
If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)

author:The mountains stand tall and the sea is deep
If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78 [Original] 

The world is weaker than water, and the strong can win, with its easy.

The weak is better than the strong, the soft is better than the strong, the world knows everything, and nothing can be done.

It is based on the sage cloud: the dirt of the country (gòu), which is the lord of the society (jì); The ominous of receiving the country is the king of the world.

Honest Youth.

If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78 and the Moon of Wu Wei ^06

3. If the heart is determined, all laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly.

The only constant in the world is "change", and if anyone rests on their laurels and is self-righteous, once they stop growing, atrophy will begin.

Can that person be like water, "uneasy"? Yes.

Everyone can start with "no closure, no internal friction, and no judgment" with selfless agility to achieve the realm of "no easy way".
If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)

First, it is not closed.

Accept everything that happens with an open mind, the wind comes to meet the wind, and the waves come to tread the waves.

When things in the world are found to be unchanged, they are often about to change greatly. So, always be prepared, clear yesterday, forge ahead from today, and treat every day as a starting point.

In the fifteenth chapter of the Tao Te Ching, it is said that "concealment and new becoming",

It means that only if you are not full, can you let go of your fame, break down, and reach a new high.

In fact, it is a good thing that change is coming, which means that the last lesson of life has passed and a new ascension is about to begin. At this time, open your heart, embrace change, and follow your original intention and fulfill your responsibilities in the ever-changing life, so that you can have peace of mind and happiness.

If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)

Second, there is no internal friction.

To be a man, you must have self-knowledge - look at yourself objectively and accept yourself truthfully. Don't stop at "thinking", if you think too much, you will not be strong, and if you are not strong, you will not be long.

Instead of thinking about a foot, it is better to walk an inch. If you're really struggling, learn from the water and give yourself a little quiet time.

In fact, the clarity of water is not because it does not contain impurities, but because it knows how to precipitate. In the same way, the transparency of the mind is not due to the absence of a single thought, but to the fact that it is never attached.

In tranquility, people will have the courage to "pause", and they can make decisions when they are decided, and they will not be disturbed. Then, we can focus on the present moment and complete our own growth.

If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)

Third, don't judge.

It's hard for us to fully understand the cause and effect of others, so don't judge others lightly and don't label yourself. In life, you don't have to aspire to everyone's understanding and approval.

In the twenty-second chapter of the Tao Te Ching, it is said: "Hold one and become the world's style." ”

As long as you let go of judgment, just do your best, focus on holding on to the road, and time will give the answer.

For us, it is necessary to settle our minds, let go of our obsession with external appearances, not to influence others with our own prejudices, and not to lose ourselves in the reputation of others. Then, always reflect on oneself so that you can know your shortcomings and make up for your shortcomings.

If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)
In the fifty-fourth chapter of the Tao Te Ching, it is said: "Those who are good at building will not pull out, and those who are good at holding will not take off." ”

This means that those who are good at establishing themselves by the Word will not be uprooted; Those who firmly adhere to morality will not be detached.

The reason why the greatness of water cannot be replaced is precisely because it is good to its own nature and unstoppable, so water will always walk on the right path.

If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)

And this nature is shared by everyone, but it is only blinded by the calculations in the mind, the imbalance in the mentality, and the ups and downs in the world, so that it cannot be brought into play.

Only when one lets go of calculations, remains peaceful, and does oneself well, can one's mind be at peace.

If the heart is determined, all laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly. Because, if nature is not easy, the right path will not be lost. A man is always on the way, what can hinder him?

If the heart is determined, ten thousand laws can be born, and everything goes smoothly (serial 699)

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