
The woman was reunited with her parents after 38 years of abduction: when she gave birth to a child, she felt that her mother was very sacred, and for the first time she had the idea of looking for her relatives

The woman was reunited with her parents after 38 years of abduction: when she gave birth to a child, she felt that her mother was very sacred, and for the first time she had the idea of looking for her relatives

Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News

2024-06-28 19:10Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News official account

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01 Wang Yingxin, who has been abducted for 38 years, and his biological parents Wang Mingsheng and Shi Wenxue were successfully reunited in Mianyang, Sichuan.

02 Wang Yingxin was raised by her adoptive parents since she was a child, and she had the idea of looking for her biological parents for the first time at the age of 22, because she felt that her mother was very sacred when she gave birth to a child.

03 Due to the poor health of her adoptive parents, Wang Yingxin got married at the age of 20 and took care of her adoptive parents while taking care of her children.

From 042021 to 2022, the adoptive parents passed away one after another, and Wang Yingxin missed his biological parents even more, so he contacted the police to collect blood and start searching.

On the afternoon of June 28, Wang Yingxin finally hugged his biological parents and sighed, "I long for family affection and the feeling of being with my biological parents." ”

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Wang Yingxin knew that she was not biological since she was a child, but her adoptive parents treated her very well. The first time she had the idea of looking for her biological parents was when she gave birth to her eldest son, she felt that "mother" was a very sacred identity and wanted to embrace her biological mother. In 2022, before her adoptive mother passed away, she also had the opportunity to find her biological parents. So, Wang Yingxin contacted the police to collect blood and began to search for relatives.

In November 2023, Shaanxi people Wang Mingsheng and Shi Wenxue also sought help from Hu Xiangyu's studio of the Mianyang Public Security Bureau to find their daughter Wang Meili, who had been missing for 38 years. After cross-provincial police cooperation, it was confirmed that Wang Yingxin was the abducted Wang Meili.

"Mom and Dad, I finally hugged you!" On the afternoon of June 28, Wang Yingxin was at the reunion scene, holding his biological parents tightly for a long time and refusing to let go.

The woman was reunited with her parents after 38 years of abduction: when she gave birth to a child, she felt that her mother was very sacred, and for the first time she had the idea of looking for her relatives

▲ Wang Yingxin hugged his biological parents and was reluctant to let go for a long time

Independent from an early age

Although the adoptive parents are not in good condition, they are very good to her 

In order to reduce the burden on his family, he has been living with his own hands

Wang Yingxin has lived in a rural village in Dezhou, Shandong Province for as long as she can remember, and she is the only child in the family. When she was a child, her parents' age always bothered her. Before she went to school, her parents were in their 40s, older than the parents of other children, and she thought it strange at the time, but she didn't take it seriously.

When she was in the third or fourth grade of elementary school, one day, a group of children were playing together, and one of them suddenly said to her, "You brought it here, go back to your house." This sentence made Wang Yingxin cry, and she immediately ran home to ask her mother, but she didn't get a clear answer. It didn't take long for Wang Yingxin to learn the truth from relatives and neighbors that he had been sold here when he was 2 years old. But no one knows where the biological parents are.

"My parents here in Shandong are very good to me, our family conditions are not good, but my parents always leave me delicious food, I remember that at that time they ate wowotou and gave me white flour steamed buns." Wang Yingxin said.

In Wang Yingxin's memory, five years after she finished primary school, because her family couldn't afford to pay the tuition, she went to work in a brick kiln factory not far from her home. At that time, there were two options, one was to clean up, which was easier; One is to move bricks, which is tiring, but will make a little more money. Because the situation at home was not good, Wang Yingxin firmly chose to move bricks. In her heart, it is nothing to be tired and tired, as long as she can make money, she can make her life better.

When she was 20 years old, Wang Yingxin got married, and after marriage, her husband was doing construction decoration outside, and she began to get up early in the morning to grind tofu, and then go to the market to sell subsidies to supplement the family. "Although these years have been very hard, I have always lived with my own hands."

Find your parents

When giving birth, I feel that my mother is very sacred

For the first time, I had the idea of looking for my biological parents

At the age of 21, Wang Yingxin had the idea of finding her biological parents for the first time. It was when she gave birth to her eldest son, and her adoptive mother did not go to the delivery room because of her poor health. When her son was born, Wang Yingxin looked at her son's appearance, and suddenly felt that "mother" was a very sacred identity, and thought that her biological mother gave birth to her in this way and gave her life.

"Three or four days after the birth of my eldest son, I saw an aunt in the same delivery room taking care of her daughter very carefully, and I suddenly felt that I was such an important thing as a mother, but my biological mother was not around and could not share my joy. At that time, I really wanted to be my own mother. She said that she gave birth to a son and a daughter, and since then, she has taken care of her children and adoptive parents at the same time.

The woman was reunited with her parents after 38 years of abduction: when she gave birth to a child, she felt that her mother was very sacred, and for the first time she had the idea of looking for her relatives

▲Wang Yingxin (first from right) and his biological parents

Around 2020, the adoptive parents had physical problems one after another and were bedridden. "In their old age, my mother (adoptive mother) told me that if I had the chance, I should find my biological parents, otherwise I would be very lonely when they left." Wang Yingxin said, "This is the first time my mother has talked to me about this topic, and I know that she can't rest assured of me, and I know that I will be lonely in my heart." ”

From 2021 to 2022, her adoptive parents passed away one after another, and Wang Yingxin missed her biological parents even more. So, she contacted the police to collect blood and began to search for her biological parents.

"I don't have any hatred in my heart, I just guess: why did my biological parents lose me? Did they not want me anymore, or did the traffickers steal me while my biological parents were not looking? Are my biological parents looking for me? Wang Yingxin said, "I still want to know the answer, but no matter what happens, as long as I can find my biological parents, my heart can be relieved." I just wanted to throw myself into their arms and ask them to give me a hug. ”

Abducted at the age of 2

Disappeared while watching a show with my cousin

The parents have been looking for 38 years, and the police have helped the family reunite

Wang Yingxin longs to hug his biological parents, and Wang Mingsheng and Shi Wenxue, who are far away in Shaanxi, are also eager to find their daughter, and they have been looking for them for 38 years.

70-year-old Wang Mingsheng told Red Star News that they are from Ankang, Shaanxi, and their daughter's real name is Wang Meili, in 1986, when her daughter was 2 years old, there was a performance at the local county cultural center, and her daughter went out to watch the performance with her 8-year-old cousin.

"In the evening, my daughter's cousin came back alone and said that my daughter was missing, and he couldn't tell the specific situation, only that there were many people and that my daughter was lost." Wang Mingsheng recalled that they rushed to the police at that time, but there was no news from them everywhere. In those years, as long as they heard that there were children in the vicinity of Ankang who had been recovered, they went to inquire about the news, but they were disappointed one time at a time.

Now, Wang Mingsheng works as a property manager in a community, and his wife is at home. Because of their age, the old couple has bad legs and feet, and they have not been able to go out to look for them all these years, but they have always thought about their daughter in their hearts and have never forgotten it. In November 2023, Wang Mingsheng and his wife asked for help from Hu Xiangyu's studio of the Mianyang Public Security Bureau.

On June 28, Hu Xiangyu told Red Star News that after receiving a request for help, he found through verification that Wang Mingsheng and Shi Wenxue had not been sampled and entered the anti-abduction system, and then remotely guided the collection of biological samples from the two and mailed them to the Mianyang police for storage. At the same time, an in-depth analysis was conducted on the disappearance and abduction of children and the direction of possible abduction, so as to clarify the direction of manual comparison and search in the next step.

Until March 2024, the DNA information of the two couples has not progressed in the blind comparison of the anti-trafficking system of the national public security organs. In late March, when the police in the studio conducted a routine manual search of the data of the recently stored relatives, they found that Wang Mingsheng and Shi Wenxue were highly suspected of having a relationship with Wang Yingxin, a suspected missing and abducted child collected by the Meihekou City Public Security Bureau of Jilin Province in 2021, but the system showed that there was a DNA mutation between parents and children, so it was not automatically identified and needed to be further verified by the public security organs.

The woman was reunited with her parents after 38 years of abduction: when she gave birth to a child, she felt that her mother was very sacred, and for the first time she had the idea of looking for her relatives

▲The younger brother gave the sister the White Rabbit toffee

On April 20, after screening and comparing the data of the Ministry of Public Security's Criminal Information System on Combating Trafficking in Women and Children, the Ministry of Public Security's Anti-Trafficking Office issued an order to further conduct a kinship assessment of Wang Mingsheng, Shi Wenxue and his wife, as well as Wang Yingxin, a native of Shandong. Immediately, after cross-provincial police cooperation, the DNA laboratories of the police in Mianyang, Sichuan and Meihekou, Jilin jointly reviewed and tested paternity, and confirmed that the genetic markers of the blood samples tested were in line with the laws of heredity, and it was confirmed that Wang Yingxin, a native of Shandong, was Wang Meili, the child of Wang Mingsheng and Shi Wenxue who disappeared in Ankang, Shaanxi Province in 1986.

"I crave affection and the feeling of being with my biological parents. In the future, I will do my best to make them happy in their old age. On the afternoon of June 28, at the reunion scene, Wang Yingxin hugged his parents and was reluctant to let go for a long time. The desire to hug your parents finally came true at this moment.

Red Star News reporter Tang Xiaojun photo report

Edited by He Xianxian, edited by Guan Li

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  • The woman was reunited with her parents after 38 years of abduction: when she gave birth to a child, she felt that her mother was very sacred, and for the first time she had the idea of looking for her relatives
  • The woman was reunited with her parents after 38 years of abduction: when she gave birth to a child, she felt that her mother was very sacred, and for the first time she had the idea of looking for her relatives
  • The woman was reunited with her parents after 38 years of abduction: when she gave birth to a child, she felt that her mother was very sacred, and for the first time she had the idea of looking for her relatives

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