
Whether a family gathers wealth depends on the three places in the home, which is clear at a glance

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

We often say, "In the house of goodness, there will be afterglow; If you don't accumulate goodness, there will be aftermath. ”

If a family wants to accumulate wealth, it must accumulate "goodness".

But what is "goodness"? A lot of people don't know much about it.

There are also people who believe that as long as you keep doing good deeds, you can do it. And to do good deeds, understand that helping others, a little careless, good intentions to do bad deeds.

There is a good saying: "An egg, breaking from the outside is food, breaking from the inside is life." ”

But any family that can accumulate wealth starts with its own business, and then benefits outsiders.

Therefore, looking at the three places in the house, the situation of accumulating wealth is clear at a glance.

Whether a family gathers wealth depends on the three places in the home, which is clear at a glance


"Spend money well": the kitchen, witness the household expenses.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born in poverty, immediately formulated rules after establishing the Ming Dynasty, strictly controlled the expenses of the imperial court, and also gave his children and grandchildren the character of hardship and hard work.

He stipulated that there must be "coarse vegetables" in three meals a day. That is, vegetables, wild vegetables, and the like. Let everyone feel how the poor live.

But what Zhu Yuanzhang didn't expect was that his descendants would exhaust their family funds because of "coarse vegetables".

There is such a record in "The Poetry of the Worship Building": The imperial dining room tried its best to make the "coarse dishes" delicious. Using the brain marrow of chicken, it is made into tofu and sent to the palace.

One day, when the emperor saw the tofu and did not move his chopsticks, he rewarded it to a young man in the Hanlin Temple.

Young people hate tofu and don't use chopsticks.

An old man who has worked in the Hanlin Academy for many years picked up the tofu, added a bottle of wine, and ate it with relish. The young man approached and looked at it with remorse.

A bowl of tofu costs hundreds of chickens, and the level of luxury is astonishing.

The vegetables in the palace are also particular, first put into the belly of the goose, put it in the water and simmer, so that the green vegetables carry the fragrance of goose meat.

In order to make delicious coarse dishes, during the Xuande period, there were more than 9,000 staff in the imperial dining room.

The ancients said: "Family defeat is inseparable from a luxury word." ”

The most invincing thing about family luxury is the kitchen. Three meals a day are in it, and it is clear how much it costs.

It costs a lot of money every day, eating and drinking, and it is almost impossible for this family to accumulate wealth.

"But a Bowl of Fireworks in the World" wrote: "Life in the world is nothing more than the word 'eating and drinking', chewing life to the taste, and living life vividly, often relying not only on the mouth, but also on a heart soaked in the fireworks of the world." ”

A good life is not about the high cost of eating and drinking, but because everyone can understand that life is not easy and is satisfied with the current life. Because of the abundance of the heart, I feel the temperature of the fireworks.

Whether a family gathers wealth depends on the three places in the home, which is clear at a glance


"Good marriage": living room, witness family relationship.

There was a neighbor who came to the house with a dozen people to play mahjong.

When it was time to eat, the neighbor called his wife, who was at work, and said that there was a distinguished guest at home, so he hurried to buy vegetables and cook.

The wife hurried home and found a group of people around the mahjong table, and the smoke rings they spit out filled the living room.

The wife threw the door out.

How many families, lively all day long, a lot of fox dog friends. But there was a real difficulty, and I found that the family's external relations were nothing.

How many families, the living room is messy, and no one cleans it up, and no one wants to pay a little more.

How many families, the living room is used to quarrel, when it comes to the topic of making money, the wife will always dislike her husband's income is too little, and the wife will not go out to make money; The husband hates his wife, is too good at running the house, and spends too much money; The husband complained to his wife that the family was not clean, and this family did not want to stay.

How many families, children frolicking in the living room, cats and dogs are also there. A father who rushed home, wronged, immediately scolded the child and kicked the cat. The family atmosphere suddenly became terrifying.

Everyone knows that home and everything is prosperous.

But how can we be considered harmonious? Everyone will be angry at times, how to redeem it?

When the family cherishes fate and learns to communicate, the atmosphere is immediately better.

Seeing his wife busy packing her things, the husband said, "I'm here to help." ”

Seeing the child bouncing around, the mother said, "Come, let's play this game." ”

Seeing her husband push the door in exhaustion, the wife said, "It's hard work, drink a glass of water first." ”

A family respects each other like a guest, that is, treats guests to the outside world, and there are also times and can discuss. The family is kind, and there is motivation to do everything, so it is not difficult to gather wealth.

Whether a family gathers wealth depends on the three places in the home, which is clear at a glance


"Good Reading": Study, witness family cognition.

There is a very familiar saying: "A person can never make money beyond his cognition." ”

At what level of cognition, then at what level is the method and quantity of people's money.

If you force yourself to make money outside of cognition, you are blindly taking risks, and you will inevitably lose all your money.

In "The Golden Vase of Plums", Ximen Qing will do business and collude with the government, so he makes a lot of money and opens a lot of shops.

When he was rich, he also renovated the study, but there were no books in the study, and there was no sound of books.

On his desk were sweat towels, handkerchiefs, silver, and so on. These things were the supplies he used when he and his wife and concubine were having fun.

He is looking for beautiful women everywhere, but he doesn't know how to run a family, so his wife and concubines are jealous. Pan Jinlian, whom he likes, is regarded as a thorn in his side to his son; Pan Jinlian overdosed Ximenqing, causing him to fall ill and die at the age of Chinese New Year's Eve.

Ximen Qing's daughter, Sister Ximen, is not unlearned, but knows how to rely on her mother's family to live. After Ximen Qing passed away, Sister Ximen was abandoned by her husband and had a bleak ending.

"A house without books is like a house without windows," Johansen said. ”

Reading may not necessarily bring great wealth, but it can improve everyone's awareness, grasp the development trend of the family, and cope with social changes, so that the family will not be confused.

Whether a family gathers wealth depends on the three places in the home, which is clear at a glance


Professor Zeng Shiqiang said: "The wealth of your life is more or less certain, and it is related to your moral industry. If you want to ask for money, it's useless to hold on to your feet temporarily; The more wealth the better, but if there is less, you should also look away. ”

There is a definite amount of wealth that a family can gather. It is the accumulation of money, but also the accumulation of wisdom, and the result of both material and spiritual progress.

On a regular basis, tidy up the kitchen, plan your family's expenses, and live within your means.

Periodically, tidy up the living room, and the family will discuss and work together.

On a regular basis, make good use of the study room to find more ways to make a career and make a profit.

A good family goes out to seek wealth, gathers wealth in the door, goes in and out, and the wealth is continuous.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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