
Adhere to innovation-driven leadership and accelerate the development of new quality productivity

author:Ecological Ya'an

The Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Municipal Party Committee firmly grasped the primary task of high-quality development and the important focus of developing new quality productivity, and made systematic planning and comprehensive arrangements for Ya'an to accelerate the development of new quality productivity and solidly promote high-quality development.

At a new starting point where the city's total economic output has reached the level of 100 billion yuan and the historical promotion of quantity and effective improvement of quality have been realized, accelerating the development of new quality productivity and solidly promoting high-quality development are not only the trend of the times and the mission, but also the practical needs and long-term plans of Ya'an.

The foundation of the development of new quality productivity lies in innovation-driven. How to adhere to innovation-driven leadership and accelerate the development of new quality productivity? The plenary session clarified the goals and tasks: to promote breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, promote the deep transformation and upgrading of industries, promote the green transformation of production methods, and innovate the allocation of production factors.

How to implement the blueprint?

Adhere to innovation-driven leadership and accelerate the development of new quality productivity

Breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation

Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of the development of new productive forces. It is the trend of the times and a top priority to open up new fields and new tracks for development and shape new momentum and new advantages for development with scientific and technological innovation.

As far as our city is concerned, the current problems such as insufficient R&D investment and the lack of prominent status of enterprise innovation have not been solved, and scientific and technological innovation is urgently needed to solve the problem. To this end, the plenary session reviewed the situation, adhered to the problem orientation, and clearly proposed to promote breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation.

How did Ya'an fall into place? The plenary meeting made arrangements for carrying out scientific and technological innovation in key areas, deepening collaborative innovation of production, education, research and application, promoting the quality and efficiency of innovation platforms, and attracting and retaining innovative talents.

"The plenary meeting identified four key areas of scientific and technological research, especially the clear application of basalt fiber, solid waste recycling, etc., which have been explored in Tianquan and achieved good results." Yu Li, secretary of the Tianquan County Party Committee, said that Tianquan will continue to focus on advanced materials, new building materials and other key pillar industries in the county, continue to carry out scientific and technological research, and strive to give birth to more new industries, new models and new kinetic energy, so as to form a "positive closed loop" driven by scientific and technological innovation.

Enterprises are the most sensitive to scientific and technological innovation. Strengthening the leadership of scientific and technological innovation is inseparable from the main role of enterprises. The plenary session emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation and guide enterprises to increase R&D investment.

In recent years, Sichuan Zhongya Technology Co., Ltd. has further promoted "intelligent transformation and digital transformation", independently developed a factory management platform, vigorously promoted digital production transformation, reduced production costs, and improved product competitiveness. In 2023, the production unit consumption will decrease by 9% compared with 2022, and the production unit consumption from January to May 2024 will continue to decrease by 10% year-on-year.

"Innovation is the first driving force for the company's development. Pay attention to the design of innovation system, and build a good innovation platform to attract and cultivate innovative talents. Zheng Jia, general manager of Sichuan Zhongya Technology Co., Ltd., said that the company will actively develop new quality productivity, make the enterprise stronger and bigger, and contribute to the sustained and stable growth of Ya'an's economy.

Mao Jianmei, director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, introduced that the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau will actively cultivate innovative subjects, promote balanced regional development, focus on solving the problem of uneven development of science and technology enterprises and scientific and technological innovation industries, promote the flow and sharing of innovation resources between circles, narrow the gap between regional innovation subjects, and coordinate the layout of new quality productivity tracks. At the same time, relying on the innovation platform, strengthen the cooperation between industry, academia, research and application, and vigorously promote the construction of innovation platforms around the layout of regional leading industries. Combined with the city's advantageous and characteristic industries, the implementation of scientific and technological research, breakthroughs in key common technologies.

The innovation, mastery and use of new quality productivity all require "new quality talents".

"The so-called 'new' is the new discipline and specialization, the new education model, and the new technology empowerment." Zhang Qiang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Sichuan Agricultural University, said that he would further give full play to the intellectual and resource advantages of the school, continue to help Ya'an agricultural science and technology innovation, the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries and the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, further deepen the city-school cooperation mechanism, do a good job in the introduction, education and retention of innovative talents, and actively guide graduates and innovative talents to stay in Ya'an for employment and entrepreneurship, so as to better serve and contribute to the high-quality development of Ya'an.

In-depth transformation and upgrading of the industry

Leading industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, promoting industrial toughness and strong groups, and in-depth transformation and upgrading are the fundamental paths for the development of new quality productivity.

How to promote the deep transformation and upgrading of the industry? The plenary session pointed out the direction: adhere to the new industrialization as a leading project for high-quality development, promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system rich in Ya'an's characteristics and advantages.

The goal has been set, the path is clear, and the specific grasp is the key. The participants unanimously expressed that it is necessary to continue to strengthen the scientific and technological empowerment of key advantageous industries, accelerate the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, and further promote the "intelligent transformation and digital transformation" of the manufacturing industry.

"Based on the current resource advantages of Lushan, the development of the county economy and industrial economy must accelerate the in-depth transformation and upgrading of the industry." Yang Jun, secretary of the Lushan County Party Committee, said that based on the current "2+1" modern manufacturing system in Lushan ("2" refers to the two pillar industries of textiles and lithium batteries; "1" to the textile, food and drug industry-based green industry) development, green empowerment to develop new quality productivity, promote the transformation and upgrading of the traditional textile industry, innovation and development of food and drug processing emerging industries, promote the formation of a new pattern of modern industry, accelerate the transformation of industrial production and manufacturing, break a new path in green intelligent manufacturing, and develop Lushan industrial economy.

The plenum proposed to improve the efficiency level of the advanced materials industry and accelerate the layout of the sodium battery industry. Zhou Xianxiang, chairman of Yazhou Group, said that the city's rich reserves of miscanthus nitrate and calcium carbonate resources, as well as the sodium carbonate made from them, will provide strong basic support for the development of the industry.

"In April this year, the sodium resources green and low-carbon recycling industrial park project has started construction." Zhou Xianxiang revealed that the world's first set of proton circulating ion membrane technology will also be used in the project, compared with the traditional process, energy saving 40%, cost reduction of 50%, the first phase of 20,000 tons of small batch production is expected to be achieved in the first half of next year, after the completion of all, the annual output of sodium carbonate will reach 2 million tons. At the same time, the city will also take the sodium resource green and low-carbon recycling industrial park as the core, and build the whole sodium battery industry chain through investment promotion.

Green transformation of production methods

The "high quality" of new quality productivity is largely reflected in green development.

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee clearly supported Ya'an to carry out the provincial pilot of the ecological product value realization mechanism.

The Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Municipal Party Committee further clarified the focus of the city's efforts to promote the green transformation of production methods around accelerating the transformation of ecological value, further promoting green manufacturing, and vigorously developing clean energy.

In this regard, the participants reached a consensus: it is necessary to firmly implement the concept of green development throughout the whole process of economic and social development, actively promote the green transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote the provincial pilot of the value realization mechanism of ecological products in an integrated manner, and strive to make the background of Ya'an's green development brighter and more colorful.

In recent years, relying on the advantages of abundant hydropower, clean energy, mineral resources and other advantages, Tianquan County has cultivated and expanded green and low-carbon industrial clusters represented by lithium battery anode materials, basalt "wire drawing", short-process steelmaking, etc., which has effectively promoted the transformation of production methods.

Yu Li said that Tianquan will seize the policy window period such as large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, adhere to the "two-handed" "two-handed" approach to the technological upgrading of traditional industries and the cultivation and growth of emerging industries, accelerate the intelligent transformation, digital transformation and green upgrading of the physical industry, and promote the upgrading of traditional building materials industries such as steel and cement, the construction of advanced materials industries such as lithium batteries and the construction of green resource transformation and utilization projects. At the same time, we will support relevant enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, improve quality and expand greenery, form an increment of new kinetic energy, and constitute a new economic growth point.

"We will continue to make efforts to expand green energy, strengthen green building materials, and improve the processing of agricultural products." Chen Jianwei, deputy secretary of the Yucheng District Party Committee and head of the district, introduced.

To be implemented, Yucheng District will focus on the clean energy endowment, vigorously support Yadian and other enterprises to carry out capacity expansion, rely on the existing industry to develop new energy storage such as lithium batteries and sodium batteries, and build a new comprehensive energy supply base. Accelerate the development of green building materials enterprises such as Guoxin building materials and multi-camp new building materials, open up the market directly supplied to Chengdu and Chongqing, and build the city's largest green building materials production base.

"Based on the advantages of agricultural products such as pigs, tea, fruits and vegetables, we will promote the intensive processing of meat products, fruits and vegetables, build a production and marketing center for meat products in western Sichuan, and build a supply base for primary products in Chongqing. Develop a new track of prefabricated vegetable industry, and gradually form a prefabricated vegetable industry base that supplies Chengdu and Chongqing and radiates to the southwest. Chen Jianwei said that Yucheng District should combine the endowment of forest and bamboo resources to make new materials for fine forest and bamboo to achieve efficient transformation of resources.

Li Wenjun, President of the Ya'an Branch of the Bank of China, said that it is necessary to continue to expand the scale of green loans, adjust the structure, expand projects such as the integration of water, wind and solar, and pumped storage based on hydropower, further strengthen the research on the green loan catalog, and focus on the requirements of green and low-carbon development of the economy and society, and expand in the fields of energy conservation and emission reduction, clean production, ecological protection, and urban waste treatment, so as to realize the transformation and development of green loans.

Innovate the allocation of production factors

The innovative allocation of production factors is the core driving force for the birth of new quality productivity.

The plenum made it clear that it is necessary to innovate the allocation of production factors, strengthen the supply of factors, strengthen policy support, stimulate the vitality of reform, and promote the smooth flow of various advanced production factors to the development of new quality productive forces.

Zhou Chuan, secretary of the Shimian County Party Committee, said that it is necessary to strengthen the allocation of factors around enhancing innovation capabilities.

"In the field of innovation, we need to give better play to the power of finance." Zhou Chuan said that in terms of financial coordination, many innovative products and innovative formats need innovative financial support. In terms of supporting local innovation transformation and industry innovation application, it is necessary to increase financial support, so as to more accurately solve the transformation of innovation achievements and the expansion of innovation applications. At the same time, combined with local characteristic industries, promote industrial chain financial services, and use financial capital to help the in-depth optimization and upgrading of industrial structure.

"Focus on the main responsibilities and main business, take industry as the foundation and project as the king, accelerate the transformation to high-quality development, make every effort to consolidate the main position of a strong industrial city, and work together to build the core economic circle of Yumingjing." Luo Gang, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone, said that in terms of optimizing the environment, the Economic and Technological Development Zone should make breakthroughs in helping enterprises to rejuvenate enterprises, deepen the innovation of systems and mechanisms, adhere to the principle of "cadres to the front line, around the enterprise", make good use of various policies to benefit enterprises, promote the value-added of government services, and strive to be included in the second batch of integrated reform pilot lists in the province. In terms of guaranteeing factors, it is necessary to continue to improve the urban and rural integrated public service facilities in the core economic circle of Yumingjing, focus on the "per mu benefit" to optimize the allocation of land resources, optimize the talent introduction, cultivation and retention mechanism, and integrate forces to ensure high-quality development.

In the view of Rao Xi, deputy secretary of the Yingjing County Party Committee and county magistrate, to innovate the allocation of production factors, we should focus on green development, make full use of the water resources of Yingjing Mountain, do a good job of "one mountain and one water", and realize the transformation of ecological value.

In the article of doing a good job of "mountain", Yingjing is endowed with unique ecological resources, with a forest coverage rate of 80.31%, ranking first in the province, with the most beautiful ancient Zhennan forest in China, the most beautiful 360-degree viewing platform in Asia, Niubei Mountain, etc., these "mountain" resources can be developed into new quality productivity in Ya'an. In the article of doing a good job in "water", we will continue to make the cold-water fish industry better, stronger and bigger. "At present, Yingjing is building a national cold-water fish breeding park. At the same time, there is another 'water' - the development and utilization of the hot spring industry, as well as the attraction of the mineral water industry. Rao Xi said.

"The Municipal Bureau of Commerce will promote the production service industry to specialize and extend the high-end of the value chain, realize the high-quality and diversified upgrading of the life service industry, accelerate the cultivation of the 'Shuli Comfort and Elegant Life' consumer brand, and inject new momentum into the promotion of high-quality development." Cai Xiaoran, director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said.

This newspaper reporter Zheng Yusha, Sun Zhenyu, Lu Nina, Zheng Yang, Gao Feifei, Shi Yuchuan, Li Xiaoming, Jiang Yangyang wrote by reporters