
The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School

author:See Ma On Shan

The reporter learned from Ma'anshan Hongxing Middle School

For the convenience of parents and candidates, it is better

Learn about the school

School philosophy, school characteristics and educational environment

On the morning of July 2

Red Star Middle School will be held

Campus Open Day Activities

The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School

Event time

July 2, 8:30-11:30 a.m

Location of the event

Ma'anshan Hongxing Middle School (New Campus)

Event schedule

The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School


The lecture hall can only accommodate 1,000 people at a time

Advance reservations are required for parents who come to the consultation

How to make an appointment

Pay attention to the WeChat public account of "See Ma'anshan".

The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School

Click "Find Xiaoting" - "Open Day Appointment"

The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School

Fill in "Appointment Information" - "Save"

The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School

The address of the new campus of Red Star Middle School

No. 199, Hongxing Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Ma'anshan City

The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School

Special reminder

Students and parents who come to consult

Please enter the campus through the north gate of the school

The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School

Bus lines

Routes 19 and 122

The latest arrangements for Red Star Middle School

Red Star Middle School Admissions Hotline

2755208 Mr. Zhang

2755218 Teacher Zhang

2755215 Mr. Wei

Reporter: Zhao Ting Correspondent: Wang Penglin

Editor in charge: Wu Yunyue

Review: Wang Yuwei

Producer: Shen Jing

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