
6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

author:Three small hairs

We sent off June and ushered in a new and hopeful July. And at the beginning of eating in July, there is another very important solar term waiting for us, that is, the Xiaoxiao solar term on July 6, which is the Saturday of this week.

As the saying goes, "after a small summer, it is hot for three minutes a day", which refers to the fact that after the solar term of the small summer, it is hotter and hotter every day.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

Especially this year's small summer solar term is "not ordinary", and the day is just "out of the plum", so is there more rain after the small summer solar term? Will there be a major drought? Let's take a look at what the proverbs of our ancestors say, and with the help of the wisdom of the ancients, let's understand it in advance.

1. What does it mean when the summer solar term arrives?

For the small summer solar term, there are records in many books in ancient times, among which it is said in the "Qunfang Spectrum": "The summer season has not yet reached the extreme." This means that when it comes to the summer season, the temperature is not very high, that is, it has not reached the hottest time.

It is true that during the small summer solar term, which is around the beginning of the year, most parts of the mainland will enter the hottest period of the year, but it is not, and often the "great heat" solar term is the hottest.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

In addition, in the Yuan Dynasty literati Wu Cheng's "Seventy-two Candidate Explanations of the Moon Order", there is a more detailed introduction to the Xiaoxia solar term: "Juneteenth Day...... Summer, heat also, in the heat is divided into size, the beginning of the month is small, the middle of the month is large, and now the heat is still small. ”

Moreover, in the book, it is also pointed out that there are three phases of the Xiaoxia solar term: "One is to wait for the warm wind to arrive; Second, the cricket dwells in the sky; Three migratory eagles. "It's said that after the summer solar term, even the wind blowing is hot.

In addition, there is also a folk proverb that says: "The small heat is not hot, but the big heat is dog days." "It is pointed out that the hottest period of the year has arrived, but it has not yet reached the level of extreme heat.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

That is, after the arrival of the summer solar term, although the weather has begun to be hot, it has not yet reached the hottest time of the year. At this time, it is also relatively hot, especially in the southern part of the continent, which will enter the hottest period of the year one after another.

There is a saying in the agricultural proverb that "the small summer meets the big heat, and there is nowhere to hide from the heat", which describes the extreme heat of the weather in the small summer solar term, and the heat is so hot that people have nowhere to hide.

2. What does "out of the plum" mean?

This year's Xiaoxia solar term is not ordinary, because the day of Xiaoxia also coincides with the "plum blossom".

The so-called plum blossom is a saying for the yellow plum rainy season in the south. In the south, from mid-June to early July, there was persistent rainy weather.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

During this time, the rain is abundant and the air is humid, because it coincides with the time when the yellow plum is ripe, so it is called "yellow plum rain". And during this period, the air is humid, and the object is easy to mold, so it is also called "mold rain".

The plum is also called "broken plum", which refers to the end date of the rainy weather in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in early summer. However, when the rainy season ends, the weather will gradually clear and the temperature will gradually rise.

According to the ancient almanac "Shenshu Sutra", the plum blossom will appear on the first day after the summer heat, and its time is generally between July 8 and 19. However, there are exceptions for some years, such as being postponed or even brought forward.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

And this year's dry branch calendar on the day of the Xiaoxia solar term is the "end of Xin", so according to the ancestors, it is the day of the Xiaoxia solar term that happens to be plum. In addition, the day is the first day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, and the day is called the New Year's Day, which is also rare for many years.

3. Is there much rain this year? Will there be a big drought?

Generally, after the plum blossoms, it means that the Jiangnan area will bid farewell to the rainy weather and usher in a sunny and hot summer. Especially during the small summer solar term, farmers are looking forward to rain, and there is also a saying among the folk that "the small summer rain is like silver, and the big summer rain is like gold", which highlights the importance of rain during the small summer and big summer solar terms, because these rains are very beneficial to agriculture.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

And this year's Xiaoxiao solar term coincides with the "plum blossom", which makes people pay more attention to the weather conditions in the future. So, after the summer "plum", is it drought or waterlogging?

Through long-term observation and summarization, our ancestors formed a series of agricultural proverbs about Xiaoxia and "Izumei", which provide us with valuable references.

(1) "Xiaoxia thundered, and I wanted to make seventy-two wild yellow plums." ”

The literal meaning of this proverb is also very simple, if there is thunder during the summer season, whether it rains after the thunder or not, then it indicates that the next weather will be as rainy as the Huangmei season.

And this "wild yellow plum" is for the previous yellow plum, and some places call it "inverted yellow plum", that is, after the yellow plum rain is over, it will make a comeback.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

This is the same as the "inverted spring cold", which is an abnormal natural phenomenon and is often prone to natural disasters. And this of the ancients is not only an empirical statement, but also a basis.

This is because thunder usually indicates an unstable state of the atmosphere, which can lead to persistent rainy weather. Therefore, if there is thunder during the summer season, we need to be prepared for continuous rain.

(2) "The rain hits the head of the heat, and there is no ox for forty-five days." ”

The proverb says that if it rains on the day of the solar term, then there will be plenty of rain for the next 45 days, and the farmers will not need oxen to plow the fields, because it is not suitable to go out to work every day.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

However, excessive rain can also lead to flooding, especially after the summer solar term, during which there are often heavy rainfall, heavy rainfall, and even particularly heavy rainfall, which are very dangerous, so we need to pay close attention to weather changes and prepare for flood control and drainage.

(3) "Xiao Xia Lei, Huang Mei Hui; Pour yellow plum, eighteen days. ”

The meaning of this proverb is that if there is thunder during the summer season, then the yellow plum season may appear again, the so-called "inverted yellow plum". And the "poured yellow plum" usually lasts for about 18 days.

This weather phenomenon is extremely detrimental to the growth of crops and can lead to damage to crop yields. As for the reason for this, the previous proverb has also been introduced.

(4) "The summer heat is less rainy, and it is as hot as a stove." ”

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

The meaning of this proverb is that if there is less rain during the summer season, then the following weather will have more sunny days and less rain, especially during the dog days that follow, which will be mostly sunny, and the weather will be very hot, like a furnace scorching the earth.

In the past, the ancients also relied on these to predict the heat of dog days, and generally there was more rain in the summer season, indicating that there would be more rain in the back, and the temperature on dog days would not be too high. On the contrary, if there is less rain in the summer heat, there will be less rain on dog days, and the temperature will be very high.

There are many similar proverbs among the people, such as "the heat is too hot, the autumn is cold early", "the sun is too hot in the summer, the heat is dry", etc., which can not only predict the rain behind, but also predict the heat of the dog days.

Don't underestimate these proverbs of the ancients, although many of them are empirical, they have also been verified for a long time, otherwise they will not have been passed down to this day, so they are still very valuable as a reference.

6 days of small summer, this year's summer is "out of the plum", followed by drought or waterlogging? After reading it, I know it in my heart

It is worth mentioning that there has been more rain in many places in the south this year, especially during the Huangmei rainy season, when the rainfall is more than usual. And according to the prediction of the ancestors' method, this year is "one dragon to control the water, ten oxen to plough the field", it can be seen that there is no shortage of rain in Futian.

However, it should be noted that extreme weather caused by global warming is frequent, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of rain in some places, and naturally there will be rain and drought in some places, so everyone should still pay attention to weather changes and prepare early. #头条创作挑战赛 ##长文创作激励计划#