
On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

author:Three small hairs

With the arrival of July, we are about to usher in the small heat of the 24 solar terms. The small summer is the fifth solar term of summer, followed by the big summer solar term.

The time is on July 6-8 of the Gregorian calendar every year, and this year's summer is on July 6, which is relatively early, especially on the first day of June in the lunar calendar, which is a rare occurrence in many years.

On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

Summer means hot, and Xiaoxia refers to the fact that the weather is already very hot at this time, but it has not yet reached the hottest time - the great heat.

However, the arrival of the Xiaoxiao solar term also marks the beginning of the hot season in most parts of the mainland. There is a saying in the agricultural proverb that "a small summer is a big summer, and there is nowhere to hide from the heat".

Especially after the summer solar term, this time is around the beginning of the volt, there is a saying in the folk that "cold in Sanjiu, hot in Sanfu", which refers to the coldest time of the year is "Sanjiu days", and the hottest time is "Sanfu days".

This year's dog days start on July 15, and because there are 20 days in the middle and 10 days in the first and last days, there are a total of 40 days in the entire dog days.

On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

In mainland folk, the dog days period is not only the hottest time of the year, but also the most dangerous time, so this year's dog days of 40 days are also the most dangerous 40 days of the year.

During this period, the temperature is high and the humidity is high, which is the hottest period of the year and the biggest test for human health. Therefore, it is also a time when people need to pay special attention to their health. In particular, this year's dog days may be the hottest on record, and extreme weather is frequent, which makes it all the more necessary for us to be vigilant.

There is a saying among the people that "three don'ts", remember the advice of the ancestors, abide by the tradition, and ensure that you can survive the heat safely.

The first is not to sit on the wooden bench in the wild, which means that the wooden benches and chairs placed outdoors cannot be sitting, especially during the dog days, it is taboo to sit on the outdoor wooden bench.

As the old saying goes: "Don't sit on a tree in summer, don't sit on a stone in winter", this is the advice left to us by our ancestors. The reason for such advice is not nonsense, but it is scientifically based.

On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

During the hot summer months, especially during the dog days, there is also a lot of rain, often with thundershowers in the afternoon, and then rain again soon after.

And on dog days, when the temperature is high, the outdoor wooden benches will be soaked with rain. As soon as the sun comes out, although the moisture on the surface seems to be dried, the inside is still damp, and the moisture will rise when the sun is exposed, and the moisture will invade the body when people sit on it, which is very bad for human health.

On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

Not only that, but in winter, you can't sit on outdoor stones and benches, because winter is cold, and the stones are very cold, and sitting on them makes it easy for your buttocks to get cold, which can lead to diarrhea, stomach aches, etc., and even colds.

Secondly, don't blow the "wind through the hall".

In the summer, the temperature is high, and even the wind in the air has a temperature. But if it is in some old houses, or old alleys, it will be very cool, because there is a "wind through the hall" blowing.

However, it is also very dangerous to wear through the hall, and the ancestors left a piece of advice: sleep without sleeping in the alley, the most poisonous through the hall", which means that at night, or when you are resting at noon, do not sleep in the alley, because the harm of the hall is very great.

On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

The so-called "air through the hall" refers to the wind formed by the convection of indoor and outdoor air. In the summer, due to the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, it is easy to feel cool in the hall. However, this wind is harmful to the body.

Ventilation can cause the heat in the human body to dissipate rapidly, causing the body temperature to drop sharply, which can cause colds, headaches and other diseases. Especially when sleeping, if you sleep in the vents or between doors and windows, you are more likely to be attacked by the wind through the hall.

Therefore, when we sleep in summer, we should try to avoid sleeping in vents or gaps between doors and windows to avoid being injured by the wind through the hall. Especially now that many families have fans and air conditioners, it is taboo to blow air conditioners and fans directly when sleeping.

On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

And according to the rules of the ancestors, no matter how hot it is when sleeping, don't show your belly, like many old people will specially tell children that young people should cover their stomachs when they sleep, and they should also avoid stomach cold.

Finally, don't go wild swimming, especially under bridges.

Summer is a good time for swimming, but don't swim in unfamiliar waters, especially wild swimming, because there are great safety hazards.

Just because in the wild waters, there are often many unknown risk factors, such as turbulent currents, different water depths, and overgrown aquatic weeds. All of these factors can lead to accidents for swimmers.

On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

Moreover, we must remember the advice of our ancestors: "Don't go down the bridge when you take a bath, you are most afraid of the heart of the bridge", which means never swim under the bridge.

The water in the heart of the bridge refers to the water flow under the bridge, due to the obstruction of the bridge piers, the water temperature here is much lower, and the water flow under the bridge often becomes turbulent and chaotic, and drowning accidents can easily occur.

Therefore, when we swim in summer, we should choose a regular swimming place and avoid swimming in the wilderness and going to dangerous areas such as bridge water.

In addition to keeping in mind the three things not to do, there are other ways we can deal with the heat. For example, drink plenty of water, eat more light food, avoid prolonged exposure to the hot sun, etc.

On the 6th, the summer will usher in the most dangerous 40 days of the year, keep in mind that there are three things not to do, and successfully pass the scorching heat

In addition, we can also use some traditional methods to prevent heatstroke and cool down, such as drinking mung bean soup, eating watermelon, fanning the wind, etc. These methods are not only effective in lowering body temperature, but also allow us to feel a touch of coolness and comfort during the hot summer months.

In short, the summer solstice, there is a way to escape the heat. I hope that everyone can keep these three things in mind and take effective measures to prevent heatstroke and cool down, so that you will be able to survive this long summer heat.