
On June 28, the scrap quotation has been updated, and don't sell it at a loss if you have the goods.

author:Metallurgical House

【Guangxi Yima】 On June 28, the latest price of Guangxi Yima fell 20: steel bar granular, steel bar head 2520, new steel sheet 2520, die steel 2520, steel briquetting 2500, steelmaking bread iron (first-class) 2430, hot-rolled punch, cold-rolled punch, automobile punch 2510, silicon steel sheet 2510 motor shell, machine pig iron 2470, automobile wheel hub 2470, old flange, automobile girder 2470, automobile front and rear axle 2450, hot and cold rolled punching sheet 2460, thick air cutting material 2450, Air cutting material 2430, thick shear 2320, medium shear 2210, small shear 2150, excluding tax.

On June 28, the latest price of MCC Oriental (Danyang Feida): Middle One: 2370, Middle two: 2330, Middle three: 2290, small waste: 2260, high-quality press one: 2240, high-quality press two: 2210, high-quality press three: 2180, high-quality briquetting: 2150, high-quality press four: 2040 excluding tax.

[Ningxia Iron and Steel] on June 28, Ningxia Iron and Steel rose 20 execution prices: steel bar cutting head 2670, special grade material 2670, heavy waste (first-class) 2630, heavy waste (second-class) 2510-2590, excluding tax. 【Yangchun New Steel】 On June 28, all varieties of Guangdong Yangchun New Steel rose by 20, and the specific price is subject to the manufacturer's price list.

【Tangshan Ruifeng】Tangshan Ruifeng Notice: Chongdou 2890, billet head 2850, roll shear material 2870, steel sheet metal grade 2850, heavy waste grade 2860, heavy waste grade 2810, thin horseshoe 2790, flower iron shear material grade 2870, flower iron shear material grade 2850, corner groove cut head 2840, steel bar briquetting 2800, flower iron briquetting 2840 Note: The above adjustments are cash to factory prices.

【Changzhi Iron and Steel】Shanxi Shougang Changzhi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. execution price: steel bar cutting head 3055, heavy 3 (steel plate scraps) 3055, heavy 3055, heavy 3025, medium grade 2975, crushed material 2825-2965, the above prices are tax-included acceptance prices.

【Dadonghai】The latest reference price of Dadonghai: high-quality 2760, high-quality 2740, heavy waste 1 2720, heavy waste 2670, medium waste 2610, shear waste 2420, pure steel bar head 10-18 cents 2690, pure steel bar head 20 cents or more 2710, red punch horseshoe 2720, punch bean 2710-2760, steel bar pelletizing 2760, flattened pipe 2610, punching plate small briquetting 2590, 1 meter 2 steel bar briquetting 2630, 1 meter 5 steel bar briquetting 2580, Silicon (silicon) steel sheet 2580, subject to the time of entering the factory weighing.

【Nanning Hengxian Steel Mill】Guangxi Nanning Hengxian Steel Mill material type and price: (1) pig iron cast steel: 2490 yuan/ton, (2) wrought iron price: 1, heavy waste: 2440 yuan/ton (thickness of more than 5 centi), 2, thick shear: 2390 yuan/ton (thickness 3-5 centi), 3, ordinary shear: 2340 yuan/ton (thickness 2-3 centi), 4, light shear: 0 ~ 2220 yuan/ton (thickness below 2 centi), 5, crushed iron pin 1760 yuan/ton.

【Jieyang Guoxin】Guangdong Jieyang Guoxin scrap steel price: 7 cm steel bar pelletizing stopped, mold 2670 yuan/ton (80 cm within a single weight of 300 kg or less), injection molding machine thickness trailer 2650 yuan/ton (80 cm within a single weight of 300 kg or less), pig iron 2640 yuan/ton (80 cm within a single weight of 300 kg), pure steel bar package 2650 yuan/ton, 6 centimeters thick or more cutting material 2610 (50 cm), 3 cm thick or more shear 2490 (within 50 cm)

Scrap Headlines Morning Post on June 28:

1. Yesterday's scrap steel was weak and stable, black futures turned red, billets rose slightly, boosting market confidence, and some steel companies followed the upward adjustment, but due to the profit loss of steel mills, scrap has limited room to rise, and it is expected that the short-term scrap steel will be adjusted steadily

2. Scrap steel is stable and weak, there is no obvious macro drive at present, the disk trend is not optimistic for the time being, the finished product terminal is general, the steel mill has a strong willingness to control the cost, the market sentiment is relatively weak, and it is expected that the short-term scrap steel will run steadily and slightly down.

3. The supply of threads has fallen, the inventory has been slightly reduced, the actual demand has not improved significantly, and the hot coil has benefited from the manufacturing industry and exports, and the demand still has strong resilience, but the export market may change. Recently, the issuance of new special bonds is still accelerating, but according to the latest plan disclosed by Henan Province, special bonds can be used to "resolve existing debts", which may still have a certain impact on infrastructure in the future, and macro expectations may change. At present, the molten iron is still rising, but the profits of steel mills are beginning to weaken, if the demand has a tendency to further weaken, it is not ruled out that there may be negative feedback, the current thread in the valley electricity cost has stabilized slightly, it is recommended to wait and see for the time being.

4. Yesterday, the overall commodity sentiment showed signs of rebound, the disk is expected to have a pullback in the face of the overall black commodity price, the long and short game is strong, the trend of rebar and hot coil is "M" shaped, and the position has reached the highest point in three months. From the perspective of the industry, the demand for finished timber is in the seasonal off-season, and there is not much contradiction in its own fundamentals. At present, it is necessary to pay special attention to the price transmission of raw materials to finished products, and the main focus is on whether the molten iron can be repaired upward, the iron ore depot, and whether the bifocal production will be reduced. At the macro level, due to the overall market upswing, the recent bond issuance speed is relatively flat, and there is no positive expectation for real estate and infrastructure for the time being. There are still several policy expectations to pay attention to in the future; and pay attention to the risk that the resumption of production of steel mills in the future is less than expected.

5. As building materials enter the off-season, production and sales have weakened, but they have not yet constituted a strong contradiction between supply and demand, and exports still maintain strong resilience, forming a strong support for prices. In the later stage, we will pay attention to the changes in real estate data, as well as the improvement of local bonds on infrastructure, and track the resilience of consumption and inventory changes in the off-season.

6. At present, the actual supply and demand of threads are weak, and market expectations have also weakened. It is expected that the short-term thread disc surface shock will be weak.

7. At present, weak terminal demand is still the main factor suppressing steel prices, and traders are cautious in order to speed up shipments and reduce inventory. It is expected that the short-term thread disc surface shock will be weak.

8. During the policy window period, the steel fundamentals are not contradictory, but the pressure on the light Li Accumulation Warehouse still exists, coupled with the weakening of the cost side support, it is expected that the steel will continue to fluctuate and weaken.

9. At present, the terminal demand is insufficient, the market expectation is also poor, and the actual expectation is weak, resulting in the continued weakening of prices. However, at present, steel profits have begun to be significantly affected, especially the profits of short-process steelmaking are seriously insufficient, and some support may be found in the current position in the future. Conclusion: The space below is insufficient, and the weak shock bottoms; Thread today 3530-3580, hot coil today 3700-3750.

10. Recently, the profit of tons of coke has further narrowed to the edge of profit and loss, the current output of molten iron is high, and the steel mills maintain the rigid demand for coke procurement, but due to the sluggish terminal transaction, the profits of coke and steel remain meager. Strategy suggestion: The J2409 contract has fallen sharply, and the multi-day moving average is in a bearish arrangement