
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

author:Lintan release

Lintan County's urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

Special supervision of the "red and black" list

According to the "Gannan Prefecture Urban and Rural Environmental Sanitation Comprehensive Management Regulations" and the county party committee, the county government deployment requirements, the county office in June 112 departments and units of the county comprehensive environmental sanitation work carried out a comprehensive supervision, from the supervision of the situation, the vast majority of departments and units attach great importance to the active organization of cadres and workers to participate in environmental remediation and normal cleaning, environmental sanitation in the urban area has been effectively improved, the appearance of the city has been greatly improved. However, individual units still do not pay enough attention, the rectification is not effective, the responsibility is not implemented, the rectification is not thorough, the cleaning is not in place, the work is superficial, and the rectification effect is not obvious. According to the on-site inspection, the red and black list of special inspections of no garbage in the urban area in June is announced as follows (in no particular order, in the order of supervision).

1. Red list

Organization Department of the County Party Committee, County Earthquake Bureau (Second Red List), County Public Trading Center, County Commerce Bureau, County Government Office (Second Red List), County People's Procuratorate (Second Red List), County People's Armed Forces Department, County Telecommunications Bureau, County Audit Bureau, County Culture and Tourism Bureau, County Government Affairs Service Center (Second Red List), County Public Security Bureau

Second, the black list

County Veterans Affairs Bureau (second black list), County Mobile Company (second black list), County Education Bureau, County Letters and Visits Bureau, County Water Affairs Bureau, County Development and Reform Bureau (second black list), County Heating Company, County Tobacco Company (second black list), Chengguan Three Elementary Schools (second black list), County Natural Resources Bureau, County Agriculture and Rural Bureau (second black list), County Housing Provident Fund Center, County Transportation Management Bureau

3. Environmental sanitation "black spots" in June

1. County Veterans Affairs Bureau

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

2. County Mobile, Inc

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

3. County Education Bureau

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

4. County Housing Provident Fund Management Center

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

5. County Bureau of Letters and Visits

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

6. County Water Bureau

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

7. County Development and Reform Bureau

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

8. County Tobacco Company

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

9. County heating company

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

10. Chengguan Town No. 3 Primary School

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

11. County Bureau of Natural Resources

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

12. County Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

13. County Transportation Management Bureau

Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024
Lintan County's "red and black" list of special inspections of urban environmental sanitation in June 2024

Fourth, the work requirements

In the next step, all departments and units should conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the county party committee and the county government to continue to promote the work of garbage-free governance in the whole area, always maintain vigilance and consciousness, resolutely take the comprehensive improvement of urban environmental sanitation as the top priority, enhance the initiative of work, focus on outstanding problems, strengthen the focus of rectification, increase cleaning efforts and cleaning frequency, and solidly promote the urban environmental sanitation rectification work in depth with more powerful and pragmatic measures. In particular, the units on the black list must attach great importance to it, immediately take effective measures to carry out rectification, and for those who are listed on the black list three times, the leaders in charge of the county party committee and county government are to give an interview and remind them, and if they still do not perform their duties or make rectifications after the interview and reminder, or even deal with them passively, the county party committee and county government will hold the main responsible person of the unit accountable, and the provincial and state units stationed in the neighborhood will report to the competent department at the level above at the same time.

Lintan County has no garbage special treatment

Office of the Leading Group (acting)

June 28, 2024