
People who only buy increased longevity for the elderly will most likely cry in the future


I'm sure that people who only buy increased longevity will most likely cry in the future.

Many people choose to increase the amount of life as a pension product, and only care about its high returns.

To tell the truth, in a relatively fixed time frame, if the increase in life expectancy does not decrease the insurance, the income is indeed higher than that of the annuity.

If you pay 100,000 yuan in the same 10 years, when you reach the age of 80, the income can be 210,000 yuan.

However, if the increased life expectancy is used as a "retirement salary", once the insurance is reduced for various reasons, there is a risk of sitting on the mountain.

Adults know that it's hard to have too many illusions about self-discipline about human nature.

So the matter of pension,

Increasing life can only be assisted, and the main attack must be on annuity insurance.

After retirement, the annuity insurance will automatically give you money every month, and this cash flow will not be interrupted for life.

You don't need to apply, you don't have to worry about it, you can get it every month like payroll.

Don't blow it, don't talk about specific products, today from an objective and rational perspective,

Let's discuss with you why increased life is not suitable for the elderly, and how to allocate assets is more suitable for our pension.


The essence of life enhancement is a regular high-interest large savings,

Most of the longevity products will be collected around the age of 80.

After retirement, most people, in addition to social security, need to rely on the income generated by financial management to maintain daily expenses.

People who only buy increased longevity for the elderly will most likely cry in the future

Suppose we retire at the age of 60 and reduce the insurance for the increased life every year.

The amount of the reduction is equal to the pension received by the annuity product with the same premium,

In the end, it will be found that the annual insurance reduction is 91,700 yuan, and when you are 81 years old,

The cash value in the increased life account is only 54,147 yuan, which is no longer enough to support the continued policy reduction.

People who only buy increased longevity for the elderly will most likely cry in the future

Many people may have scoffed at this:

It's very satisfying to be able to get it to be 80 years old!

I'm sure you complain, but in your heart you still want yourself and your family to live a long and healthy life.

Let me give you some confidence and put on some real data:

According to the National Health Commission's "2021 Statistical Communiqué on the Development of Health Undertakings in the Mainland",

The average life expectancy in mainland China in 2021 is 77 years, and the average life expectancy in Shanghai in mainland China is the highest, at 80.26 years.

The average life expectancy in Hong Kong is 83.2 years for men and 87.9 years for women.

As public health and medical services continue to improve,

For example, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, COVID-19 infectious diseases and other non-communicable diseases, as well as the improvement of maternal, newborn and malnutrition,

The increase in our life expectancy is the main trend, and in the future, "longevity" may not be used as a blessing.

According to the Lancet, by 2035, the average life expectancy in mainland China will reach 81.3 years. Among them, women are 85.1 years old, and women in some areas even exceed 90 years old.

If we only have life enhancements and savings in hand before retirement,

Most people will have an extremely embarrassing dilemma when they get old:

The money is gone, but the person is still alive.

And that's not even counting the contingencies: Do you think you can really spend your money in the palm of your hand as planned?

It's really hard to keep money.

Who wants to pick and search and count the gross tickets to live,

I'm old, and I still want to be a moonshiner.

Especially when people are old and weak, and their minds are gradually unclear, it is even more difficult to keep money.

The news of the elderly being deceived is not uncommon, and if it is left to the children to take care of the kind of "father's love and filial piety", it may be another big drama of family ethics.

The cash flow provided by annuity insurance allows us to always have money to spend, and new income can always make up for our expenses.

The flow of money is like a person's blood, constantly delivering new nutrients to our human body.

If you only have a deposit or an increase in life, resulting in the inability to flow funds,

Then the worries will roll over more and more, and living will become the countdown to the demise of the wallet, and the financial gap will definitely get bigger and bigger.

Imagine, at the age of 80, you are lucky that your body is still strong and healthy, but unfortunately your pockets are empty, how to do it?

The old people in Japan today may be the situation you should face in the future.

According to the 2015 edition of the World Health Statistics report released by the World Health Organization (WTO),

In 2014, the average life expectancy in Japan was 86.83 years for women and 80.50 years for men, both setting new records.

The average life expectancy of Japanese people has been the highest in the world for more than 20 years.

As of 2021, 9.09 million people over the age of 65 in Japan are employed.

In other words, one out of every four seniors over the age of 65 is still working......

From the perspective of product functionality,

Increasing life insurance buys assets, and annuity insurance buys cash flow.

Therefore, my point of view is very clear, the most suitable pension savings insurance must be annuity.


Of course, many people firmly choose annuity insurance when considering retirement.

I also understand everyone's concerns:

When you don't have enough savings on hand, you can't cope with unexpected large expenses.

In fact, increasing life insurance and annuity are not an either/or relationship, but can be combined to jointly escort family wealth.

Don't tell a story, just give a plan,

The plan was made for a customer before, and the basic logic is to increase life + annuity insurance.

With a stable pension of more than 10,000 yuan per month, not only can you receive 2.42 million yuan in 20 years, but also nearly 2 million yuan of funds can be used for emergencies.

Part of the money chooses to increase the amount of life expectancy, and it is also easy to access;

Even if you really encounter a delayed retirement, you can deal with it flexibly, and if you can't do it, you can lie down immediately.

The other part of the money chooses the pension,

Pension can provide a pension equal to the length of life, and is the best stable pension tool.

The double protection before and after can not only ensure retirement on time, but also ensure that the old age is supported.

People who only buy increased longevity for the elderly will most likely cry in the future

A total of 2 million can not only receive a monthly salary, but also a fixed deposit in case of emergency, and a condolence fund in case of death.

2 million separate deposits: 1 million deposits for increased life, 1 million deposits for annuity insurance.

Between the ages of 55 and 64, you can rely on the increase in life to provide a pension.

Reducing the insurance by 120,000 per year is equivalent to receiving a pension of 10,000 yuan per month until the age of 64.

In the past 10 years, a total of 1.2 million has been withdrawn, which has long exceeded the premium paid at that time.

At this time, the cash value of the product is still 590,000, and it can still continue to increase in value.

At the age of 65, the annuity insurance took over and received a pension of 122,000 yuan per year.

By the age of 80, he had received a "salary" of 3.15 million, and at the same time, the fixed deposit had rolled over to 940,000.

By the age of 90, he has received a "salary" of 4.49 million, and at the same time, the fixed deposit has rolled to 1.26 million.

If you unfortunately pass away halfway, your wife and children will also have a lot of condolences money.

If you leave at the age of 70, you will have a condolence payment of 2.06 million.

If you leave at the age of 90, you will have a condolence payment of 1.8 million.

This scheme is a good integration of the savings function of increased life and the cash flow characteristics of annuity insurance.

The money placed in the increased life can be selected according to the specific situation whether to reduce the insurance,

If the insurance is not reduced, the money in the increased life account has reached 3.15 million, and the premium has increased by 3.15 times.

This gain is truly amazing,

There is a lot of choice for leaving it to your children or hiring high-end caregivers for yourself or living in high-end nursing homes.

"Zhu Zi's Family Motto" once said: It is advisable to prepare for the rain, and dig a well without thirst.

Think about future risks so that you can prevent them before they happen.

It's not that I don't like to increase longevity, it's just that what kind of product makes what kind of plan, I am ashamed.

Finally, I would like to reiterate my point:

Pension must give priority to pension insurance, if there is a condition to add increased life insurance as an auxiliary,

The quality of life in retirement must be as good as in the system.

Finally, let me say one more thing:

Don't be unconfident in your lifespan, maintain a healthy lifestyle, Shoubi Nanshan is not a dream.

I suffered so much when I was young.

When you're old, lie down and enjoy your happiness~

People who only buy increased longevity for the elderly will most likely cry in the future