
Liu Ge'an: Be prepared for battle, strictly guard against stubborn defense, strictly supervise and guide, strictly enforce discipline, and fight a tough battle against floods and disasters

author:Zhangjiajie in the palm of your hand
Liu Ge'an: Be prepared for battle, strictly guard against stubborn defense, strictly supervise and guide, strictly enforce discipline, and fight a tough battle against floods and disasters
Liu Ge'an: Be prepared for battle, strictly guard against stubborn defense, strictly supervise and guide, strictly enforce discipline, and fight a tough battle against floods and disasters

Liu Ge'an emphasized when presiding over the video scheduling meeting for flood control and disaster relief

Be ready for battle, strictly guard against stubborn defense, strictly supervise and guide, and strictly discipline

Fight a tough battle against floods and disasters

In the early morning of June 28, Liu Ge'an, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a video dispatch meeting for flood control and disaster relief. He stressed that it is necessary to be vigilant in battle, to guard against stubborn defense, to strictly supervise and guide in a down-to-earth manner, to strictly enforce discipline, and to go all out to fight the tough battle of flood prevention and disaster relief with an attitude of being highly responsible to the masses of the people. City leaders Shang Shenglong, He Jianren, Zhao Yunhai, Yan Ruizeng, and Zhao Xu participated.

Liu Ge'an: Be prepared for battle, strictly guard against stubborn defense, strictly supervise and guide, strictly enforce discipline, and fight a tough battle against floods and disasters

At the scheduling meeting, the Municipal Meteorological Bureau and the Municipal Hydrological Bureau reported the city's rain and water conditions, analyzed and judged the weather development trend, and the districts and counties introduced the flood prevention and disaster relief work through video connection.

Liu Ge'an pointed out that the current round of heavy rainfall is still continuing, and it is expected that the rain will increase in the coming period. All departments at all levels in the city must fully understand the severity and complexity of the current situation of flood prevention and disaster relief, resolutely overcome paralyzing thinking, luck mentality, and laxity, carry forward the spirit of continuous combat, and work with one heart and all efforts to prevent floods and fight disasters, so as to ensure that the beginning and the end are good, and that the work is done well.

Liu Ge'an stressed that it is necessary to be vigilant, pay close attention to the trend changes in rain, water, and dangerous conditions, strengthen on-duty duty, fully mobilize the masses, and prepare sufficient materials for flood prevention and disaster relief. It is necessary to strictly guard against stubbornness, keep an eye on the embankment and dam, focus on the weak points and dangerous areas, strengthen the weak areas, transfer the dangerous areas, fortify the dangerous areas, and quickly drain the waterlogged areas, further consolidate the work responsibilities, and strengthen scientific scheduling. It is necessary to strictly supervise and guide, strictly check whether the leaders lead the class, whether the cadres are on duty, whether the hidden dangers are eliminated, whether the transfer is timely, and whether the placement is in place, so as to supervise and promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the work. It is necessary to strictly enforce discipline, and it is strictly forbidden to leave one's post without authorization, fail to carry out orders, and pass the buck, and those who cause serious consequences will be seriously investigated and held accountable.

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Liu Ge'an: Be prepared for battle, strictly guard against stubborn defense, strictly supervise and guide, strictly enforce discipline, and fight a tough battle against floods and disasters

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