
When will white radish and green radish be planted? This is the most opportune time, and the time is of the essence

author:Rural dialect nostalgia

There are many varieties of radish, there are white radish, green radish, carrot and so on, white radish is widely planted in the north and south of the mainland, it has a certain difference from green radish, carrot, white radish's adaptability is stronger than other radish, but the storage capacity is not as good as green radish and carrot. Now it will soon enter July, and the middle of July is the ambush, and there is a saying in the countryside: "the first radish and the second cabbage". So, when is the right time to grow white radish and green radish? What are the main points of planting? Let's take a look.

When will white radish and green radish be planted? This is the most opportune time, and the time is of the essence

White radish

Logically speaking, many varieties of white radish can be grown in spring, summer and autumn, otherwise why are there white radishes in the market all year round. But now it's almost July, and if you plant it again, it's autumn radish. Autumn radish is generally planted from mid-July to August in the northern region, and from late August to around October in the south of the Yangtze River. For example, in the northeast and northwest, it is planted in mid to late July, and in various parts of North China, it is planted from August 1 to 20. In the south, the seeds are sown in September-October.

When will white radish and green radish be planted? This is the most opportune time, and the time is of the essence


Green radish is generally mostly planted in autumn, and the time to plant green radish can be slightly later than white radish a few days, because green radish is mainly used for winter storage, and the taste is poor when harvested early, and white radish can be harvested earlier. But then again, it is not too late to plant green radish, too late it will grow small, which will affect the yield, and you can refer to the local climate and the previous annual cultivation habits. But one thing to understand is that the autumn vegetable planting time is very short, whether it is radish or cabbage in every region, it is only a few days to plant. For example, in some places in the Northeast, radishes should be planted in the first volt, and if they are planted again in the second volt, it must be a little late. Therefore, the sowing time must be grasped well.

When will white radish and green radish be planted? This is the most opportune time, and the time is of the essence

Essentials of radish planting

1. Plough the ground and fertilize

Before planting radish for 2-3 days, it is recommended to apply bottom fertilizer first, and then plough the soil deeply, and make a field furrow or ridge planting with a height of about 20 cm to prevent excessive rain from affecting the growth of seedlings. Again, mixing the fertilizer into the soil is conducive to fertilizer dispersion and avoids concentrated fertilization, which can lead to root bifurcation and poor growth. Fertilizers can be decomposed organic fertilizers, compound fertilizers, etc. Once the base fertilizer and soil are ready, you can start planting.

When will white radish and green radish be planted? This is the most opportune time, and the time is of the essence

2. Planting

Planting radish can be according to the row spacing of about 50-60 cm, plant spacing according to the size of the radish about 20-30 cm for planing pits, planing pits should not be too deep, as shallow as possible, and then watering the pit, and so on after the water seeps down, each hole point sow about 4-5 grains, after sowing seeds, cover the soil no more than 1 cm later, do not cover the soil thick, otherwise it is difficult to emerge. When planting radish, due to the high temperature and strong light, coupled with less cover soil, you can find items to cover and moisturize after planting, which is conducive to seed germination and seedling, and after 70 hours, the covering items can be removed, so that the seedlings can emerge smoothly.

When will white radish and green radish be planted? This is the most opportune time, and the time is of the essence

3. Post-emergence management

The first thing after the radish emerges is to pay attention to the prevention and control of jumping beetles, because jumping beetles specifically harm seedlings that do not have real leaves, and it is good to wait for them to grow true leaves. The second thing is to divide the seedlings, the first time in the time when the true leaves have just grown, pull out the overly dense seedlings, maintain the growth gap between the seedlings, and the second time wait until 4-5 true leaves when the seedlings are fixed, one hole and one tree. And during the seedling period, it is necessary to hoe and loosen the soil, which is conducive to the growth of seedlings. Again, we should pay attention to the dryness and wetness of the soil at the seedling stage, water it in time when it is dry, and pay attention to drainage if there is too much rain.

When will white radish and green radish be planted? This is the most opportune time, and the time is of the essence

Well, the planting time and planting points of white radish and green radish are shared above, I hope it can help you.