
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued tips for travel during the flood season and summer vacation

author:Jishishan County Rong Media Center
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued tips for travel during the flood season and summer vacation

CCTV News: On June 27, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a regular press conference in the second quarter of 2024 to introduce the national summer cultural and tourism consumption season, the "Salute to the New Era" red story publicity activity, the national college students' red tourism creative planning competition, the update of equipment in the field of culture and tourism, and tips for travel during the flood season and summer.

Li Xiaoliang, deputy director of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that the summer vacation is approaching, as the mainland fully enters the main flood season, extreme weather is prone to frequent occurrence, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism reminds tourists:

1. Pay attention to safety during the flood season. Pay close attention to the weather conditions at the destination and along the way, understand the opening situation of tourist attractions in advance, and plan your itinerary reasonably. Adjust the itinerary in time according to meteorological and geological warning information and local safety tips. When visiting mountainous areas, river valleys and other areas, pay attention to the safety risks caused by natural disasters such as landslides, rockfalls, mudslides, and flash floods.

2. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling. Prepare for heatstroke, lightning and rain during summer travel, and do not go to undeveloped and unopened areas that lack safety guarantees. Prepare sunshade and heatstroke prevention items and medicines in advance, replenish water in time, scientifically adjust the rest time, and avoid outdoor activities for a long time when the temperature is high. Outdoor tourism should pay attention to fire prevention and disaster avoidance.

3. Improve the awareness of safety precautions. When traveling in a motor vehicle or public transport, wear your seatbelt at all times. Check the condition of your car when traveling by road to avoid fatigue driving and drunk driving. When taking a sightseeing cruise, wear a life jacket according to the regulations, and do not take a sightseeing cruise that is not equipped with necessary life-saving equipment. Strictly abide by the fire protection and various safety management regulations of the site, and take the initiative to understand the emergency evacuation route.

Fourth, pay attention to the safety of water-related activities. Don't play in unsafe waters. Be cautious about participating in water-wading activities such as boating, rafting, snorkeling, and deep diving, as well as high-risk, high-speed, and adventure tourism projects, and do what you can according to your physical condition. Familiarize yourself with safety tips in advance, follow the guidance of professionals, and do not take actions that may endanger the safety of yourself and others.

5. Healthy, civilized and orderly travel. Respect the customs and habits of the destination and comply with local laws and regulations. Take care of the ecological environment, protect cultural relics and historic sites, cherish public facilities, and abide by public order. In case of emergencies or special circumstances, follow the command and arrangement of the staff to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Source: CCTV

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued tips for travel during the flood season and summer vacation
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued tips for travel during the flood season and summer vacation
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued tips for travel during the flood season and summer vacation