
The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

author:Your family is already envious


Guoman's "Breaking the Sky" has been updated year by year, how many people are fascinated by Xiao Yan of this word? With the assistance of Tianshan Blood Pool, he successfully broke through Douzong and saw Yao Lao again, but unfortunately seeing the picture of the teacher being tortured, Brother Huo was going to die of distress.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

Once again, he was determined to hurry up to rescue the teacher's heart, and Brother Huo, who left from the Soul Palace, was about to start a new busy journey, and before leaving, he also fulfilled his promise to help the Golden Rat Boss remove the fire poison, and he liked to mention the return gift of the Golden Rat Clan.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

They can be called the intelligence bosses of Central-continent, and they have uncovered a problem that has plagued Xiao Yan for a long time, that is, Xun'er's family status, and it is called the ancient clan, which has such a lofty status? The restoration of this plot can be said to have paved the way for many details of the follow-up.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

Xiao Yan inquired about the news of the ancient clan, and the status was exposed, and the bloodline of the Dou Emperor was here

Xiao Yan, who had just returned from the teacher, focused on helping the gold eater rat boss remove the fire poison, who knew that he had received a return gift from their clan, and the boss bluntly said that he could provide him with information in the future, and the name of Bai Xiaosheng in the Warcraft world was not blown.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

Hearing this, Xiao Yan immediately asked about the news of the ancient clan, he didn't ask about the little friends who were separated from him, but paid attention to the news of the Xun'er family, is it too embarrassing? It shows that he is more obsessed with Xun'er! But the little doctor fairy doesn't deserve a name?

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

In this sentence, the official gave the news of the ancient clan, it turned out to be a family inherited from ancient times, it is rumored that there is still the bloodline of the Dou Emperor, it is the existence of many forces in Zhongzhou, and the bloodline of the ancient clan and the Dou Di that was exposed for the first time is too domineering.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

Little Plum Kaoru's family background is scary, and she is the best choice for the heroine

Whether it is from the previous touch, or the news of the Golden Rat Clan, it shows that Xiaomei Xun'er's family background is scary, which shows the importance of Xun'er to Xiao Yan in disguise, from the perspective of Brother Huo's concern for her or family background, she is the best choice for the heroine?

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

And the exposure of the concept of the ancient clan and Doudi this time also laid the groundwork for the follow-up plot of Dou Po, Zhongzhou and Douzong are just a small stage! For Xiao Yan, how to improve his strength is the key, although the most urgent thing now is to rescue Yao Lao.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

But the last time Xun'er was brought back to the family, the discrimination and contempt of his clansmen against Xiao Yan also planted the seeds of struggle for Xiao Yan in advance.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

A disguised declaration of sovereignty? It is really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

It can only be said that although Xun'er did not appear, her sense of existence is still very strong, and her status in Xiao Yan's heart is even more lofty, and she has always been thinking about her in her heart.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

And this introduction to the status of the ancient clan also makes people better understand Xun'er's toughness, with a strong backing, her strength is easy to understand, for when Xiao Yan and Xiao Yixian were chased and killed, Xun'er broke through the air and came to drive away the enemy to lay an ambush.

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

The little daughter-in-law's strength is too strong and her family background is too good, which is not a good thing for Xiao Yan, after all, it means that the gap between the two is a bit big, and it is even more difficult for him to hold the beauty? I guess he is already feeling the pressure at this time, but it will also be the motivation to stimulate him!

The lofty status of the ancient clan was exposed for the first time, Xiaoqingmei Xun'er's family background was scary, and it was really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife

The latest words of Dou Po New Year, the status of the ancient clan was officially announced for the first time, and even the concept of Emperor Dou was exposed, Xiaomei Xun'er's family background is scary, and it is really difficult for Xiao Yan to marry a wife! Xun'er has a strong sense of existence when she doesn't appear, and she deserves to be Xiao Yan's official daughter-in-law!

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