2 yuan, an increase of 100.2÷ 3000 = 3.34%.

Elderly retirees benefit more, so everyone should maintain good physical and mental health and enjoy the preferential care of elderly retirees in the future.

Welcome to pay attention to Sizhizhi and keep abreast of the 2024 pension adjustment rules in various places. #长文创作激励计划#