
S36 first-day shooter data: Garo became the king of shooters, and the biggest increase in keeping the covenant was made, and Agudo was embarrassed

author:A king at your fingertips

On the first day of the new season update, how did the statistics of each hero perform? In this article, let's talk about the change in the win rate of shooters.

The S36 season is said to be the era when shooters are king, so is the winning rate of shooters rising? On the first day of the new season, compared to the last day of the S35 season, the win rate is as follows:

S36 first-day shooter data: Garo became the king of shooters, and the biggest increase in keeping the covenant was made, and Agudo was embarrassed

It can be seen that although the shooter has comprehensively strengthened the range and body, not all heroes have become stronger, as can be seen from the win rate column, most shooters have a win rate that does not increase but falls.

In fact, it is true that all archers have been strengthened, but the basic attributes of other classes have also been comprehensively improved, the assassin has increased the movement speed, the mage has increased the development speed, and the tank has increased the body, so they cancel each other out, and it can only be said that those shooters whose other attributes have been strengthened may be stronger.

Hundred miles to keep the promise

The shooter with the biggest increase after this update is as high as 4.5%, and the original win rate is only 47.1%, and the new season has directly rushed to 51.6%, which is really a bit surprising.

S36 first-day shooter data: Garo became the king of shooters, and the biggest increase in keeping the covenant was made, and Agudo was embarrassed

The new season's Baili Shou has to change the style of play, not based on 2 skills, and the outfit should tend to be a regular shooter, so it is necessary to focus on the attack speed and critical attack flow, and at the same time, 2 skills take into account the harvesting and consumption ability.

His strength is reflected in the flexibility of the general attack flow, the three bullets of the ultimate move can be used as three displacements, although there is a little cooldown time between the two segments, but as a pulling skill, even the flexibility is higher than that of Sun Shangxiang, and the second injury in the late stage is also very exaggerated, but the early output is indeed grinding a little, and it can't beat the line.


The new season of Menglu is definitely a dark horse-level hero, not only before the season update, I told you Amway, I said it when the experience server was adjusted, and the win rate on the first day of the new season is a wave of skyrocketing, the win rate has increased by 4.4%, but the interesting thing is that the appearance rate has not changed in the slightest.

S36 first-day shooter data: Garo became the king of shooters, and the biggest increase in keeping the covenant was made, and Agudo was embarrassed

Menglu's strength lies in the link between skills and attack speed, which led to the attributes that were wasted in the past can now be used, and the output in the later stage is no longer weak, and the characteristics of 1 skill that can sweep the tower make him have a strong propulsion ability.


Before, I posted that Galo would be very strong in the new season, but he was scolded, and now the win rate has been announced, let's see for yourself, in just one day, Galo's win rate rushed to 55.4%, ranking first in the development road, and the win rate increased by 3.2%, which is the second highest in growth after Mengru.

S36 first-day shooter data: Garo became the king of shooters, and the biggest increase in keeping the covenant was made, and Agudo was embarrassed

Jialuo's strength is mainly reflected in the early stage of the increase of 10%, and the late stage also increased by 14% of the attack speed, as for the range, the bow is increased, the bow remains the same, there is still a super long hand, this season for the shooter's resources are more inclined to the wild, and the wild that can't be brushed by the jungle can also be rubbed more, and the big brother-level hero of Jialuo, if someone is protected, it is still very good to score.

Hou Yi

The increase of 3.1% is completely predicted, Hou Yi, like Jia Luo, has increased his attack speed by 14% in the later stage, and the feel will be smoother.

S36 first-day shooter data: Garo became the king of shooters, and the biggest increase in keeping the covenant was made, and Agudo was embarrassed

Hou Yi, a shooter who has an extreme demand for range, increases the range even if it is like a tiger with wings, after all, he has no means of survival, he can only rely on long-range shots to play output, the range is long, the field of vision is wide, it is relatively difficult for the enemy to cut in, and he can make a judgment earlier.


Now Agudo also has the identity of a shooter, but the performance on the first day was not satisfactory, perhaps because everyone has not found a real way to open, and even the outfit has not been able to figure it out, so the first day win rate has dropped by an astonishing 5.4%.

The appearance rate has increased several times, and the win rate has plummeted, which is a process of adaptation, and it is still difficult to predict what Agudo will become in the future, but it should be good to think about it.

To sum up: The shooters of the new season, I feel that the shooting is still generally stronger, and even the originally weak shooters like Lessio have a rising trend, but the sweeping adjustment of Luban No. 7 is too big, and the current shooter position is at the bottom with Sun Shangxiang, what do you think about this?